Bump Update Makes It Easy to Add Contacts to Social Networks
Posted April 13, 2012 at 1:47pm by iClarified
Bump, an app that lets you share contact info and photos by bumping two phones together, has been updated with new buttons to let you quickly add contacts to popular social networks.
Use Bump to share contact information and photos by simply bumping two phones together. Just open Bump, hold your phones, and gently bump your hands together -- Bump will magically do all the rest.
SHARE CONTACTS: Share your contact info; connect on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn SHARE PHOTOS: Share photos with friends and family FIND MUTUAL FRIENDS: Find friends in common with people you bump from your social networks and phone contacts SYNC DEVICES: Move contacts and photos between devices
What's New In This Version: New buttons on contact cards you receive from people you meet let you add them on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn with just one click!
You can now add your phone number to your own contact card by just tapping the card..
You can download Bump from the App Store for free.