Steve Jobs and Gawker's Ryan Tate Get In Email War
Posted May 15, 2010 at 9:16pm by iClarified
Gawker's Ryan Tate sent Steve Jobs an angry email last night which sparked a ferocious email exchange between the two.
I didn't plan to pick a fight with Steve Jobs last night. It just sort of happened: An iPad advertisement ticked me off; I sent the Apple CEO an angry email; he told me about "freedom from porn."
You can read through the exchange below. Tate has a few regrets about how he handled the conversation which he discusses in the read more link...
Steve job is like an evil Gandhi , using his and i quote "Pure " ways to make the public buy his products , i mean , why does he want to limit people rights and make it seem like its the right decision to so , maybe hes not forcing you to buy the product directly , but when the market decides that his product is a must and when a majority of people jump on this bandwagon you can clearly start to c a pattern growing.
Jobs keeps insisting that he prevented porn from apple products. Its the opposite actually. Porn has never been easier to access now using an iPhone/iPod/iPad. Only thing he has done regarding to porn, was block it from the APP store.
Apple put the rules and the tools in a way that no one can change the vision that they had for the product. The thing is that if you wanna play in Apples game and deal with Apple cmrs you must use their tools and follow their rules. Is not that difficult to understand
I would have to agree with the original response. Microsoft and palm do not stop you from compiling and doing what you want. They leave what gets installed to the end user. The way it SHOULD be since the end user is the one paying for the device, NOT the company
Wow! If this is real, it's a powerful interchange of ideas. I personally like the direction Jobs is going with reinventing the mouse (gestures, touch screen) and creating a modern day gold rush for apps, but hate that they have become big brother from the movie 1984 that they spoofed with their introduction to the Macintosh. Jobs needs to understand why we feel betrayed. He had the chance to screw the evil cell phone industry by making the iPhone unlocked, but he chose not to and even worse join forces with AT&T. It reminds me of the Star Wars epic.
I kinda agree with Jobs that you dont have to use use or develop for Apple. But I do worry when someone says their motives are Pure. That's what scares me the most, almost as if you're buying into a cult...