To są instrukcje krok po kroku jak zainstalowć BSD subystem w twoim iPhonie. BSD Subystem jest wymagany przed zainstalowaniem wielu innych aplikacji i nakładek, dlatego też powinienen być to pierwszy pakiet zainstalowany po "jailbreak-u" w twoim iPhonie.
Krok Pierwszy Uruchom Installer poprzez naciśnięcie jego ikonki na "SpringBoard".
Krok Drugi Wybierz i naciśnij patke Install na dole ekranu.
Krok Trzeci Wybierz i naciśnij System z listy "Categories".
Krok Czwarty Wybierz i naciśnij BSD Subsystem pakiet z listy dostępnych pakietów.
Krok Piąty Naciśnij przycisk Install w prawym górnym rogu ekranu.
Krok Szósty Naciśnij duży przycisk Install, który sie pojawił na ekranie.
Krok Siódmy Pojawi sie wiadomość, ażeby nie używac hasła w 1.1.3. Kliknij duży przycisk OK.
Krok Ósmy Po zakończeniu instalacji, zostaniesz przeniesiony z powrotem do listy "Categories".
Po zakończeniu instalacji "Subystemu BSD", byłoby bardzo dobrze zainstalować "OpenSSH" z kategorii "System", jeżeli jeszcze nie został zainstalowany.
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I've jailbroken my iphone already and found installer & cydia on my i need wifi connection to access installer in order to install BSD subsystem & openSSH?...what if i don't have wifi connection?is there any other way?
I have iphone 1.1.4 So everything works but yahoo. mail stop working. " Cannot Get Mail The user name or password for is incorrect. " Please help.
Hi Bernardo,
I help the home button and the on/off button together for about 5 secs. It then went to the "slide to power off", I did. Then, when I tried to get it on again, the apple logo showed up. I held the home button again for a few seconds until the phone was on again. The installer was working again and I could get it installed.
About the time, it depends on how fast is your wireless. Mine took a few minutes. Don`t let it go to "sleep" mode tho.
how did you solve the "unclickable" OK icon?
does one have to wait for a very long time for it to finish installing?
let me know as i have the same problem as you. or any kind souls?
I was installing the BSD just fine, when my phone went to sleep mode. Now whenever I enter the Installer, I get stuck at the "Do not use passwd to change password" screen. It wont do anything else, and it wont accept my ok. Isnt there a control + alt + del on this thing?
Hoping someone can help, each time I attempt to install any program, I get an error message "cannot connect to host". Does anyone understand why I'm receiving this message and cannot install any applications?
Thanks for helping.
I was able to finally load BSD by going into the "most recent updated folder" find bsd and install from there. Make sure you "clear queue before hitting install. It loaded fine.
I am having 16GB iphone with 1.1.3 unlocked through ziphone 2.5. I am trying to install BSD, open SSH and AppSupport Patch 1.1.3 but none is getting installed.Do I need BSD subsystem. How to install it : my phone shows 2.1 version (5.1 MB) but installation fails everytime, tried about 10 times over 2 dyas.
i have a 1.1.4 iTouch. The basic installation process is the same as the iPhone, but whenever i go to install the BSD subsystem, it says that i "must install BSD subsystem or Cydia first" which is, needless to say, confusing. I could not find a "Cydia" in the package list, and there is nothing else called "BSD Subsystem." Please help! Thanks.