I have a 16gb 3GS currently running 3.0.1. I have tried this process many times (with the phone plugged in normal, in recovery mode, in DFU mode) and cannot get itunes to load the iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw firmware to my phone. Every time it just says that my device is not eligible for this firmware. What can I do? Is there a way of blocking itunes from checking eligibility and just installing? Or is there an app I can install on the phone to fetch the iBEC and iBSS straight out?
I'm not sure if this will work, but it's worth a try and doesn't require any restoring.
Download the firmware, then make a copy and change the file extension from .ipsw to .zip, unzip it, go to Firmware/dfu and there you go! The iBEC and iBSS are there!
I am only getting the iBEC.n88ap.RELEASE.dfu one and no IBSS. I have tried the grabber and manually, but cant find that file. I have the 3GS with 3.0.1 firmware. Can any one advise me?
Thank you
Thanks. Got the ibes but could not get the ibss...and currently give up. Had problems getting into the dfu mode (or out of it for that matter)....then when itunes finally worked out it forced me to update to 3.0.1....(trial 1) and then restored with shift restore to 3.0 version...both times grabbed the temp file...both times it showed up as ibec... not the ibss file....so i hope the ibec file is enough as I give up...for now!
i just bought a new iphone 3gs today and tried this and i think i just 'bricked' my iphone.
i'm not able to restore it using the apple provided update, nor can i restore it using the firmware provided at the link from iclarified. i don't know if this has happened to anybody else but if anyone can help i'd really appreciate it.
i keep getting the following error: the iphone "iphone" could not be restored. an unknown error occurred (14).
i'm using windows 7 but tried restoring it on two other computers; one running windows vista & the other running windows xp. i've been searching online for a the last few hours with no luck! one person said, their iphone started working the next morning when they tried to restore it so i'm kinda hoping i end up in the same situation but if not i'm screwed. or well i guess ill have to take it to the apple store.
I just tried the initial restore on and I kept getting the same error you did. I installed 8.2.1 and it has worked fine so far... I'm not out of the woods yet though. I think I forgot the password to my backup!
Does someone know if I need to re-capture these files each time I restore? Or does the "signature" in these files NOT change with each restore??? Thanks for the help
hey @ brandon,
each time apple will send u a different certificate but it is custom to your iphone. even though there will be differences in the certs apple sends you, if you save any of them then they will work no probs because they are officially signed. and after that there is no more validation.
C:\Users\All Users\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Temporary Files\Firmware\dfu
On Vista this is where i found my iBSS file as well. Even using the Grabber program it just does not show up tin the %temp% directory.
Thanks for the note, that's exactly what I was looking for. In XP the directory to find BOTH files is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Temporary Files\Firmware\dfu
I assume that they are there while doing the restore in DFU mode.
in my case I grabbed both files, BUT there were no questions reg. restoring "as a new phone" or "restore from backup...". iTunes asks me for the personalö information to complete the account activation.
is it jusual? Do I need to do it?
Ok people...if you want your IBEC and IBSS files this is the easiest solution I have found! Go to this link "http://difrnt.com/blog/?p=25" and download IBEC IBSS Grabber...unzip it and read the .txt file. You will run the program, specify a file location, click "start watching" and then put your 3GS into DFU mode and restore....VOILA! Works perfectly and no stress trying to catch the IBSS file that everyone is missing. I did this in VISTA.
Yes...I got 3 also....the one u want is the first folder...the one that has both the IBEC and IBSS files. The second folder will only have IBEC and the third folder won't even have a DFU subfolder. Hope this helps.
This is BS, even in DFU mode the first temp folder that appears either cant be copied because the file is in use by another program, or contains the iBec file
Adria Richards, ButYoureAGirl.com - July 7, 2009 at 9:29pm
Ok, here what worked for me because I too want to capture these files so future jailbreaks from The Dev Team are easy.
Watch the video by TheVincentLee where he goes through the whole process including putting your phone into FDU
Use dirfnt's tool to capture/copy the folders for you and after the restore, search for. dfu
I tried the manual method a few times and kept missting the iBSS file too
Good advice! The youtube video link is broken, but it is fairly easy to get into DFU mode. The iBEC & iBSS grabber tool is excellent though - saves you from a bit of a hassle :)
I had one of those "doh" hit my hand on my head moments: make sure you are in complete DFU mode. This is different from the soft DFU mode.
Watch this clip and you will be on your way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34FA6M-hhQ0
(took me 4 times to finally realize this!)
ok i just got a replacement 3GS and i was able to get teh iBSS file with the old phone i had, but doing the same method i am unable to get the iBSS file. the iBEC file shows up but not the iBSS.
any ideas?
The link to the youtube file that shows how to put th iPhone in complete DFU mode has been taken down. Anyone know where we can find new directions to put the iphone in complete DFU mode to get the iBSS files?
Instructions for putting the iphone into complete DFU:
1) Iphone should be on and plugged in to itunes
2) press and hold power and home keys for ten seconds (actually hold it for ten seconds)
3) let go of power key but keep home key pressed
4) let go of home key when itunes reports that your phone is connected in recovery mode
bump on this as it turned out to be my problem. I could never get the iBSS file, even after using the grabber tool, until i realized that I wasn't in complete DFU mode. Once i was in complete DFU mode (like Kenneth describes), it worked like a charm and i got both files.
I can't get to dawnload the update at step two. Maybe because of the internet censorship in Iran. It downloads only 70 Mb and then stalls. Could anyone please give me another link to this download, probably a torrent. Thanx.
Just did mine got both files and new certification,waiting on dev team.
They will come through soon. I hope the jailbreak isn't as much hassle as retrieving these files.