Use This Trick to See if Apple Has Shipped Your iPhone 6s Pre-Order
Posted September 19, 2015 at 5:16pm by iClarified
The initial batch of iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus orders are starting to ship out from China. Apple is primarily using UPS to ship packages.
While Apple has not yet sent out shipping emails or updated its user's order status to "shipped," users who pre-ordered with Apple can use a trick to find their tracking number on UPS. Please remember that this trick only works for orders from!
Simply fill out the track by reference form on, and use the phone number associated with your order as the reference number. If that phone number does not work, keep trying any phone number that could be associated with your wireless account or the number you used to upgrade. Sometimes it could be the phone number attached your Apple ID, or your billing address phone number.
If none of your phone numbers work, try entering your Apple Order number. Some have reported success by leaving off the last two characters of their order number, but we found ours by entering the entire number.
Don't panic if UPS can't not find your tracking, Apple is still sending these out! As a last resort, you can sign-up for a free My Choice UPS profile that notifies you of all packages headed to your address.
We should note that although Apple is already shipping these packages, don't expect to receive them until the September 25. Once your iPhone 6 or 6 Plus ships out, the device is automatically added to your support profile page on
This trick works for all Apple online orders including Mac, iPad and iPhone.