Following its launch on Inbox, Google has updated Gmail with a new 'Undo Send' option.
That moment when you press send and immediately realize you made a terrible mistake. But it's too late. We all need to travel back a few seconds every once in a while, so with Inbox you can take back an email right after sending. Undo Send in Inbox launched a few weeks ago, and now it’s available on Android, iOS and the web. So enjoy those second chances!
Take a look at the video below to see the feature in action. You can download Inbox for iOS from here. Enable it on by clicking the Settings cog button at the top right of the screen, choosing Settings from the dropdown menu, selecting the General tab, then checking the Undo Send box.
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Pretty simy if you think about it, in your gmail settings it asks you how long up to 30 secs you want to be able to cancel a send, say you pick 30 seconds. Well after sending an email google probably holds that email on there servers for 30 seconds before forwarding it onto the pop3/IMAP server of the recipient it's sending it to allowing you to cancel the send before it does.
I don't get how they do this unless the address you're sending to is also a gmail address. I can't imagine competing mail services allowing Google in to their servers to delete stuff. never mind the fact that a lot of us still dislike webmail and use our own email clients that push new emails to our own devices. I'm sure Google would love that kind of power but nah, no way.
Why would anyone need this? It's not like people leave their computer out in the open for people to false advertise behind their backs or wait until the last minute to undo the send.