Como fazer o Jailbreak do seu iPhone 3G utilizando RedSn0w (Mac) [4.0, 4.0.1]
Posted June 21, 2010 at 11:48pm by iClarified
Estas instruções de como fazer o jailbreak do seu iPhone 3G no firmware do 4.0 ou 4.0.1 utilizando RedSn0w para Mac e iTunes 9.2. A versão Windows deste tutorial está aqui.
Este tutorial pode ser usado para fazer o jailbreak antes de aplicar o unlock do UltraSn0w. Você pode encontrar instruções de como aplicar o unlock aqui. Ele irá também ativar seu dispositivo para operadoras que não a oficial.
Passo 1 Crie uma pasta no seu desktop chamada Pwnage
Faça o download do RedSn0w daqui ou daqui e coloque-o na pasta Pwnage. Aproveite, e faça o download do versão mais recente do firmware 4.0 a partir dos links abaixo e coloque na mesma pasta. Se você quiser fazer update para o 4.0.1 você irá precisar fazer o download deste arquivo também.
Descompacte o aplicativo redsn0w a partir do arquivo zip RedSn0w e dê um duplo clique sobre ele.
Importante: Se você deseja permanecer na versão 4.0 então pule o passo 2.
Passo 2 Conecte seu iPhone no computador e abra o iTunes.
Selecione seu iPhone a partir da lista de dispositivos a esquerda. Agora aperte Option e clique no botão Restaurar. Restaurar é melhor por que ele não irá criar nenhum espaço vazio no seu iPhone.
Navegue até a pasta Pwnage no seu desktop e selecione o arquivo ipsw do firmware 4.0.1. Clique no botão Escolher para continuar.
Passo 3 Assim que o iTunes finalizar a atualização do iPhone para o firmware desejado, abra a pasta Pwnage no seu desktop e inicialize o aplicativo redsn0w a partir da pasta redsn0w que criamos anteriormente.
Passo 4 Quando o RedSn0w abrir, clique no botão Browse
Passo 5 Selecione o ipsw do firmware 4.0 que foi colocado na pasta Pwnage no seu desktiop e então clique em Open.
Nota: Selecione o ipsw do firmware 4.0 mesmo que você estiver no 4.0.1.
Passo 6 Após a verificação do firmware, clique no botão Next para continuar.
Passo 7 RedSn0w vai preparar os dados de jailbreak
Passo 8 A partir desta janela, você pode selecionar opções do jailbreak que você quiser.
Verbose boot irá mostrar informações detalhadas quando seu dispositivo estiver ligando e normalmente é necessário para programadores ou usuários avançados.
Tenha certeza que o Cydia esteja selecionado. Para este tutorial nós também vamos selecionar Custom boot logo e Custom recovery logo.
Quando você clica para selecionar cada opção de logo personalizada uma janela de diálogo irá aparecer pedindo para selecionar a imagem. Localize a imagem que você gostaria de utilizar e então pressione o botão Open.
*Lembre-se das regras para que as imagens de boot são: formato RGB ou Tons de Cinza com canal Alpha e dimensões abaixo de 320x480. Se você quiser utilizar as imagens do iClarified, elas podem ser encontradas aqui: Logo de Boot, Logo de Restauração
Perceba que o RedSn0w já selecionou o Enable multitasking (Habilitar Multitarefa), Enable homescreen wallpaper (Habilitar papel de parede na homescreen) e Enable battery percentage (Habilitar percentual da bateria). Se você não quiser utilizar multitarefa nós recomendamemos que você desselecione esta opção ou ele irá fazer seu iPhone trabalhar muito devagar.
Clique no botão Next para continuar
Passo 9 Por favor, conecte seu iPhone no computador e tenha certeza que ele está DESLIGADO e então clique no botão Next
Passo 10 RedSn0w irá guiá-lo através dos passos para entrar no modo DFU. Você pode encontrar ajuda com o modo DFU aqui
Pressione ambos os botões Home e Power por 10 segundos.
Solte o botão Power e continue pressionando Home até que o RedSn0w detecte o dispositivo.
Passo 11 Seu iPhone irá reiniciar
Passo 12 RedSn0w irá começar o upload do novo Kernel e do Disco RAM.
Passo 13 Quando concluído você será avisado que o RedSn0w finalizou. Clique no botão Finish. Quando o seu iPhone concluir o processo irá reiniciar (5 minutos ou mais) ele irá fazer o jailbreak com o Cydia instalado no SpringBoard.
Você poe continuar o unlock do seu dispositivo utilizando o UltraSn0w com estas instruções.
*Como sempre, um agradecimento especial ao iPhone Dev-Team por seu duro trabalho e contribuição a comunidade iPhone.
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hello folks, made sure to read thru all the threads before posting...i have an unpwned iphone 3g running 3.1.3 and trying to jB (then uL).
1. when i try to update as in step #2, i get the error "iPhone could not be restored because the firmware file is not compatible" -- do i need to update to iOS 4 via iTunes *first* and then begin this process? my understanding is that i would upgrade after going thru these steps.
2. after antennagate, itunes is now updating to iOS 4.0.1 -- will this update work or should i wait for an update from idev team (who i need to thank!)?
thanks, in advance, for the help.
