¿Habrá Apple Ordenado a Best Buy Dejar de Vender el iPad 2?
Posted April 8, 2011 at 1:31am by iClarified
Diversos reportes indican que Apple a detenido la venta del iPad 2 en Best Buy debido a que el minorista de electrónicos ha manejado inadecuadamente la venta del dispositivo.
De acuerdo con un informante de CrunchGear, Best Buy retenía en inventarios el dispositivo haciéndole creer a los clientes que se había agotado, cuando en realidad solo habían alcanzado su cuota de ventas diaria. La fuente afirma que Tim Cook se encuentra actualmente negociando con Best Buy sobre el asunto.
Por su parte, TUAW reporta que también un lector les advirtió del congelamiento de las ventas. Él afirma que hasta nuevo aviso, el gigante de los electrónicos a retirado toda existencia del dispositivo, a excepción de los equipos de muestra.
Déjanos saber si has oido algo para corroborar éstos reportes.
I was at three different apple stores. They open their doors earlier than the mall to sell a small amount of iPads. Am I supposed to assume they get a delivery every single morning including Sunday's?
You don't need to assume anything, but in fact, Apple stores are getting frequent, if not almost daily shipments. They are not artificially limiting sales.
Apple stores get deliveries everyday except for Sunday and Monday. And that is because there is no shipments sent out from distribution on Saturday or Sunday.
That's ridiculous. This is a business agreement, not government intervention in how a business conducts itself. Apple has a very specific business model, and they have a negotiated agreement with Best But as a reseller in order to maintain the integrity of that business model. BestBuy, if the rumor is true, did not honor that agreement by withholding stock. It's very simple. This isn't a matter of control or anyone dictating how another business operates. It's about honoring a negotiated contract that was entered into willfully by both companies.
The Best Buy in Sherman Oaks CA would no sell any for the past month. The next day from the release date they put up signs saying you can pre-order one and so i did. I got it in about a week. Then I went in to order a second one they said that there not taking any orders anymore. It it was like that for over a month now they wouldn't sell to anyone.