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Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Posted February 4, 2013 at 6:06pm by iClarified
EnglishDutchFrenchPersianPortuguese (Brazil)TurkishVietnamese
Dit zijn de instructies om uw iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, of iPhone 3GS op iOS 6.0 tot en met iOS 6.1 te jailbreaken met Evasi0n voor Windows.

Stap Eén
U moet er zeker van zijn dat uw iPhone tussen versie iOS 6.0 en iOS 6.1 staat en maak daarna een backup van uw iPhone met behulp van deze instructies.

Stap Twee
Maak een map Pwnage aan op uw bureaublad en download de Evasi0n jailbreak in deze map. U kunt de download links voor Evasi0n hier vinden.
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Drie
Pak het zip bestand Evasi0n uit in de Pwnage map op uw bureaublad.
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Vier
Dubbel klik op de uitgepakte evasi0n-win om de map te openen.
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Vijf
Klik rechts op het Evasi0n exe icoon en klik dan op Als administrator uitvoeren in het context menu om het programma uit te voeren.
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Zes
U moet er zeker van zijn dat uw iPhone verbonden is met de computer via een USB kabel mocht u dat nog niet gedaan hebben.
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Zeven
Zet het codeslot op uw toestel uit en klik daarna op de Jailbreak knop om te beginnen
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Acht
Het programma zal informatie krijgen van het toestel om de jailbreak data te genereren, injectie stadium 1 jailbreak data, toestel heropstarten, wachten dot het toestel klaar is, injectie stadium stage 2 jailbreak data, Cydia uploaden, en de Cydia pakkettenlijst uploaden.
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Negen
U zult dan gevraagd worden om uw toestel te ontgrendelen en daarna op het nieuwe 'Jailbreak' applicatie icoon te duwen. Het is belangrijk dat u maar één keer op het icoon duwt. De applicatie zal openen en direct weer sluiten.
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Tien
Evasi0n zal dan de remount payload injecteren, hoofdbestandssystem remounten, de uiteindelijke jailbreak data klaarmaken, de uiteindelijke jailbreak data injecteren, en compleet!
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

Stap Elf
Uw iPhone zal nu heropstarten met Cydia op het beginscherm!
Hoe moet u uw iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS Jailbreaken met Evasi0n (Windows) [6.1]

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Natuurlijk bedanken we de Evad3rs voor hun harde werk om deze jailbreak mogelijk te maken.

