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Apple iPhone Found to be Nearly 3X More Reliable Than Samsung Phones

Apple iPhone Found to be Nearly 3X More Reliable Than Samsung Phones

Posted February 22, 2013 at 10:49pm by iClarified
Apple's iPhones were found to be nearly three times more reliable than Samsung's smart phones, according to a FixYa study.

Using 722,558 combined problem impressions, FixYa calculated scores by taking manufacturer problem impressions divided by sample problem impressions (impression ratio), normalizing market share amongst competitors for comparison (sample market share, combined total is 100%), and dividing sample market share by impression ratio.

Apple scored 3.47 for reliability; whereas, Samsung scored 1.21. Higher is better.

Here is what the study said about Apple devices....

• Dead Simple UI — FixYa users enjoy the “sleekness” and “simplicity” of the Apple experience, comparing it favorably with other phone manufacturers. A simple UI that everyone from grandmothers to small children can use is definitely a calling card of all iPhone devices and something that Apple has historically been very cognizant of when designing their products. There were nearly no complaints from FixYa users about the usability or confusing nature of the iPhone device.
• Reliability — FixYa users lauded the reliability of the iPhone, stating that it is almost always working as intended in regards to core features and never hits a constant roadblock with one feature. This isn’t to say there were no complaints about the product. Rather, it’s an indication that the issues weren’t showstoppers and rarely continued to crop up consistently on a weekly basis.
• App Ecosystem — Considering Apple essentially pioneered the appstore model, this is a logical pro of the device. While users on Android or Windows Phone ecosystems had complaints about a specific app not being available (although this is becoming less of an issue each day), iPhone users did not. If there’ s an app you want, it’ s going to be available on the Apple App Store.

•Lack of customizability — The iPhone’s simple UI is a double-edged sword. While the majority of FixYa users praised the company for its ease of use, some consumers wanted a greater ability to customize the device to their liking while retaining the simple design they enjoy. Apple has notoriously been very closed with their devices, with users essentially getting the full range of functionality out of the box. That works for the majority of consumers, but if you’re a techie and want to add more layers into your personal smartphone experience, the iPhone may not be the best choice for you.
• Battery life — Anyone familiar with the issues surrounding the iPhone4S should be familiar with this complaint. It’s a common refrain amongst Apple users, as a large number of iPhone owners on FixYa have raised the issue when looking for ways to conserve battery life. If you have access to a wall outlet at some point throughout the day this may not be a problem, but anyone who goes on a day-long trip, is using their smartphone to stream music, or send email all day, will find a problem with how long the device lasts off of a single charge.
• Lack of new features with new models: Everyone wants the hot new gadget when it comes to market, and the fanfare surrounding iPhone releases speaks for itself. However, users who have upgraded their old iPhones to new versions felt that the additions to the device and experience were lackluster in nature. Consumers have higher expectations nowadays which may be an issue for Apple. As the old adage goes, “it’s what you’ve done for me lately” that counts. It should be noted however that users who are on their first iPhone don’t have any issues here — it appears to be the multi-device owners that feel the bar needs to be raised at a faster pace.

You can find the full report here.

