Urbanspoon for iPhone has been updated with Personalized Filters, Editorial Lists, Interactive Map, Wishlist, and a new look.
Can't decide where to eat? Urbanspoon can help. SHAKE your iPhone and the Urbanspoon slot machine will suggest a restaurant. See what's NEARBY in your 'hood, or BROWSE a comprehensive list of restaurants. Make a RESERVATION, and expand your DINELINE by checking in. See what your FRIENDS like.
FEATURES - Use GPS to find a restaurant near you - Filter by neighborhood, cuisine, or price - Search and browse local restaurants - See a list of all nearby eateries - Make reservations - Build and review your dining history - Compare restaurant picks with your friends - Ratings and reviews from newspapers, bloggers, and fellow eaters
Urbanspoon covers all of the United States and Canada, and large metro areas in the UK and Australia.
What's New In This Version: Urbanspoon's updated iPhone app adds these exciting new features:
Filters You Can Personalize - View the types of restaurants you really want. Some possibilities include: hottest (according to bloggers and critics), most popular with diners, tonight's availability, price, and your wishlist.
Editorial Lists - Choose from 22 years of James Beard Award winners, Eater's hottest 38 restaurants in major cities, or Village Voice top critic picks in over a dozen markets. Add this to existing expert reviews from the Urbanspoon local food blogger network (the world's largest).
Interactive Map - Restaurant lists now feature an map that allows you to narrow it down by cuisine, distance, name, popularity, and price.
Wishlist - Diners can use the wishlist feature to keep track of restaurants they want to try. Now the wishlist knows your location and will let you know if a wishlist restaurant is nearby.
New Look - A slick visual design features bold filters at the top of the home screen to make it easy to browse around or find exactly what you're looking for, without losing the serendipitous discovery of Urbanspoon's signature slot machine shake.
You can download Urbanspoon from the App Store for free.