iOS 6.0'dan iOS 6.1'e kadar olan isletim sistemini kullanan iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 ve iPhone 3GS cihazlari icin Evasi0n jailbreak Windows kullanim rehberiniz burada.
Birinci Adim Iphone'ununuzda iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1 arasi isletim sistemi yuklu oldugundan emin olun ve daha sonra buradaki adreste bulunan yonergeleri takip ederek Iphone'ununuzun yedegini alin. Eger iOS 6.0 - iOS 6.1 arasi isletim sistemine sahip degilseniz, uretici yazilimlari (firmware) buradaki adreste bulabilirsiniz.
Ikinci Adim Masaustunuze Pwnage adli bir klasor olusturun ve Evasi0n uygulamasini bu klasorun icine indirin. Indirilecek Evasi0n uygulamasini buradaki adresten bulabilirsiniz.
Dorduncu Adim evasi0n-win klasorunu acmak icin evasi0n-win klasorunun uzerine iki kere tiklayin.
Besinci Adim Uygulamayi calistirmak icin Evasi0n exe ikonunun uzerine sag tiklayin ve menudeki Yonetici Olarak Calistir (Run as Administrator)'i tiklayin.
Altinci Adim Iphone'ununuzun bilgisayariniza USB kablosu ile bagli oldugundan emin olun. Halen Iphoneunuzu bilgisayariniza USB kablosu ile baglamadiysaniz simdi baglayin.
Yedince Adim Eger Iphone'unuzda kilit kodunuz aktif ise sifrenizi girin ve Jailbreak tusuna tiklayin.
Sekizinci Adim Uygulama once jailbreak verisi olusturmak icin Iphone'unuzdan bilgi toplayacak (retrieve information) sonra 1. asama jailbreak verisini yerlestirecek (inject stage 1 jailbreak data), Iphone'ununuzu yeniden baslatacak (reboot the device), cihazinizin hazir olmasi icin bekleyecek (wait for the device to be ready), 2. asama jailbreak verisini yerlestirecek (inject stage 2 jailbreak data), Cydia uygulamasini cihaziniza yukleyecek (upload Cydia) ve Cydia paket listelerini yukleyecek (upload the Cydia packages list).
Dokuzuncu Adim Eger cihaziniz kilitlendi ise cihazinizin kilidini acmaniz istenecek ve iPhone'ununuza yuklenen 'Jailbreak' uygulamasina dokunmaniz istenecek. Dikkat, ikona sadece bir kere dokunmaniz cok onemli, kesinlikle bir kere dokunmalisiniz. 'Jailbreak' uygulamasi hemen acilip kapanacaktir.
Onuncu Adim Evasi0n daha sonra remount payload'u, remount the root filesystem'i yerlestirecek ve son olarak jailbreak verisini hazirlayacak ve yerlestirecek. Tebrikler! Jailbreak rehberini tamamladiniz.
Onbirinci Adim IPhone'ununuz Cydia ekraninizda olacak sekilde yeniden baslatilacak.
ANSWERS: Eger bu rehber ile ilgili yardima ihtiyaciniz var ise yorumlar bolumune sorunuzu yazabilir veya Cevaplar web adresini kullanarak iClarified topluluguna sorunuzu sorabilirsiniz.
TAKIP EDIN: Eger bu rehberi begendiyseniz ve Apple haberleri ve rehberleri ile ilgili guncel bilgilenmek istiyorsaniz iClarified'i bu adreslerden takip edin Twitter, Facebook, Google+, veya RSS
SUKRANLAR: Tabiki, Evad3rs'e bu jailbreak hazirladiklari icin tesekkurlerimizi sunuyoruz.
CEVIRI: Eger rehberlerin baska dillere cevirilmesinde bize yardimci olmak istiyorsaniz, lutfen her rehberin bulundugu web adresinde sari ile belirtilmis baglantiyi (link) kullanin. Tesekkurler!
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For those users that are planning to Jailbreak on iOS 6.1.2 then I recommend adding this Cydia Source into Cydia after you jailbreak so you don't have to manually input all the Cydia Sources manually. This will automatically add all the best Cydia Sources and give you access to all the best Cydia Tweaks, Themes and Apps for FREE with just a push of a button. Follow the steps below.
1. Open Cydia
2. Tap Sources
3. Tap Edit
4. Tap Add
5. Type this url in the box (cydiasource,n e t) without the spaces and switch coma for a dot in the url.
6. Tap "Add Source"
7. Install the package labelled "All Sources".
This will give you all the best Cydia Sources to have access to all the best Tweaks, Apps and Themes for FREE.
I have iphone4 ios6.0.1 I have successfully installed cydia. However, it is frustrating as I am unable to unlock it using SAM/ultrosn0w/fixer etc.
Tried all the above but the phone refuses to work with a sim from another network in another country
Very frustrated.
All methods to unlock the phone to work on a network in India has failed as the phone was bought in US
Any help on where I am going wrong or instructions you can provide will be highly appreciated
Currently have an unjailbroken 5 running 6.0.1. Is it possible to upgrade firmware at this point? Tried downloading and installing the 6.1.2 but got an error. Also downloaded the 6.0.1 and got the same error. Can I just run the Evasi0n jailbreak per instructions above without changing the firmware or do I need to load the one from the links on iClarified? Thanks.
I wish I could jailbreak my phone but I just don't understand all these videos showing how I don't understand what there talking about and for me I just need a more simpler way of doing it and is there a way to jailbreak it using just your phone or do u have to do it on the computer because I'm having Internet problems at my house and some times I have to go all the way in to town for Internet and I don't have a lab top
There isn't a simpler way to this. You should be glad you don't need to put your iPhone in DFU Mode and then jailbreak. This is a one click jailbreak. Easy as that.
For every AT&T user that wants to unlock their phone, you can do it with attiphoneunlocking, google it, it's the site I have been using for several times, they never disappoint me
hi there, i downloaded the restore file "iPhone3,1_6.1.2_10B146_Restore" for my iphone4 to jailbreak, i am on IOS5.1.1, when i try to Ypdate the IOS to 6.1.2, it accepts the file but gives me error when it verifys the update with apple server. How can i update to 6.1.2 from 5.1.1 on iphone without any errors.
iOs 6.1.3 is only tethered Jailbreak for iphones 3gs, means you have to Justboot your device everytime you power off your device, as you problem it might your BB is on 6.15 and you have to downgrade your iphone BB to 5.13 in order to make it work.
I had to rename the version I used to restore my phone in order to get I tunes to recognize it as restore back up I renamed it the same as the itunes back up'. Itunes recognized the file and restored it to the later version. Unfortunately I did not realize Evasion does not recognize version 6.1.3. So I am stuck with this until evasion is updated to handle it. However my phone is still unlocked and I was able to update some of my apps which require 6.1.2 and above.I would note also I had to use Internet explorer to download Evasion, some other internet navigators will download but the files will be corrupted. By the way thanks for all the info Iclarified is a great source.
rick, do you mind telling me which Evasi0n download you used to jailbrake your iPhone iOS 6.1.3? my iPhone iOS version is the same as yours 6.1.3 and if i'm not wrong the latest download evasion for iOS 6.1.3 should be Evasi0n 1.5.3 (Windows). Did you used this same Evasi0n version? Please let me know and thank you for your input.