Following a redesign to its mail service, Yahoo has released a Yahoo! Mail app for the iPhone.
We've redesigned the new version of Yahoo! Mail with speed in mind -- getting through your emails is faster than ever before. We’ve also made your inbox more intuitive and easier to navigate, allowing you to focus on what matters most: your messages. And, because mobile is everything these days, Yahoo! Mail now has a consistent look and feel across devices.
Stay connected • Access your inbox in just one tap • Receive automatic notifications for new messages • Quickly scan messages in your inbox with continuous scroll
Message with ease • Auto complete email addresses as you type • Simply swipe left on any message to delete, flag, move, mark as read and more • Multi-select messages to organize your inbox faster
Get more done, faster • Easily attach photos or take new ones while composing a message • Preview photos right at the top of a message • Search through all messages across all folders
You can download Yahoo! Mail from the App Store for free.
Anyone knows how to add a second Yahoo Account to the App? (have 2 Yahoo mail accounts)
(PS: Yahoo Customer Help doesn't know about this app (30 jan 2013))
Hey, if you're interested in 30 year old technology on your brand new iPhone 5, then go with the oldest technology company around. Personally, I haven't used Yahoo for anything for ages. I'm glad Yahoo is trying to be relevant, but it's going to take more than a new mail app to do it.