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Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Posted February 15, 2010 at 12:03am by iClarified
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Este tutorial te mostrará cómo desbloquear tu iPhone 3GS usando PwnageTool para Mac.

Paso Uno
Crea un folder llamado "Pwnage" en el escritorio. En él, necesitarás un par de cosas.
PwnageTool 3.1.4, encontrado aquí or aquí

También necesitarás el firmware 3.1.2 para iPhone.
3.1.2 (3GS): iPhone2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw

¡Cuando vayas a descargar el archivo IPSW, es mejor hacerlo con Firefox, debido a que Safari, con frecuencia, lo extrae!
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Dos
Haz doble-click para montar PwnageTool 3.1.4 y, luego, arrastra el ícono de PwnageTool al folder Pwnage.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Entonces, desde el folder Pwnage, haz doble-click para abrir la aplicación PwnageTool.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Haz click a Ok si te aparece alguna advertencia.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Tres
Haz click en Expert Mode (Modo Experto) en la barra de menú superior.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Cuatror
Haz click para seleccionar tu iPhone. Aparecerá una marca de aprobación sobre la imagen del teléfono.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Cinco
Haz click en el botón de la flecha azul para continuar. Serás llevado a la página de "Browse for IPSW" (Búsqueda del IPSW). En mi laptop, encontró automáticamente el IPSW. Si PwnageTool no lo hace, puedes hacerle click a Browse for IPSW... (Buscar el IPSW).
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Haz click en el archivo IPSW encontrado y una marca de aprobación aparecerá junto a él. Entonces, haz click en el botón de la flecha azul para continuar.

Paso Seis
Serás, entonces, llevado a un menú con 7 opciones. Haz click para seleccionar General y, luego, haz click en el botón de la flecha azul.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

La configuración General te permite decidir el tamanno de la partición. Marca Activate the phone (Activar el teléfono) si no estás con un carrier oficial; luego, haz click en el botón de la flecha azul.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

NOTA*: no selecciones Activate (Activar) si tu iPhone ha sido legítimamente activado con un carrier oficial.
NOTA*: puede que necesites aumentar ligeramente el tamaño de la partición root. Mi primer intento falló al crear el archivo IPSW hasta que aumenté el tamaño a, aproximadamente, 695 MB.

La configuración Bootneuter está desactivada para el iPhone 3G. Haz click en el botón de la flecha azul.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

El menú de configuración Cydia te permite crear paquetes personalizados, de modo que no los tengas que instalar manualmente luego.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Haz click para seleccionar la pestaña Download packages (Descargar paquetes). Después, haz click al botón Refresh (Refrescar) para mostrar todos los paquetes disponibles. Si le haces doble click al paquete que deseas, lo descargarás y harás disponible en la pestaña Select packages (Seleccionar paquetes).
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Elige los que quieres y, luego, haz click en el botón de la flecha azul.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

El menú Custom Packages Settings (Configuración de Paquetes Personalizados) muestra la configuración de los paquetes listados para tu IPSW personalizado. Por ahora, deja esta configuración tal como está. Haz click en el botón de la flecha azul para continuar.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

El menú Custom Logos Settings (Configuración de Logos Personalizados) te permite añadir us propias imágenes como logos de booteo. Haz click en el botón Browse (Buscar) para seleccionar tu logo de booteo y tu logo de Recovery (recuperación). Si quisieras usar los logos de iClarified, puedes encontrarlos aquí: Logo de Booteo, Logo de Recuperación
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Recuerda las reglas para ellos: formato RGB o escala de grises con canal Alfa y dimensiones por debajo de 320x480...
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Haz click en el botón de la flecha azul para continuar.