Hey guys, I need you help. I upgrade my iphone 3G to 4.0 version, it was working great but now, everytime I try to launch youtube I get a message "cannot connect to youtube". I have tried almost everything and nothing works.
What could I do? Thank you very much in advance
Be advised that redsn0w 0.9.5 Beta is out. It worked well when I JB my 3G. The previous vers. had some issues with 4.0 OS. Seems to have been fixed. Also, I just noticed the tutorial link to redsn0w is down. iC may be updating the link. Cheers!
Maybe a strange question: do I need to update to iOS 4.0 via iTunes 9.2 first before jailbreaking with RedSnow and then unlocking, or can I run RedSnow with the new IOS 4.0 while my iPhone 3G is still on iOS 3.1.2 with Baseband 4.26.08?
You update via itunes to 4.0 using the method in the tutorial ("Hold down Option and click the Restore button"). I followed this tutorial step by step and it worked fine. Once finished I checked my version and baseband and all was updated to the latest (i.e 4.0 w/ BB 5.13...). I was on 4.26 and firmware 3.0 to start. I'm assuming there is no way to upgrade to 4.0 w/out upgrading the baseband along with it (if there is, this tutorial doesn't cover it). However I jailbroke just fine and then installed Ultrasn0w w/out issue.
After Jailbreaking & unlocking, is there a way to go back to the original locked 4.0 firmware that I'm currently running.
I just need to go out of country for 3 weeks, and I need to use another sim on the phone; and when I come back, I want to be able to use my phone the way it is before unlock&jailbreak (feel more comfortable)
If the answer is yes, then how do i do this? Restoring in DFU or Recovery?
-By doing so, do I lose any data (such as txt, contacts, applications etc) between the time of jailbreaking and restoring to locked firmware (since i have a backup prior to jailbreak)
-Can I continue to backup/sync my device the usual way after I jailbreak it?
-When I restore the device to the locked firmware, should i use my backup taken prior to jailbreak, or can i just use the one i have while it was jailbroken?
Hey guys.
Has anyone had troubles downloading ibooks and making it works?
I have an iphone 3G on 4.0 version, but it never downloads any ibook and it just crash, it syncs with my Mac but with I try to open it from the iphone, it doesn't work.
Do you have any ideas?
Thanks for your help.
Dear all
I try the tuto and doesnot work.
itunes 9.2
first ddownload all Firmware and redshow. when i try to use Redshow, saying unable to recognize the firmware try with PWNAGE and itunes dont work.
i am sure you need to check the bootloader. it looks like a big issue.
i have 3 iphones 3g and 3gs AND both are not working with your tuto lucky i could bring it back to normal. SO GUYS BEFORE DOING IT MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE A BACK UP OR YOU WILL BE USELESS ...
So just with for spirit or Wait for the blacknr .. mine advice
3G on 3.0 jailbroken/unlocked (BB 4.26)
iTunes 9.2 on MAC
- Great tutorial first off. However before I attempted the upgrade to 4.0 I disconnected my internet connection in fear that it may reach out to Apple servers and lock me down...sure enough, during step 2, after manually selecting the IPSW to restore from I got the error message:
"The iPhone cannot be restored at this moment because the iPhone software update server could not be contacted or is temporarily .."
Am I ok to reconnect and continue? What's it need the Apple servers for if I'm restoring from the file? Any insight is appreciated. Thx
In case anyone was wondering: I ended up connecting back to the net and going through with it all. Everything works perfectly fine, followed the tut step for step and everything went just fine. It did upgrade my baseband to 5.13 but I guess that is normal if I'm upgrading the OS to the newest version...? Ultrasn0w currently unlocks the 5.13 baseband so it doesn't matter anyway. Works great (didn't do enable the multitasking though). Now my 3G is updated/jailbroken/unlocked and ready to sell! (Proud owner of the iPhone 4) TUT was great, thanks again.
Does anyone else have an issue with tethering after jailbreaking with RedSn0w. I've tried it twice already. First, after the restore of new iOS4, I tried tethering and it seems to work. After jailbreaking, the option exists for the first time, but once I enable the tethering, the option disappears. And even though Itunes asks to update the carrier information, it still doesn't give me the option to tether.
Thank you! This tutorial worked GREAT! Thanks so much for this, it made my JB experience pleasurable. Too bad it took me 2 days of banging my head against forums before I found it. It made me more confident in jailbraking. Everything went smoothly and exactly as the tutorial showed. Thanks again.
Hooray multitasking!
I have an IPhone 3G and it was on OS 3.1 Jailbroken. I am trying to resotre it to IOS 4.0 using the above IPSW and the phone starts restoring and in Itunes the restore does not complete. The status bar is 99 % complete but it does not finish. I have left it running over night to no success. Am I missing something here? Anybody else have similar issues?
I am on BaseBand 4.26.08 do you think if I update directly through itunes to 4.0 I will loose the baseband?
Any help will be appreciated.
Hi, just did the restore on the iPhone, but the home button and the power button doesn't seem to be working at all... sometimes I can turn it off, some times not, if I enter an app I can't get back to the home screen... I was not able to put it into DFU mode yet due to this... anyone has any idea?
Hey guys, one big big and I guess stupid question.
I have a jb iPhone on 3.0 firmware and 4.26 baseband. Does this tutorial apply or I do need to upgrade to 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 first.
Thanks a lot