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Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Posted January 30, 2009 at 12:35pm by iClarified
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To so navodila za programski odklep iPhone 3G, da lahko deluje s katerokoli SIM kartico.

Pred začetkom postopka programskega odklepa, morate imeti "jailbreakan" iPhone 3G in imeti morate nameščeno verzijo baseband-a 02.28.00 (modem firmware). To pomeni, da morate imeti nameščeno verzijo programske opreme 2.2. Če ste za nadgradnjo iz kakšne od prejšnjih različic uporabili orodje PwnageTool, morate postopek jailbreaka ponoviti s pomočjo programa QuickPwn.

Če želite preveriti, katere različite imate nameščene na vašem iPhone-u, lahko sledite tej povezavi. Če vaš iPhone 3G še nima nameščene verzije programske opreme 2.2 in verzije baseband-a 02.28.00, potem morate slediti eni izmed naslednjih povezav preden začnete s postopkom odklepa: Mac, Windows

Prvi korak
Kliknite ikono Cydia Installer na vašem namizju iPhone-a.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Drugi korak
Izberite jeziček Manage na spodnjem delu zaslona.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Tretji korak
Izberite veliki gumb z napisom Sources
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Četrti korak
Pritisnite gumb Edit na zgornjem desnem delu zaslona.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Peti korak
Izberite gumb Add na zgornji levi strani zaslona.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Šesti korak
Vpišite URL nasov vira http://apt9.yellowsn0w.com/ in pritisite gumb Add Source.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Sedmi korak
Ko je vir dodan, pritisnite veliki gumb z napisom Return to Cydia.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Osmi korak
Pritisnite gumb Done na zgornji desni strani zaslona.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Deveti korak
Izberite apt9.yellowsn0w.com iz seznama dodanih virov.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Deseti korak
Izberite yellowsn0w iz seznama paketov
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Enajsti korak
Izberite gumb Install na zgornji desni strani zaslona.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Dvanajsti korak
Pritisnite gumb Confirm na zgornji desni strani zaslona.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Trinajsti korak
Po uspešni namestitvi pritisnite veliki gumb z napisom Return to Cydia.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Štirinajsti korak
Sedaj pritisnite gumb Home in nato ugasite in ponovno prižgite iPhone. To storite tako, da držite gumb za vklop/izklop približno tri sekunde, dokler se ne pojavi drsnik z napisom. Nato ta drsnik potegnete proti iz leve proti desni. Ko se iPhone ugasne, ga ponovno prižgite s pritiskom na gumb za vklop/izklop na zgornjem desnem robu ohišja.
Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Kako Odklenemo iPhone 3G

Petnajsti korak
Sedaj vstavite SIM kartico.

***NAMIGI: Včasih pri prijavi v omrežje pomaga, če izklopite uporabo 3G omrežji in/ali vklopite in iklopite način "Med letom" (Airplane profil). Če imate še vedno težave pri prijavi iPhone-a v omrežje, lahko poskusite odstraniti in ponovno vstaviti SIM kartico ali pa, da iPhone ponovno ugasnete in prižgete z že vstavljeno SIM kartico. Lahko pa tudi poskusite uporabiti funkcijo "Reset Network Settings" ("Ponastavi omrežne nastavitve") in menija Settings:General:Reset Menu (Nastavitve:Splošno:Ponastavi).

***POMEMBNO: Za tiste, ki imate težave. Aplikacijo yellowsn0w je možno brez problemov odstraniti. Če ste upoštevali vse nasvete in imate še vedno težave s prijavo v omrežje, enostavno uporabite Cydia Installer in odstranite aplikacijo ter nato ponovno zaženite iPhone. Po tem je vaš iPhone povrnjen v prejsnje stanje (seveda zaklenjen).

