Tweak Enables Apple's Hidden One Handed Keyboard for iPhone
Posted October 23, 2016 at 4:57pm by iClarified
OneHanded is a new tweak from Frozen Penguin that enables a hidden one handed keyboard in iOS.
Enables the built-in shortcuts of the iOS keyboard. Swipe either left or right to show them.
● Compatible with iOS 8 and 9 ● Requires iPhone 6 or larger size screen ● Configure options from Settings.
The hidden keyboard was recently discovered by Steven Troughton-Smith. It's activated by edge-swiping and features shortcuts for cut, copy, paste, and undo.
You can download the tweak free from the Big Boss Cydia Repository.
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Very nice, just I don't jailbreak my phones anymore ( used to all the time) because I am afraid of malware, Trojans, viruses etc to spy on my keystrokes and passwords !
I don't see a difference besides the larger buttons on the immediate right and left. Keyboard looks smaller than normal. I still have an iPhone 5 so I don't need this tweak for what they say it's meant for. My device is the perfect size.
No 3rd party keyboard compares to apples original. My only complaint with the larger phones is he size of the keyboard. Apple, please release this for all users.