Acestea sunt instructiunile privitoare la deblocarea unui iPhone 3G pentru a putea folosi orice operator de telefonie mobila (GSM).
Inainte de a incepe pasii pentru deblocare este necesar sa aveti un iPhone pe care s-a facut Jailbreak si care sa contina versiunea pentru baseband 02.28.00 ( versiunea de soft a modemului), acest lucru insemnand sa aveti instalata versiunea de soft 2.2 . Daca ati folosit PwnageTool pentru a face update de la 2.1 la 2.2, este necesar sa refaceti operatiunea de jailbreak dupa ultima metoda.
Pentru a gasi versiunea de soft si a modemului(baseband) puteti urmari linkul de mai jos this tutorial. Daca nu aveti versiunea de soft 2.2 si versiunea de baseband 02.28.00 atunci trebuie sa urmati unul dintre aceste tutoriale inainte de deblocare: Mac, Windows
Pasul unu Apasati pe iconita Cydia Installer din meniul principal.
Pasul doi Apasati pe Manage il puteti gasi in partea de jos a paginii.
Pasul trei Apasati pe meniul Sources
Step Four Apasati butonul Edit din partea dreapta sus a ecranului.
Pasul cinci Apasati butonul Adddin partea stanga sus a paginii.
Pasul sase Introduceti ca adresa sursei si apoi apasati butonul Add Source .
Pasul sapte Cand sursa a fosta adaugata apasati pe butonul Return to Cydia .
Pasul opt Apasati Done din partea dreapta sus a paginii.
Pasul noua Apasati pentru a selecta pe din lista de surse adaugate de utilizator.
Pasul zece Apasati pentru a selecta pe yellowsn0w din lista de pachete
Pasul unsprezece Apasati pe butonul Install din partea dreapta sus a ecranului.
Pasul doisprezece Apasati pe butonul Confirm din partea dreapta sus a ecranului.
Pasul treisprezece Dupa ce instalarea s-a terminat cu succes apasati pe butonul Return to Cydia .
Pasul paisprezece Acum apasati pe butonul de Home apoi opriti si reporniti iPhone-ul. Faceti aceasta tinand apasat butonul de power pentru 3 secunde apoi mutand spre dreapta de butonul cu insemnul unei sageti de pe ecran. Apasati butonul de power din nou pentru a reporni telefonul.
Pasul cinsprezece Acum puteti introduce SIM-ul dorit!
***SUGESTII: Se pare ca, pentru ca noua retea sa fie aleasa de catre iPhone, trebuie oprita din setari optinea 3G, si dupa caz pornind si oprind Airplane Mode . Daca inca noua retea nu a fost aleasa incercati sa scoateti si sa reintroduceti SIM-ul in telefon. In final, puteti deasemenea sa incercati resetarea retelei din meniul Settings:General:Reset Menu.
***IMPORTANT: Pentru acei care intampina probleme. Aplicatia yellowsn0w poate fi simplu dezinstalata. Daca ati incercat toate sugestiile si inca intampinati probleme folositi Cydia pentru a dezinstala aplicatia dupa care opriti si reporniti telefonul. Dupa aceasta veti putea folosi telefonul cu setarile initiale precum si operatorul de telefonie pentru care telefonul a fost codat.
***Multumiri: Multumiri tuturor membrilor care fac parte din iPhone Dev-Team pentru munca grea pe care au depus-o! Multumiri tuturor.