Paso Siete
¡Ahora estás listo para comenzar el proceso de pwnage! Haz click en el botón Build (Compilar) para seleccionarlo y, luego, haz click en el botón de la flecha Azul para comenzar.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Ocho
Se te pedirá que salves tu archivo .ipsw personalizado. Sálvalo en el folder Pwnage que creaste en tu Escritorio.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Tu IPSW está siendo compilado. Por favor, permítele hasta 10 minutos.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Se te pedirá que introduzcas tu clave de administrador. Hazlo y, después, haz click en el botón de OK.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Se te pedirá que cierres la aplicación PwnageTool y que coloques tu iPhone en modo de recuperación. Haz click en el botón OK.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Nueve
Asegúrate que tu iPhone está conectado a tu computadora y luego sigue Make sure your iPhone is connected to the computer then follow these las instrucciones para colocarlo en modo de recuperación.

Cuando es hecho correctamente, tu iPhone mostrará una imagen del logo de iTunes y un cable de USB. iTunes, también, saltará, diciendo que ha detectado un iPhone en modo de recuperación.
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Diez
En iTunes, mantén presionada la tecla Alt/Option y haz click en Restore (Restaurar).
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Once
Navega al folder Pwnage en tu escritorio utilizando la ventana de diálogo que aparece. Selecciona el IPSW personalizado que fue creado (iPhone2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Custom_Restore.ipsw) y haz click en el botón Open (Abrir).
Cómo Desbloquear Tu iPhone 3GS Usando Pwange Tool [Mac]

Paso Doce
iTunes, ahora, restaurará el firmware a tu iPhone. Esto, también, puede tomar hasta 10 minutos. Una vez hecho, ¡tu iPhone reiniciará al OS 3.1.2 con jailbreak!

