Statista offers a chart showing Apple's astonishing profit compared to its competitors.
Apple wrapped up fiscal 2012 with a profit of $41.7 billion on $156.5 billion revenue. Here's how it compares to the competition.
• From October 2011 through September 2012, the combined net profit of Microsoft, Google, eBay, Yahoo, Facebook and Amazon was $34.4 billion. Apple alone made $7 billion more.
• In the same period, Dell, Asus, Intel, Acer, IBM, Lenovo and HP, i.e. virtually the entire PC industry, made $19.3 billion or less than half of Apple’s profit.
Under Microsoftian "hegemony" legal action resulted in a "crippling" decision (ahem, B*****S******) which clearly destroyed the company and paved the way for Appleodian "hegemony." Which tech company will pursue "hegemony" in the continuing saga?