***UPDATES: Dev-Team a facut urmatoare update-uri... 1. In curand va aparea yellowsn0w 0.9.1 in lista de repositories. Foloseste o perioada mai mare de de asteptare pentru ca SIM-ul sa se poate initializa. Daca aveti probleme cu versiunea 0.9.0, incercati-o pe aceasta si asteptati un minut intreg pentru a vedea ecranul de start, reintroduceti SIM-ul. Avem nevoie de rapoarte, atat de success cat si de nereusita, asa ca va rugam fiti rabdatori (dar va rugam raportati rezultatul) 2. Daca va aflati in U.S. si ati incercat deblocarea pentru operatorul T-Mobile, trebuie sa opriti optiunea 3G din setari. De asemenea daca va pricepeti la command line, poate fi mai usor adaugand linia -q chiar dupa linia /usr/bin/yellowsn0w in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.iphone-dev.yellowsn0w.plist (aceasta este o sugestie pentru avansati, sa speram ca cineva va dezvolta un meniu in aplicatia boosprefs pentru ea) 3. inca nu este suportat PIN-ul cartelei. Va aduceti aminte ca este varianta BETA? Inca lucram la versiunea ce suporta PIN-ul pentru cartela SIM. Va rugam deocamdata dezactivati orice PIN existent pe cartela SIM inainte de a instala aplicatia yellowsn0w...
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I jailbroke and unlocked my 3G to use on the T-Mobile network and it is working fine. The only thing is that prior to jailbreaking and unlocking it, you were able to send pictures in text messages. Once I unlocked it however, the icon button to "add a picture" into the message no longer appears. Anyone have any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks is advance!
Ive gotten as far as updating the sources. It says downloading packages at the bottom of the screen, the blue bar is completely filled but it froze right then and there... any ideas here?
Hi guys,
Downgraded baseband, jailbroken, unlocked
Everything worked great!!!!
It tool me quite a lot of reboot and airplane mode to get it to recognize the new sim but now it works like a charm
Thank you guys
I bought iphone from at&t network,2.1 firmware unlocked with turbosim in india now I did jailbroking using quickpwn(windows user) firmware 2.2 basenand when I inserted my Indian sim card(airtel without 3g service) did not work .please iphone is just PAPER WEIGHT now
Yo !!! You people rule!! I'm from Macedonia and i have an iPhone 3G, i used it with turbosim card but it was B A D!! so i said let me try this... and it really works!! thakns u saved me 30 euros !!
For me changing providers was easy. In Canada there are two providers that have the iPhone Fido and Rogers. I had a Fido iPhone. When I switched my provider to Rogers my iPhone would not work with my new sim card. So I put the Rogers sim in my iPhone and went to the Apple store. I told them that that battery in my phone wasn't working right. They just replaced the whole phone and because they thought it was a Rogers phone because of the sim card I now have a working Rogers iPhone. No unlock required.
Hey Folks,
I have an Iphone 3g version 2.2.1 firmware 2.30.03 and a bootversion 5.08
I succesfully jailbreaked and succesfully downgraded the baseband to 2.28.00
Then I installed yellowsn0w to unlock and... it's still locked...
have tried it 3 times from beginning to end now, not knowing what I did wrong...
anyway my main issue is that my original T-Mobile sim card doesn't work anymore neither!
so it's nothing more than a IPod Touch right now... please help!
I'm new to this. I have both mac & windows vista &iphone 3g. What is the status to jailbreak & unlock with the latest firmware? I'm confused on this & don't want to try anything in case I wreck up my phone. Is a card such as rebel sim better for me? Help!
I have a 2g iphone that was on 2.2.1 and I lowered it to 2.2. It has been jailbroken with quickpwn, and I also put the yellowsn0w app on with Cydia. After cydia installs it, I don't see any new icons. I've tried toggle airplane mode, reboot, etc. After switching to a TMOBILE SIM, THE PHONE BRICKS ITSELF AGAIN WANTING TO CONNECT TO ITUNES. Works fine with ATT sim card, has not detected any other simcard. Help!
As far as I can remember you don't need
yellowsn0w with 2g I think you are following 3g
guide.Do the jailbreak again but remember
to tick activate box.You don't need to restore
in iTunes b4 you redo the jailbreak make sure
u use the 2g guide
I was able to get Boot to load this time around. However when the iphone comes back on I still get the same message of "Different SIM detected, please connect to itunes"
Are you doing the jailbreak with that sim card
installed I think you should do. Try it anyway and remember
to tick activate then if that fails start again from
the beginning of the how to.