Ten Years of iPod and iTunes History as a Radial Chart
Posted December 6, 2011 at 5:37pm by iClarified
Choreographics has created an impressive graphic entitled: 'iPod plus iTunes Timeline: The first ten years. A visual into the past'.
Experience the amazing story of how Apple created the iPod, iTunes, and other related products. Ten years of iPod and iTunes history in a magnificent looking radial chart, down to the last detail: Take a closer look at the major turning points in history and product releases. The iPod plus iTunes Timeline« is plotting all important events, sales records, and press announcements, and is the most comprehensive mapping of of the world's most popular music player ever.
Currently, the timeline is available for download at a price of 9 Euro. You can also preorder a limited edition (100 copies) of the print which is numbered and signed and ships at the end of January. Print orders will only be processed from the EU due to high shipping costs and are 18 Euro.
Details: ● 9.00 Euro ● Version: 2.03, 2011/03.12 ● PDF: 1 189 mm x 841 mm; JPEG: 14043 px x 9933 px. Total size to download: 17,8 MByte. ● An additional 3 mm bleed margin and crop marks are included in the printable PDF on every side.
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