***GRACIAS: ¡Gracias al Dev-Team por su arduo esfuerzo en hacer este jailbreak y este tutorial posible!
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Comments (397)
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nik14 - July 14, 2010 at 10:06pm
Any eta on a jailbreak for a 3GS with the new boot rom? Thanks
AKJHS - July 14, 2010 at 2:07pm
I just have the same problem as the other people. iTunes says: An unknown Error occurred (1604) ... when trying to install 3.1.3. Also My phone won't get in recovery mode. Please answer asap. Thanks so much for your help.
ljz - September 18, 2010 at 10:53am
mine too... tried few times, still facing the same problem when tried to retore with the firmware.. error msg (1604) fyi: iphone 3gs - 3.1.3(7E18) - 05.12.01 is there any1 can help on this?? plsss..
ljz - September 18, 2010 at 10:56am
btw, my phone is now freezing on 'connect to itune' mode and it's being locked fr carrier country. thanks
AR3GS32GB - July 13, 2010 at 12:33pm
Dear All, I know that every single days you might be recieving buches of e-mails, but I will really appreciate if you can dedicate just few minutes and answer me about a very serios concern i have and it may be the same concern of others Iphone users that first (1) do not live in USA and as consequences can not open and USA itunes and secondly (2) tells you that the iphone obviously is locked. I have a 3GS iphone with firmware 3.1.3 and baseband 05.12.01, i live in the Netherlands Antilles and my account with Itues obviously is not an USA account as i am not resident of USA. I followed couple of times your instructions with Pwnage tool 3.1.5 (Mac) step by step and everything seems to be fine except when i reach the point that the Pwnage tool 3.1.5 after being created the custom firmware and ask me for a password and introduce the password now ask me also about if my Iphone has been pwnage and I answer (no), them the applicate should at that point to put the Iphone in recovery mode. the couple of times i have been running the applicate step by step the Pwnage does not put my Iphone in recovery mode and it is just freezing, no only that, i would like to know why when i created the custom firmware and try to restore through Itunes, Itunes is always giving an error message? do you may think that this is because Itunes after introduce the new policy that can be able to monitory from where are you log in to they can block any update or anything you would like to do in regards with their software? I just trying to get the logistic of this situation as i notice a lot of people in the block saying that its work, but why no with me? do you by any chance know about others that they may be getting the same situation i do? There is some extra or additional solution you can suggest me in order to active my iphone? i have it that way since almost four month and now that there is IS04 out there i would like to have my iphone working fine. I will really appreaciate your respond in this regards. Regards
Anthony Rijo
Anthony Rijo - June 29, 2010 at 8:21am
I have an Iphone 3GS (3.1.3/05.12.1) and i have been trying like a crazy (step by step) to do as exactly you say in your tutorial to do to jailbraek this iphone; everything goes well till i try to install the custom firmware Pwgnage did, but the Itunes always give me an error message that i can not install this firmware; I really need your help (please); I need that in despite i know you all receive a bunch of e-mails that you please kindly help me and send me an e-mail stating why of this error or if there is something else i most do in order to jailbreak my iphone.... Your prompt respond to this inquiry will be highly appreciated. Regards
tatanka - June 23, 2010 at 1:30pm
This latest version of PwnageTool can jailbreak the original iPhone (Edge/2G), iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS(older bootrom only with baseband 04.26.08) and iPod touch running on iPhone firmware 3.1.3. The custom .ipsw firmware files created with PwnageTool can update iPhone to firmware 3.1.3 without updating its baseband so that it can be unlocked to run on any carrier SIM. Please do not use this with New Bootrom on 3.1.3, it will screw your iphone. iClarified shoutd give this warning in the begining of the tutorial.
Mile - August 27, 2013 at 6:00am
Yes. If you sync'd your iPhone w/ iTunes and then jailbreak; the next time you run iTunes and cnceont the iPhone, iTunes will recognize a new phone as ask you if you want to restore from a prior-backed up version. Select that iTunes will then restore. After finished, check your sync settings (email, bookmarks, music, apps, videos, etc) and sync again. iTunes puts everything back like normal. Cydia installed apps are not backed up/restored. Use AptBackup from the Cydia repository prior to jb'ing and last iTunes backup. Then after the iTunes restore, open Cydia, download AptBackup, and press restore. Now all your jb'd apps are loaded. Just performed this procedure twice in the last 3 days .. great success. The only thing missing is the exact placement of app icons on the SB . and passwords for email accounts are missing (probably a good thing).
