Check out this concept of an improved iOS app switcher for the iPhone 5, created by The Verge.
The app switcher now displays elongated card-like icons that serve as a visual representation of their respective app.
The playback controls page, accessible by swiping to the right, now shows more information about the media playing than before, while also sporting improved playback buttons (inspired by the new music app's player design).
The settings page (two swipes right), previously known as 'the useless volume slider' page, now features a useful brightness slider as well as settings toggles which, like the brightness slider, can be used as shortcuts to enable and disable system functions, previously only accessible through the settings app.
Check out the mockups below and let us know what you think of this concept...
It AMAZES me that Apple hasn't implemented easier toggles for WiFi, BT, 3G, etc...! SBSettings is the only reason for me to jailbreak anymore. What are they waiting for?
I love this new idea.. Especially for the brightness and 3G slide since it's used daily. Not sure the part were we can see an elongated and more detailed version of the opened apps is useful for the iphone 4s users since the screen isn't that big. Bu as an idea it's great
i have a 32gig 3gs with an updated botroom 3.1.3. i jialbroke it no problem but am having a problem with pandora. everytime i run it it crashes the iphone and puts it into safe mode but then in safemode i can run it no problem. what could the problem be? if youve got any ideas help me out
let me just ask the public this!
all the testing with ios 6
how come they didnt make it any easier to end all the running tasks that are running much like
MULTICLEANER on cydia all these years with multi tasking! they couldnt say hey how about a simple easy more effective way to end a task just slide the icons on the task bar slide them up to END them
no need to hold down wait for the shaky icons and then have to click each X which gets annoying and time consuming
that is because you don't need to close the running applications, and by the way those are not the running apps those are the Recent Apps, and the iPhone is smart enough to close the app itself when it needs memory.
I've noticed that on jailbroken iPhones closing them will enhance the speed of the iPhone, but with the non jailbroken it is always running like charm whether you close them or not.
hope this helped.
This is a nice Improvment! Aesthetically pleasing as well as giving "real" function to the useless volume panel. It's about time this was conceptualized, finality some toggles in the switcher bad.
Now we need a coder and the Chronic Dev Team to JB an i5 and iOS 6... Sooooooon!
there is already a jailbreak for iOS 6 and nice Apps for it are showing every day but not for the iPhone 5 and I know for a fact that there is a jailbreak for the iPhone 5 but they decided to wait till after the new iPod 5 and iPad mini and 6.0.1 are out to release it so apple won't block it with 6.0.1 bug fixing upgrade.