The iTunes 9.1 update reportedly stops iPhones and iPod touches that are tethered jailbroken with BlackRa1n from being able to reboot.
This issues are only being experienced by Windows users because according to iH8Sn0w "blackra1n hooks to the dll that has different offsets of what it is actually looking for"
iH8Sn0w has since released a blackra1n fix for iTunes 9.1 which can be downloaded from here. Both 32Bit + 64Bit are supported.
Please note this is not an official update from Geohot. Its unclear if he plans to release one.
i',m unable to sync tunes with my jail broken ipod touch today.but after i restore to factory setting its working.i'm running itune 9.0
Long Live Dev Team, George Hotz, Jay Freeman and the whole Jailbreaking Community. Let the downfall of Apple begin. When that happens to Apple, I'll be in the first row cheering their downfall at my highest decibel.