Als u een andere taal spreekt, aarzel dan niet om bovenaan deze pagina op de vertaal link te klikken. Zo kunt u er anderen bij helpen met deze handleiding te vertalen.
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Comments (210)
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iTwe4kz - November 27, 2014 at 2:17am
For those users that are planning to Jailbreak on iOS 6.1.2 then I recommend adding this Cydia Source into Cydia after you jailbreak so you don't have to manually input all the Cydia Sources manually. This will automatically add all the best Cydia Sources and give you access to all the best Cydia Tweaks, Themes and Apps for FREE with just a push of a button. Follow the steps below. 1. Open Cydia 2. Tap Sources 3. Tap Edit 4. Tap Add 5. Type this url in the box (cydiasource,n e t) without the spaces and switch coma for a dot in the url. 6. Tap "Add Source" 7. Install the package labelled "All Sources". This will give you all the best Cydia Sources to have access to all the best Tweaks, Apps and Themes for FREE.
sam1234567 - September 1, 2014 at 5:47pm
why all the firmware files are in .dmg format? can't open on windows? any help
Espee - March 31, 2014 at 8:46pm
I have iphone4 ios6.0.1 I have successfully installed cydia. However, it is frustrating as I am unable to unlock it using SAM/ultrosn0w/fixer etc. Tried all the above but the phone refuses to work with a sim from another network in another country Very frustrated. All methods to unlock the phone to work on a network in India has failed as the phone was bought in US Any help on where I am going wrong or instructions you can provide will be highly appreciated thanks espee
Jack1234zacken - January 13, 2014 at 3:56pm
Hi i alweys got error 3194
seedub - January 4, 2014 at 7:48am
Crashes when "Performing magic" on windows 8??
JR - October 30, 2013 at 4:44pm
I need to know how to downgrade from 6.1.3 to 6.1.2 so I can use this method. Does anyone know the best way to do that?
Rich030400 - October 27, 2014 at 11:51pm
you can search in youtube.com on how to do it... -_-
Travis - October 10, 2013 at 1:43am
Currently have an unjailbroken 5 running 6.0.1. Is it possible to upgrade firmware at this point? Tried downloading and installing the 6.1.2 but got an error. Also downloaded the 6.0.1 and got the same error. Can I just run the Evasi0n jailbreak per instructions above without changing the firmware or do I need to load the one from the links on iClarified? Thanks.
GtcTurbo - October 8, 2013 at 2:05pm
hi, this version is untethered?
Cameron - September 7, 2013 at 5:03pm
I wish I could jailbreak my phone but I just don't understand all these videos showing how I don't understand what there talking about and for me I just need a more simpler way of doing it and is there a way to jailbreak it using just your phone or do u have to do it on the computer because I'm having Internet problems at my house and some times I have to go all the way in to town for Internet and I don't have a lab top
Jose Javier Flores
Jose Javier Flores - September 7, 2013 at 9:10pm
There isn't a simpler way to this. You should be glad you don't need to put your iPhone in DFU Mode and then jailbreak. This is a one click jailbreak. Easy as that.
annelle - August 11, 2013 at 7:12pm
it says sorry it cant suport it. and ive tried all the veriosons for windows. and my phones verzion
neverdispoint - July 29, 2013 at 1:39pm
For every AT&T user that wants to unlock their phone, you can do it with attiphoneunlocking, google it, it's the site I have been using for several times, they never disappoint me
usama  cheema
usama cheema - July 29, 2013 at 10:23am
my phone is also jailbreak so what can i do
Adnan - July 27, 2013 at 9:23am
hi there, i downloaded the restore file "iPhone3,1_6.1.2_10B146_Restore" for my iphone4 to jailbreak, i am on IOS5.1.1, when i try to Ypdate the IOS to 6.1.2, it accepts the file but gives me error when it verifys the update with apple server. How can i update to 6.1.2 from 5.1.1 on iphone without any errors.
Fred - July 4, 2013 at 6:25pm
Any chance of a version that isn't corrupt ?
Vicky - July 1, 2013 at 6:57am
Can somebody please tell me if there is a way to hide the cydia icon from the homescreen?
Heneel Gala
Heneel Gala - May 17, 2013 at 4:11pm
what about ios 6.1.3 can i use the same procedure for iphone5?
tonis - April 6, 2013 at 3:58am
i have i phone 3gs and i isntall ios 6.1.3 but not network i cant do any call,not services and not open cidya can tell me what is a problem ?
halim2731 - May 2, 2013 at 6:33am
iOs 6.1.3 is only tethered Jailbreak for iphones 3gs, means you have to Justboot your device everytime you power off your device, as you problem it might your BB is on 6.15 and you have to downgrade your iphone BB to 5.13 in order to make it work.
Jerry - April 3, 2013 at 1:43pm
Does this JB still work? I am 5.0.1 and I now want to JB. Did the new OS render this one non-op? I have not yet done any uodates since 5.0.1.
ejha - April 18, 2013 at 8:46pm
This JB only works on iOS 6
Rick - April 1, 2013 at 7:10pm
I had to rename the version I used to restore my phone in order to get I tunes to recognize it as restore back up I renamed it the same as the itunes back up'. Itunes recognized the file and restored it to the later version. Unfortunately I did not realize Evasion does not recognize version 6.1.3. So I am stuck with this until evasion is updated to handle it. However my phone is still unlocked and I was able to update some of my apps which require 6.1.2 and above.I would note also I had to use Internet explorer to download Evasion, some other internet navigators will download but the files will be corrupted. By the way thanks for all the info Iclarified is a great source.
sayury perez
sayury perez - April 24, 2013 at 4:00am
rick, do you mind telling me which Evasi0n download you used to jailbrake your iPhone iOS 6.1.3? my iPhone iOS version is the same as yours 6.1.3 and if i'm not wrong the latest download evasion for iOS 6.1.3 should be Evasi0n 1.5.3 (Windows). Did you used this same Evasi0n version? Please let me know and thank you for your input.
Rick - April 24, 2013 at 11:42pm
sayury perez Thanks for the reply. I used the windows 1.5.3 EvasiOn. It will not recognize the 6.1.3.
ACE!!!17 - March 29, 2013 at 3:08am
can u jailbreak it without backing it up???
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