Como fazer o Jailbreak do iPhone 4 usando o RedSn0w (Mac) [4.3.1]
Posted May 6, 2011 at 1:58pm by iClarified
Estas são instruções de como fazer o jailbreak do seu iPhone 4 com firmware iOS 4.3.1 usando o RedSn0w para Mac.
Se você quiser fazer o Jailbreak numa versão inferior de firmware, você pode achar o tutorial apropriado aqui.
NÃO atualize seu firmaware para o iOS 4.3.1 se você depende de UNLOCK, uma vez que ainda NÃO HÁ UNLOCK DISPONÍVEL para essa versão (4.3.1)
Passo Um Crie uma pasta no seu Desktop chamada Pwnage
Faça o download do RedSn0w aqui e coloque-o na pasta Pwnage. Faça também o download do ultimo firmaware 4.3.1 do link abaixo e coloque-o na mesma pasta:
Descompacte (extraia) o arquivo .zip RedSn0w clicando duas vezes sobre o ícone.
Passo Dois Conecte seu iPhone ao computador e abra o iTunes.
Selecione seu iPhone da lista de devices a esquerda. Agora pressione Option e click no botão Restore. Restaurar é o método preferido pois não cria nenhum espaço não utilizado no seu iPhone.
Navegue até a pasta Pwnage no seu desktop e selecione o arquivo .ipsw do firmware 4.3.1 . Click no botão Choose para continuar.
Passo Três Quando o iTunes tiver acabado de atualizar seu iPhone para o firmware desejado abra a pasta Pwnage no seu desktop e inicie o aplicativo redsn0w da pasta redsn0w que nós extraímos mais cedo.
Passo Quatro Assim que o RedSn0w acabar de abrir click no botão Browse.
Passo Cinco Selecione o arquivo .ipsw do firmware 4.3.1 que nós colocamos na pasta Pwnage no desktop e pressione Open para abrir.
Passo Seis Uma vez que o firmware for verificado click no botão Next para continuar.
Passo Sete O RedSn0w vai agora preparar os dados para o Jailbreak
Passo Oito Nessa janela você pode selecionar as opções de jailbreak que deseja aplicar.
Tenha certeza de ter marcado o Cydia e click no botão Next para continuar
Passo Nove Plugue seu iPhone no computador certifique-se que ele está DESLIGADO e então click no botão Next
Passo Dez O RedSn0w vai guiá-lo passo-a-passo para entrar no modo DFU . Você pode encontrar mais ajuda sobre o modo DFU aqui
Segure junto os botões Home e o botão Power por 10 seconds.
Solte o botão Power e continue segurando o botão Home até que o RedSn0w detecte o aparelho.
Passo Onze Seu iPhone va reiniciar
Passo Doze O RedSn0w vai então fazer o upload do RAM Disk e do Kernel para dentro do seu iPhone.
Passo Treze Uma vez completo você vai ser notificado que o RedSn0w está feito. Click no botão Finish . Quando seu iPhone acabar de reiniciar (5 minutos ou mais) Ele vai estar com o jailbreak feito e com o Cydia Instalado.
*Como sempre um muito obrigado ao iPhone Dev-Team e I0n1c por seu trabalho duro e contribuição a comunidade iPhone. By PCA
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Hey. I really need help from experts. I bought an Iphone 4 which was used on AT&T and now I want to use it with another carrier. It has 4.1.0 software and 2.10.04 version. The question is:
Is it possible to unlock (redsnow) my phone jailbreaking it to 4.3.3 using the custom file of this tutorial. Thank you very much in advance.
I have current 4.3.3 firmware on my iPhone 4. Do I need to perform the restore step with the .ipsw files or can I simply move straight to a jailbreak with redsn0w_mac_0.9.6rc15?
What is the point of listing a new jailbreak and including comments that dont relate to it inn terms of currentness? I mean it came out last night and we have comments going back through several months. It makes no sense and now I have no signal after jailbreaking with pwnage, and im factory unlocked, then I jailbroke with rednsow and it didnt help, now I am factory restoring and will try again. This site used to actually care about the info it provided. Now it seems really sloppy like noone cares what the tutorials say. Sad state of affairs as one hacker after the other get high paying jobs with Apple to stop their work.
Mine won't jailbreak. I run version 4.3.2, updated using the method explained above. I do not really care for unlock at this moment. I run baseband version 02.10.04. Right now, besides the faulty signal strength indicator (never show anything but 1 bar) everything runs fine on my phone.
Once I try to run RedSn0w, it gives me an unexpected error. If I put it in DFU mode manually before running the tool, it says it's pushing limerain to the phone, then give me an unexpected error again. What is wrong? Anyone else running in the same error?
thanks for any tips.
Anyone else cannot restore 4.3.2 on their phone? I'm trying to upgrade from 4.2.1 to 4.3.2 even if I try full restore from iTunes, or custom restore, or DFU, I always get a damn error 1013. Any ideas?
The weird part, is even damn tinyumbrella fix does not work, nor a full iTunes restore. Scary... I'm tempted to call apple care at this point, could they know the phone was jailbroken before? The phone won't even boot!!!
Thanks Daniel, much appreciated. Unfortunately, my host file is backed up, and no entry to apple (I hate when software force name resolution). That didn't do it.
To add a twist to the story, I have 2 iPhones. I plugged my older iPhone, and iTuns still complained that a phone in restore mode was connected! iTunes actually displayed 2 phones connected to my dismay. Something is definitely going on. Ghost connection? New Apple "security feature" ?
I tried restoring with the IPSW file and it keeps telling me iPhone could not be restored. tried restoring with iTunes and I get the same message. Now my phone is on restore mood and I can't get out of it.
* Open Finder
* Hold down COMMAND + SHIFT keys and press G
* Enter /private/etc/ in the field and press Go
* Find hosts file in the directory
* Drag the file to your desktop
* Open it in text editor
* Remove the line that has entirely or put a # at the beginning of it to comment it out
* Save the file
* Drag it back to the /private/etc/ folder.
* Youd need to enter your username and password to authenticate the move
I got all the way up to remove and it does not allow me to save it. It gives me the following message. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.
I chose info and changed the permissions but it still does not allow me to save the file. Any ideas.
After doing the JB I now have No Service, I have gone back to stock for now. Does anyone know why the JB works perfectly on some devices and not others?
I seemed to have fixed my own issue. Restored back to stock. Turned off sim pin and activated phone on Itunes. Then did Redsnow JB and restored last backup(Itunes sync) and now all working!
does the 4.3.2 updates ur baseband ? I am on 4.10.0 right now..
Not like I care I am on att .
Thank you DEV TEAM you are awesome...
You guys are making a=our devices worth having them,I just can't imagine an Iphone without a jailbreak,Its useless.
Thank you
Is there a way - if my iPhone has already been jailbroken - to just upgrade to the next version or does the JB process have to be done each time? Thanks. You guys do great work.