Favs App Syncs Favorites From Various Social Networks to Your iPhone
Posted June 4, 2012 at 6:03pm by iClarified
Favs is a new app that syncs your favorites from various social networks to your iPhone.
If you are using social networks, you are also creating favorites. On Facebook you 'like', on Twitter and Google Reader you 'star', on Delicious and Pinboard you 'bookmark' and so on.
Instead of spreading your favorites across different networks, use Favs to sync them to your iPhone. Don't waste any more time on searching for your favorite content - Favs has a powerful search feature build right into the application that makes finding what you like a breeze.
Follow Favorites Many favorites are public, for example on Twitter, Flickr or Vimeo. This allows you to follow the favorites of persons you like and just see their hand-picked articles. For those sources Favs marks new entries as 'unread' and you can use Favs as a sophisticated Reader app.
Supported Services ✔ Delicious - private bookmarks ✔ Dribbble - public likes/heart ✔ Facebook - private likes ✔ Flattr - public flattred things ✔ Flickr - public favorites/starred ✔ Github - public watched repositories ✔ Google Reader - private starred items ✔ Instagram - private likes/heart ✔ Instapaper - private likes; a paid Instapaper subscription is required ✔ Pinboard - private and public bookmarks ✔ Readability - private favorites/star ✔ Read It Later - private articles ✔ StackOverflow - public favorites/star ✔ Twitter - private and public favorites/star ✔ Vimeo - public likes/heart ✔ YouTube - public favorites ✔ Zootool - public and private bookmarks
You can purchase Favs from the App Store for $2.99.