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Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]

Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]

Posted March 13, 2015 at 4:46pm by iClarified
Apple has included a new Activity app in iOS 8.2 but it's hidden until you connect an Apple Watch, reports developer Hamza Sood.

Sood managed to uncover the app and has posted screenshots to Twitter.

So the Fitness app does exist on 8.2, it's just hidden until you connect an Apple Watch. Here's how the Fitness app looks once it's configured from the Apple Watch.

You can check out images of the app below. There are two tabs in the app. History and Achievements. Under the history tab you can see rings that show how much standing, exercise, and calories burned you've done. The achievements tab has a variety of graphics that will be unlocked once you reach personal goals or milestones.

Of course, the iOS app works alongside the Activities app on the Apple Watch.

The Activity app provides a simple visual snapshot of your daily activity, with three rings telling you everything you need to know. The Move ring shows how many active calories you’ve burned. The Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you’ve completed. And the Stand ring shows how often you’ve stood up to take a break from sitting. The goal? Complete each ring every day.

The Apple Watch goes up for pre-order on April 10th ahead of its April 24th launch. Please follow iClarified on Twitter, Facebook, or RSS for updates.

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Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]

Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]

Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]Hidden Activity App Discovered in iOS 8.2 [Images]
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Comments (7)
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Pradhan - March 15, 2015 at 2:08pm
Egarlly wait for my watch
Vikram - March 13, 2015 at 7:40pm
Hidden? It was mentioned in the iOS 8.2 changelog.
JollySonX - March 13, 2015 at 5:50pm
Great! Another app I won't be using that will take up spaceand I can't remove, I wonder what the percentage of iPhone users actually use the stocks or tips app I bet it can't be high, now I'm all for useful features and functions but I don't like useless (from my point of view) apps, can't Apple just make it an app in the App Store?
gamerscul9870 - March 13, 2015 at 5:55pm
I don't even have half the space filled up and even I have this app I plan to use along with home remedies of fitness.
dk2013 - March 13, 2015 at 7:08pm
It's not always about you.
JollySonX - March 13, 2015 at 8:25pm
I know it's not all about me, I meant my point of view as from the user, there are plenty of apps on the App Store that are useless for me, that's not to say others don't use them and I'm sure there are apps I use that other users would class as useless to them, it's just annoying that we have to have these set apps, and then they add more apps for something we may never use, don't get me wrong, I would love an apple watch and would probably use the fitness tracking, but until then it would be nice not to have the space wasted when it could be a simple download off the App Store when it is needed.
ChingChong - March 13, 2015 at 11:50pm
Jolly, I do not normally leave comments on iClarified as this forum is full of trolls, but when I do leave one I will only use honest words. You, my friend, is a smart person. I agree with you. Consumers should have the freedom to choose what apps to download or not to, rather than being forced to have apps they do not use.
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