Queste instruzioni indicano come attivare gli MMS sul tuo iPhone 2G. Per fare questo sul tuo telefono deve avere installata la versione 3.0 del Firmware e esser stato sbloccato.
Puoi consultare come farlo a questo link qui sotto: Windows, Mac
IMPORTANTE: Questa patch attivera' la possibilita' di inviare gli MMS con il Firmware 3.0, ma non inserira' i parametri per l'invio/ricezione degli MMS. I parametri di invio/ricezione MMS sono disponibili nel sito della vostra compagnia telefonica. Fino a che non verranno inseriti i suddetti parametri questa patch non funzionera'.
Passo 1 Lanciare Cydia dalle apps del vostro iPhone
Passo 2 Selezionate la sezione Sections e schiacciate il bottone sullo schermo
Passo 3 Selezionare Messaging dalla lista delle categorie
Passo 4 Selezionare ActivateMMS2G dalla lista dei pacchetti
Passo 5 Selezionare Install il bottone nella parte destra in alto dello schermo
Passo 6 Selezionare Confirm il bottone in alto a destra per iniziare l'installazione
Passo 7 Quando l'installazione sara' completa schiacciare il tasto Reboot al centro dello schermo
Passo 8 Il vostro iPhone si riavviera' automaticamente, una volta riavviato, aprite l'applicazione messaggi.
Nota: ora avete la possibilita' di inviare gli MMS. Attenzione: l'invio/ ricezione di MMS comportera' una spesa aggiuntiva al vostro piano tariffario. Consultare il vostro operatore.
Si ringrazia geniusan autore di questa Pacth, per maggiori informazioni, su come usare gli MMS seguire il link qui sotto here
Per inserire i tuoi parametri per l'invio e ricezione MMS partite da Settings - General - Network - Cellular Data Network Settings
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So i can't find this anywhere under the ispazio repository in Cydia. Has there been an update on this? i've tried searching through the net for a fix, i've tried the iphonorepo and some other ones but no luck. anything?
Yes, a very good piece indeed. The photo is not nlssecariey representative of today's 70-year-old (I know because I'm over 70 myself), but her facial expres...
After upgrading to 3.1 DO NOT enable MMS using this. I tried it 3 times and it hung my iphone 2G. If it is hung enter DFU mode using the tutorial in iclarified. After which use the DFU mode in PWNAGE and then restore normally with the custom firmware you already built
My laptop does not see my iphone when I connect the device to my computer. Did you have this problem before? And how could you solve it?
Could you please tell me how to enter DFU mode? Thank you so much.
NO!!!!! Activatemms2G does NOT work for 3.1! IT will Brick your phone and it just becomes a big hassle. Were going to have to wait till someone makes a patch for this
How great that you went up to visit Kristen! I need to get up there when Jax nurse is here. Oh and I keep forgeting to send you a check for my cladnears. Are you not the president anymore? Should I send them somewhere else?
I just tried this and got this message "NetDB: Open nodename nor servname provided, or not known."
Any ideas on what this means and if there's a way around it or not?
After installing this, my phone just hung on apple logo. After several tries of Power and home button combination, it gave me the option to restore. I reconfigured the phone, as i did when newly purchased and resynched everything.
Did the MMS install twice and it did not work at all. Both time I had to reinstall everything from scratch..
Although it works perfectly, ActivateMMS2G has the unfortunate effect of dividing by 6 the idle autonomy of my iPhone V1 (300+ hours -> less than 48).
The same problem has been found by others.
Let's hope for an update of ActivateMMS2G since it was a great add-on to all V1 iPhones.
My configuration : iPhone v1 US, BL 3.9, jailbroken + desimlocked with redsn0w-mac_0.8
what i did was that i got swirly & checked its setting & typed all its info for my network setting after installing the activation, after 2 reboots it worked & i got the camera on my sms app!
My issue is not only did it not work for me, but after I installed, I could not even launch Cydia. It would open then crash. Wound up bringing my phone back to factory settings. Any idea what I did wrong?
I seem to have the opposite problem as everyone else. I have both APN and MMS APN setting enabled. They're both set at It was working normally for me but then after I upgraded the 'mobile substrate' on Cyidia I don't have a camera icon of the option to turn MMS on in the settings app. Could mobile substrate have something to do with it? I tried resetting my phone, I turned off and uninstalled all apps that use mobile substrate and still nothing. However, MMS APN settings remained through out. I'm so confused :|
Hi i installed the activemms2g and it didnt work for me. i reinstalled it and it still didnt work for me. i didnt get the button on the messaging screen. can anyone help?
You have to get the Carrier bundle. UnInstall Activate2gmms & reboot. Then go into Cydia make sure you have the Mod My I repository (if not add it as a resource on the cydia frot page). Look for the T mobile Bundle Carrier Pack ( I assume you are t-mobile. Install it. Re boot. Then you should have the Toggle switches in Messages setting. Once you do that Then Install Activate2gMMS Then you should be good to go, Well after you change the APN via Unlockit, Google That on Safari via Iphone.
Joey Long Balls AKA LAshley
just adjust your settings in SETTINGS>GENERAL.NETWORK>CELLULAR DATA NETWORK first. There's a link earlier in the thread to the settings. After that reboot your phone if you already have the mms installed and there you have it. If you do not have it, just install it and reboot. REMEMBER TO GET THE SETTINGS CORRECT FIRST!!!!!!!
article explains in deep how to install ActivateMMS2G to make it work on 99% of all the iPhones 2G.
No Camera issue, no Cellular Data Network Save Error, no Send Error.
This is almost there, thank you for that! How do you get the MMS APN, Username and Password entries to stick though when you have different APN data for MMS and Cellular Data? I am on Vodafone UK and the MMS settings get deleted when I come out of network settings.
ahmad, Thank you very much for the link! Worked first time. My wife is very happy, she is sending and receiving MMS on her iPhone 2G on the Vodafone UK network now.
I just tried to do this now my phone is stuck with the apple and it wont do anything. I did the reboot by holding home button and power button comes to apple screen again and stops there. I then tired to hook up to itunes and it dosent register. Can anybody help ?????
Hey, the same thing happened to me. What you need to do is hold the power button down until it is off, then plug it into your computer. Turn the phone off again and go onto redsn0w and jailbreak it over again. I just did this five minutes ago and it worked. Hope this helps : )