michael - June 23, 2010 at 2:43am
Hello! I has 3gs version 3.1.2 ,model firmware 05.11.07. I just upgrade version 3.1.3 using Pwnage Tool .After run version 3.1.3 the phone is stock in recovery model ( power on or logo on the screen ) when i used USB connect to iTune see the phone on recovery model .Please help ?Thank you !
Jorgeme - June 22, 2010 at 9:56pm
Thank you guys (iClarified / Dev-team). I had a 3GS on 3.1 and have done the jailbreak to 3.1.3 smoothly!!!
jorgeme - June 22, 2010 at 9:58pm
Just to add...My baseband was 5.11.07 and continues with that!!!
Hugo - June 11, 2010 at 2:30pm
Hi there. Please if i write something wrong please reply/comment!!! This tutorial is just for 3GS with 3.1.3 baseband equal or inferior xx.11.xx WILL NOT WORK IF YOU HAVE baseband 5.12.xx. - only for MAC OS; - For WINDOWS there is a "spirit" Jailbreak (google "3.1.3 spirit") and it will work on all baseband even xx.12.xx but your phone MUST NOT be locked in "Emergency Call". For those who have the same as me: 3GS 32GB 3.1.3 Baseband: 05.12.01 Serial: xxx30 <= old serial but the bootloader is the newest BootLoader: 6.4 <= new bootloader Model MC134 But locked in Emergency Call you have to wait! If not locked in Emergency Call USE ONLY the Spirit. For UNLOCK still have to wait 21st June for the release of OS4.0 and maybe then DevTeam release the so waited unlock! To check your iPhone info use f0recast.exe Hope this isuseful and with the correct information.
Vakas - June 14, 2010 at 7:16am
Thanks brother. Usefull information. Let's hope that iPhone Dev team release Jb and Unlock tools on 21st after the release of iOS4.
pankaj - June 2, 2010 at 4:02pm
hey does it work on iphone 3gs baseband 5.12.xx and i m not a mac user is there any softwre for windows??????
HUgo - June 11, 2010 at 2:13pm
This is only for mac. For Windows (i think there is not nothing). To your baseband it will NOT WORK. we are in the same "boat" and we have to wait a few more days. Maybe 21st June.
xavier - June 1, 2010 at 3:45am
Help....!!!! Stuck on step nine. just stays there, saying "connect device to USB" but doesnt go anywhere. For 1hrs.... How longs is going to take more!? Help....!!!!
Vakas - June 14, 2010 at 7:10am
I think you are on the latest firmware 3.1.3 and baseband XX.12.XX, if yes this is not for your device. Use Spirit to jailbreak your device but to use Spirit you must not have your phone stuck at connect to iTunes or emergency scree.
Bruno B
Bruno B - June 29, 2010 at 9:04am
i have exactly the same problem 3gs 32gb 3.1.3 05.12.01... stuck on step 9 what to do?
seb - May 31, 2010 at 1:55pm
guyzz whn will be the new version of redsnow will be released am having a 3gs 3.1.3 with latest bootloader in emergrncy mode. pls give me a reply thnxx for ur response
Vakas - June 14, 2010 at 7:12am
Hopefully on 21st June when the Apple will release iOS 4.
sudo - May 30, 2010 at 2:38pm
Hi What happens if not in recovery mode before doing a custom restore? Doing an alt-restore in itunes makes no difference to me...
joey - May 28, 2010 at 2:04am
i keep getting error 1604. i put it in recovery mode and even update my itunes and im still getting the error. plz help me
thunder - April 27, 2010 at 10:05pm
Hey guys, does this tutorial work with an iphone 3GS with new bootrom ( my model number starts with MC). I jailbroke it before on 3.1.2, but i accidentaly updated to 3.1.3. Does this tutorial work? thanks much appreciated.. :)
Vakas - June 14, 2010 at 7:14am
No this turorial is not for your device.
val - April 27, 2010 at 4:39am
hi, I have 3Gs iPhone with 3.1.3 firmware, but dont have Mac, I use windows, so is there a way (tool) that I can use to jailbreak it? thank you for your help in advance.
philip - April 23, 2010 at 5:13pm
stuck on step nine. just stays there, saying "connect device to USB" but doesnt go anywhere. background info: iphone crashed, already jailbroken. had to restore to factory settings which installed 3.1.3. now cant downgrade or jailbreak... thanks
faith - May 25, 2010 at 3:34am
i am having the same trouble did you ever figure it out?
dryeast - June 28, 2010 at 7:38pm
did you guys figured it out? i'm having the same problem.. no payload was delivered.
aficionado - April 23, 2010 at 10:45am
Hi. I have an iphone 3gs version 3.1.3 (7E18) with firmware 05.12.01. Will this tutorial work on my iphone. Please advise. Many thanks.
holycowe - April 22, 2010 at 1:35am
ONLY work if you have 3GS with the following: -Older bootrom (week 40, 41 or lower) -On firmware 3.1.2 (baseband 05.11.xx) or lower If you have it on 3.1.3 (baseband 05.12.xx) already. DO NOT TRY!!! Or if you have a newer bootrom. DO NOT TRY!!!
keviphone - April 21, 2010 at 12:47pm
this works very good for me, I have older base band 4.26 with os 3.1.2, did it without any problem, I guess this doesn't work for newer base band even 5.11
WJ - April 20, 2010 at 5:28pm
Will this method only JB or will it Unlock also. Can I use my 3GS with T-Mobile?
keviphone - April 21, 2010 at 12:49pm
It will unlock if you have base band 4.26, i did it , not sure for 5.11 or newer
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