Apple iPhone Found to be Nearly 3X More Reliable Than Samsung Phones

Apple iPhone Found to be Nearly 3X More Reliable Than Samsung Phones
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Beaver - February 25, 2013 at 2:39am itunes is a credit card vampire
tuyen - February 28, 2013 at 8:48am
lam sao de nang cap iphon
Nima - February 24, 2013 at 8:23pm
I have been apple head since iphone 2g but now I think apple has been sucking so bad. But now Samsung galaxy note and tabs look so much better than iphone and ipad !
Culua - February 24, 2013 at 5:47am
That's from your experience and opinion. I did the opposite last phone I had was I phone 3gs. I feel that iphone feels limited lack of options if there wasn't for jail breaking I phone is just a plain phone. Thank god for our dev out there commenting to modding rooting and jail breaking our phones. So you guys can say crap to each other who's phones are better. But really it comes down to our devs makes our phone better letting us do to our phones how we like it. It doesn't matter who's best but it's about what we can do with our phones.
savoy - February 23, 2013 at 11:26pm
I owned galaxy note 2 , after iphone 3g and iphone 4 , what i can say that android and samsung as to be specified it sucks really just lot of features and lack of usability it is really un-usable its very hard to access all this features its just easy in its ads but its really not , last thing to say NEVER COMPARE SAMSUNG PHONES WITH APPLE PHONES its unfair iphones is the best
TC - February 25, 2013 at 5:21pm
Stick to your simple iphone then.
RS4ever - February 23, 2013 at 10:16pm
"Reliability" is relative and general. This is more about the battle of the OS'es..... Remember Mac vs Windows..... Intel and Rosetta... eventually Apple went intel and pursued the SL, Leopards, Lions etc... Looks very similar right now... Google... Apple?
RS4ever - February 23, 2013 at 10:24pm
I have iPhone 5, 4s, 4, 3g, Note II, S3, Note, S2. Recommended and used all models throughout my organization. All I can say is to each it's own, iOS for the ease of use and Android for the flexibility. Depending on the caliber of the person, you can see what OS they will enjoy.
Somebody - February 23, 2013 at 10:05pm
No one talks about how simple is to transfer files from android to PC ? iTunes is the worst app I saw in my life. How difficult to transfer music to iPhone or if u are at a friend and add a song from his pc he has to have iTunes and even if he does it will erase the music from the iPhone and replce your ipod app library. U cand just add a song or a picture or a video. To my opinion this is the worst thing in apple products.
DavidG - February 24, 2013 at 7:00pm
I will agree iPhone is a lot more reliable and I have used more than one android based phone. However I will agree with the freedom you can have with android. It is a lot easier to transfer and by the way you can also restore contacts and music with android since you're not required to use any program such Amazon that you mentioned. The hardware of the iPhone is the best and the ease of use too but I do hate iTunes. Even iCloud sucks. I love my 4s though and when contract is over I will get the iPhone 5 or the next one. When Android and Samsung get their sh1t together then maybe it will be competition but iPhone is not perfect either. Lets not be stupid. I hate iTunes and the restriction apple imposes.
DavidG - February 24, 2013 at 7:03pm
We should not have to use any other program to transfer any file. Click and drag. Open it all like a hard drive like they do with the photos now. So much easier and faster. I LOVE my iPhone above all others but HATE iTunes and te restrictions on it. We should have the best of both worlds.
Dragan - February 23, 2013 at 8:17pm
Nah... 1) My first iPhone was indestructible, but my iPhone 4 experienced a problem with GSM CODEC chip (my voice was muted in phone calls, while everything worked fine with Skype etc.). Replaced under warranty. Second one still working fine. 2) My wife's iPhone used to restart randomly soon after purchase. It was replaced under warranty, the other one is still working, but two large yellow areas appeared in the upper right and left corners of the screen. 3) Mi friend's iPhone 4s audio jack died after 10 months of use. He got a new replacement device, but realized that his replacement phone could not detect any WiFi network in the vicinity. He got the third one which works fine at the moment. I have to stress that neither me nor anyone I know had an issue with a Nokia smartphone. In my oppinion, high-end Nokia devices are the best quality products by far and wide, particularly those made in Finland. I'm talking about hardware/build quality not OS.
MIro - February 23, 2013 at 11:42am
You need a study on that???
ms - February 23, 2013 at 6:53am
Those number should not be interpreted linearly or literally. That's not how the math works with these "scores." For example, Apple phones are not almost 30x more reliable than Motorola.
Fukran John
Fukran John - February 23, 2013 at 4:27am
True. But you have to have 3 iPhones when you compare with one galaxy .
James - February 23, 2013 at 5:40am
GS3 = 3rd generation
wiseman - February 23, 2013 at 3:37am
It looks Biased too me
Simon - February 23, 2013 at 12:27am
Samsung has both budget phones and high-end phones. Apple only has high-end phones, so this comparison is ridiculous. But, yeah Appstore vs Android Market. No competition. I'm an iPhone user by the way.
Squid - February 22, 2013 at 11:45pm
Since Apple phones are so popular, they attract more than their share of idiots who don't know how to use a smartphone
Logic44 - February 23, 2013 at 8:46am
Wouldn't that be a network issues sir ? God what had become of humanity we speak before we think when indeed it should be the opposite
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