***ZAHVALA: Velika zahvala gre vsem članom ekipe iPhone Dev-Team za njihovo trdo delo!

***POSODOBITVE: Ekipa Dev-Team je izdala naslednje posodobitve...
1. Kmalu boste lahko opazili yellowsn0w 0.9.1 v repozitoriju. Nova različica bo imela daljši zamik za inicializacijo SIM kartice. Če imate težave z različico 0.9.0, poskusite z novo različico in počakajte celo minuto po tem, ko se pojavi vaše namizje, šele nato vstavite SIM kartico. Za izpopolnitev programa potrebujemo poročila o uspešni in neuspešni uporabi, zato bodite potrpežljivi.
2. Če živite v ZDA in poskušate urediti delovanje z operaterjem T-Mobile, morate obvezno izklopiti 3G omrežje v nastavitvah. Če obvladate delo z ukazno vrstico (Terminal), lahko dodate vrstico -q takoj za vrstico /usr/bin/yellowsn0w v datoteki /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.iphone-dev.yellowsn0w.plist (To je nasvet za napredne uproabnike. pamo, da bo nekdo naredil aplikacijo tipa "BossPefs" za ta korak)
3. Zaenkrat ni podpore za PIN. Se spomnite, da smo rekli, da je to beta različica? Še vedno delamo na tem, da bo postopek deloval tudi če imate vklopljeno PIN kodo na vaši SIM kartici. Zaenkrat morate izklopiti zahtevo po PIN kadi na vaši SIM kartici.
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Comments (744)
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Roby - January 8, 2012 at 5:08pm
We need a lot more isngihts like this!
Xavi - August 5, 2010 at 3:52am
very helpful;)
Nick Slaven
Nick Slaven - July 16, 2010 at 12:34pm
I jailbroke and unlocked my 3G to use on the T-Mobile network and it is working fine. The only thing is that prior to jailbreaking and unlocking it, you were able to send pictures in text messages. Once I unlocked it however, the icon button to "add a picture" into the message no longer appears. Anyone have any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks is advance!
name - November 6, 2010 at 1:15pm
Janeece - January 11, 2012 at 5:53am
Yup, that'll do it. You have my apprceiation.
And1 - January 23, 2010 at 8:17am
I just keep on getting erroe messages when I enter apt9.yellowsn0w.com in cydia. Is the server down? What is wrong?
mano - October 6, 2010 at 6:09pm
did you resolve this error. I'm also getting this error.
semso - October 17, 2009 at 12:36pm
kako da otkljucam iphon 3g 16gb
Dax - September 22, 2009 at 10:24pm
But, you have to pay USSS$29.99....this site is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joao - July 20, 2009 at 6:41pm
I have major problem. I forgot my passcode and I cannot unlock my iPhone or jailbrake it using iTunes. Can anyone help me with this.
adam - July 14, 2009 at 1:03am
Ive gotten as far as updating the sources. It says downloading packages at the bottom of the screen, the blue bar is completely filled but it froze right then and there... any ideas here?
Gwenn - June 21, 2009 at 4:47am
Hi guys, Downgraded baseband, jailbroken, unlocked Everything worked great!!!! It tool me quite a lot of reboot and airplane mode to get it to recognize the new sim but now it works like a charm Thank you guys
margarita - June 4, 2009 at 9:54pm
after everything, my iphone still is not picking up the new sim... it is att but pay as you go...
harshil - June 4, 2009 at 8:26pm
I bought iphone from at&t network,2.1 firmware…unlocked with turbosim in india…now I did jailbroking using quickpwn(windows user) firmware 2.2 basenand 2.30..now when I inserted my Indian sim card(airtel without 3g service)..it did not work….please help..my iphone is just PAPER WEIGHT now
Zlatan Kocovski
Zlatan Kocovski - May 23, 2009 at 5:39pm
Yo !!! You people rule!! I'm from Macedonia and i have an iPhone 3G, i used it with turbosim card but it was B A D!! so i said let me try this... and it really works!! thakns u saved me 30 euros !!
Ted - May 12, 2009 at 3:32pm
Thanks for the tutorial, worked like a charm i can finally get rid of my annoying turbosim!
Justin - May 10, 2009 at 4:05pm
For me changing providers was easy. In Canada there are two providers that have the iPhone Fido and Rogers. I had a Fido iPhone. When I switched my provider to Rogers my iPhone would not work with my new sim card. So I put the Rogers sim in my iPhone and went to the Apple store. I told them that that battery in my phone wasn't working right. They just replaced the whole phone and because they thought it was a Rogers phone because of the sim card I now have a working Rogers iPhone. No unlock required.
Tom - May 2, 2009 at 2:50am
Hey Folks, I have an Iphone 3g version 2.2.1 firmware 2.30.03 and a bootversion 5.08 I succesfully jailbreaked and succesfully downgraded the baseband to 2.28.00 Then I installed yellowsn0w to unlock and... it's still locked... have tried it 3 times from beginning to end now, not knowing what I did wrong... anyway my main issue is that my original T-Mobile sim card doesn't work anymore neither! so it's nothing more than a IPod Touch right now... please help!
jazz - May 2, 2009 at 4:30am
If your not bothered about unlock can't you restore from backup
irvk - April 29, 2009 at 8:02am
I'm new to this. I have both mac & windows vista &iphone 3g. What is the status to jailbreak & unlock with the latest firmware? I'm confused on this & don't want to try anything in case I wreck up my phone. Is a card such as rebel sim better for me? Help!
BS GIll - April 29, 2009 at 5:10am
while checking boot loader connection error is coming how to solve it
advance - April 28, 2009 at 7:13pm
any news on boot version 5.09?
jack - April 23, 2009 at 2:27pm
Can anyone help me to change my baseband from 02.30 to 02.28?
jazz - April 23, 2009 at 2:32pm
Follow baseband downgrade tutorial if your on the right bootlloader it can b done go to tutorials on this website
jazz - April 23, 2009 at 2:35pm
Still trying then ;Q)
jack - April 23, 2009 at 2:58pm
How do i know what bootloader im on? Yeah im still trying but feels like im making progress!!!! hehehehe
jazz - April 23, 2009 at 4:26pm
Just check tutorial go iPhone/most recent top two howtos are wot u need.you can find them from the left handside of iclarified website
Jazz - April 23, 2009 at 1:25pm
I have a 2g iphone that was on 2.2.1 and I lowered it to 2.2. It has been jailbroken with quickpwn, and I also put the yellowsn0w app on with Cydia. After cydia installs it, I don't see any new icons. I've tried toggle airplane mode, reboot, etc. After switching to a TMOBILE SIM, THE PHONE BRICKS ITSELF AGAIN WANTING TO CONNECT TO ITUNES. Works fine with ATT sim card, has not detected any other simcard. Help!
jazz - April 23, 2009 at 1:33pm
As far as I can remember you don't need yellowsn0w with 2g I think you are following 3g guide.Do the jailbreak again but remember to tick activate box.You don't need to restore in iTunes b4 you redo the jailbreak make sure u use the 2g guide
Jazz - April 23, 2009 at 1:42pm
I did but Boo Neuter didn't run, any ideas as to why or how to force it?
JAZZ - April 23, 2009 at 1:47pm
I was able to get Boot to load this time around. However when the iphone comes back on I still get the same message of "Different SIM detected, please connect to itunes"
jazz - April 23, 2009 at 1:55pm
Are you doing the jailbreak with that sim card installed I think you should do. Try it anyway and remember to tick activate then if that fails start again from the beginning of the how to.
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