iSync 3.0 does not currently support the Sony Ericsson K850i. Here is how to enable iSync support for this cell phone. Follow the step by step instructions below:
Step One Click on the link below to download the isync plugin for the Sony Ericsson K850i. Save it to your desktop.
Step Two Once the zip file has finished downloading, locate it on your desktop and double click it.
Step Three The zip file will then extract a folder onto your desktop called SonyEricssonK850. Double click this folder to open it.
Step Four Within this folder is another folder called SonyEricssonK850. Double click this folder to open it.
Step Five You will then see two files: instructions and SonyEricsson-K850.phoneplugin. Click to select SonyEricsson-K850.phoneplugin then press Command+c on the keyboard to copy the file.
Step Six Select Go to Folder... from the Finders Go Menu.
Step Seven Type /Applications/iSync/Contents/Plugins/ApplePhoneConduit.syncdevice/Contents/PlugIns/ into the textfield and then click the Go button.
Step Eight Now press Command+v on the keyboard to paste the Sony Ericsson K850i plugin into the right directory.
Step Nine Now when you attempt to add your K850i to iSync it will actually work!
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Brilliant! Its a great phone, just needs to connect to real computers.. he! he!
Does this work with BLUETOOTH sync.. or cable connected SYNC to mac...?
Broke screen on last phone... so upgrading v soon.. just BACK UP CONTACTS...
take my word for it, - its worth doing!!!!
A very useful web site - id like to see more help sites like this.... keep up good work etc
thanks! awesome! Just got my k850 and been racking my brains how to sync with my mac.
Gone through so many sites just to find stuff that actually work!