UNLOCKERS Y QUIENES MANTIENEN AUN SU BASEBAND DESBLOQUEABLE DEBEN ABSTENERSE DE USAR ESTO!!!! Si instalas el iOS6 perderás la opción de desbloquear la baseband.
ESTE JAILBREAK ES DIRGIDO SOLO A DESARROLLADORES DE APPS JAILBROKEN! Hay demasiadas componentes rotos (apps oficiales de Apple, terceros App Store apps, Cydia apps, etc.) es útil solo a desarrolladores que realmente buscan para corregir errores en sus Apps para iOS 6.
CYDIA NO SE INSTALARA!! por que no hemos tenido tiempo de actualizarlo con el nuevo SDK. El único acceso que tendrás al dispositivo será mediante SSH o afc2. Si no sabes o conoces nada de esto no deberías instalar ni usar esta versión para desarrolladores de redsn0w!
ESTE REDSN0W NO TIENE HACTIVATE! Necesitas ser un Desarrollador de iOS con un UDID registrado para poder pasar las pantallas de activacion. POR FAVOR NO PIRATEE EL SOFTWARE DE APPLE!! Solamente desarrolladores registrados con Macs pueden desarrollar applicaciones para el iOS, y solamente estas personas tienen acceso legitimo legal a los betas del IPSWs.
ESTO ES UN TETHERED JAILBREAK Solamente! No hay nuevas vulnerabilidades, exploits, expuestas en este jailbreak (si usa geohot's limera1n bootrom exploit), pero esto tiene un costo. Necesitara usar la opcion de redsn0w "Just boot" para poder usar muchas cosas inluido Cydia y Safari. Si te aparece un icono blanco de Cydia, o si Cydia o Safari se caen cuando los abre, esto es por que usted no logró boot tethered.
Puede descargar la última versión de RedSn0w desde here. Tenga en cuenta que usted deberá seleccionar manualmente si IPSW al momento de realizar el jailbreak.
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What old womens have between their tits?
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................The navel!
hello USA people just to inform you that I have installed iOS 6 for my beloved iphone 4 now my slow iphone is just as fast as a new one. Thank you also I not need unlock but jail break very good take me 5 min Ty Ty ty
waited for this. Long time now now my phone seems to be much faster with ios6 took me over 1 hour to jail brek though after 10 true it worked. If you were here I would kiss you
This JB can (and has been) only be fixed by new hardware. That is why the newer devices (4S, etc.) are not and will never be supported.
This is only a tethered JB, a thing that might be ok for developers, but might not be so nice for end users who have to reboot their device on the road.
I just installed OS6 on my 3gs and it took me all of 9 minutes. Thank u division team out standing and took 3 minutes to jail break Runs 5 times as fast now I will donate to it cause thanks again
I also had trouble to install ios6 but..... If you you use FIREFOX it will install for some reason if you use just window xp or 7 it is not compatible. And just to add this is the best upgrade yet as it puts it iphone in a super fast speed
You do it by clicking the "Do you want to upgrade now?" button that appears when you plug your device in. Or you leave the automatic update feature turned on. It's not that hard to do. Besides, iOS 6 won't "erase your data" (assuming you have iCloud or back up your data). Besides that, there are now several services to back up your Cydia apps and settings as well.
You can only upgrade to iOS6 beta with a developer key. So there is NO accidential upgrade possible at all and no "do you want to upgrade" button.
Apart from that, there has NEVER been an automatic upgrade function in iTunes or iOS. But you would know that, if you knew your iOS.
Even if you "accidentally" hit the upgrade button it still gives you a warning/TOS agreement and it has to download the new firmware. Plus iTunes backs up your shit, extracts the firmware, and prepares your iPhone for upgrade. 10-15 mins to realize that you hit the upgrade button. PLENTY of time to unplug your cable from your iPhone and avoid "accidentally" upgrading.