I'm having a hell of a time. I had no issue jailbreaking on8.3 wit taig. but now that I updated to 8.4. no dice. I get a 1100 to 1104 error. done it all. change usb's cables. nothing. hangs at 40%. any help?
If some of you are still getting errors try turning off your windows defender during the jailbreak. I kept getting stuck at 60% and this worked for me. Hope this helps
Fix for App Store not updating apps -> after jailbreak, download activator(it's currently not working correctly on iOS 8.4 and causes the phone to go into safe mode which is what you need, so any tweak that puts your phone into safe mode will work), while your phone is in safe mode, go into the App Store and try and update an app, it should ask you to sign back in using your Apple ID and password, after you do, you should be able to update apps again, now just uninstall activator(or what ever other tweak that got you into safe mode) and then respring and then you'll still be able to update your apps like normal
No on uses Macs? - Hey you must realize Apple makes best smart phone, so why not get the best computer too:?
Apple Sells Record-Breaking 5.5 Million Macs in Q4 2014 - So they are selling more than ever.
The company also noted that it sold a total of 19 million Macs for all of fiscal 2014, saying that sales were particularly strong for the MacBook Pro and the MacBook Air.
Just because you & everyone you know doesn't use Mac doesn't mean nobody does, kinda like just because California is in a drought doesn't mean another place isn't having flood!
They buy them, because of how many people are buying them, but then end up selling them because windows operating system is better than Mac, so yes they are selling at lot of macs, but they aren't being used. You have to look at the market share of how many operating system are visiting websites, you'll see that windows way out beats macs
Don't confuse quality with quantity.
There are more low priced cars being driving than luxury cars - but which are Better.
But the whole point is "nobody uses" Macs is false.
I use to use Amiga computer - I'm sure some still use Amigas now, but it is a dead system. As Apple Macs are still being sold & new models released so YES people still use Macs.
No problems with TaiG 2.2.0 during the jailbreak, but after restarting my iPhone 6 it appears that wifi is not able to be turned on at either the Control Panel or in Settings. The Apple App Store is also back to the perpetually spinning circle when attempting to update apps.
Addendum: the initial jailbreak was done with wifi off and with airplane mode off. I just used TaiG 2.2.0 on my second iPhone 6 but shut wifi off and turned airplane mode on. After TaiG completed, I did not have an issue with wifi selection. I would tentatively suggest to shut off wifi and put the device in airplane mode before jailbreaking with 2.2.0, though this did not resolve the Apple App Store perpetually spinning update wheel.
I restored to 8.4, restored from iCloud backup, tried updating a couple apps(not all of them) then jail broke, then right away apps stopped updating, then ran cydia for the setting up the file system, still apps don't update, installed appsync for iOS 5->8 and still nothing, I think it's definitely a jailbreak issue.
Same problem here. Fixed only if i do not perform an restore from a previous backup after the jailbreak. I have to start everything from the begining (install all app's and personal settings).
I found a fix. I installed activator, just because it doesn't work yet on 8.4 and caused my phone to go into safe mode, then I was able to sign into iTunes and do an update, then I uninstalled activator to get the phone to get back out of safe mode, and have still been able to update apps :)
I had this issue with 8.3 after I restored my phone then jail broke, it wouldnt let me download any new apps, I wiped my phone setup as new phone jailbroke then used iTunes to restore everything back and worked fine after that (:
Make everything as written above, with that I first made a backup, and made a clean restore of the iPhone 5s to factory settings with iOS 8.4, then jailbreak with the latest version JB tools and version of iTunes .....and then returned Backup that I made. .... all went without a hitch.
Thanks TAIG Team for JB. ;)
Worked perfectly,you need to restore ur Iphone or Ipad as a new device.
then jailbreak clean,once it is done
Restore you device from a back up
it took me 5-10 mns
I doubt that, specially when this is the update that brings them Apple Music- clients. Would be stupid business plan to rule out millions of Potential Music-clients by been too hasty with repairing the vunebility to jb 8.4.
man at last this is for us not for them so if we tell them about problems and bugs we are the ones who are winning they dont make much profit out of jailbreaking