Comment Sauvegarder l'iBEC et l'iBSS de votre iPhone 3GS
Posted July 2, 2009 at 10:59am by iClarified
Ce qui suit sont instructions de Sauvegarde de l'iBEC et de l'iBSS de votre iPhone 3GS qui sera nécessaire pour le jailbreak. La version Windows de ce tutoriel peut être trouvée ici
Etape Une Créez un nouveau dossier sur votre bureau nommé Pwnage et placez y le firmware 3.0. Vous pouvez télécharger ce firmware ici. Laissez cette fenêtre ouverte.
Etape Deux Lancez iTunes en cliquant sur l'icône du dock.
Etape Trois Nous aurons besoin de faire un restore en mode DFU pour avoir l'iBEC et l'iBSS.
iTunes va faire apparaître un message disant qu'il a détecté un iPhone en mode recovery. Cliquez sur ok puis appuyez sur la touche Option et cliquez le bouton Restorer.
Sélectionnez le fichier iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw depuis le dossier Pwnage de votre Bureau et cliquez le bouton Ouvrir.
Votre iPhone va commencer la restauration vers le firmware 3.0. iTunes va vous informer que ceci va effacer toutes les données sur votre iPhone. NE CLIQUEZ PAS SUR LE BOUTON RESTORER MAINTENANT.
Etape Quatre Ouvrez une nouvelle fenêtre de Terminal depuis /Applications/Utilitaires/
Tapez la commande suivante dans le Terminal pressez la touche Entrée de votre clavier.
while x=1; do nohup cp -vr /tmp/PersonalizedRestoreBundle.*/Firmware/dfu/* ~/Desktop/Pwnage/ 2>/dev/null; sleep .1s; done
Etape Cinq De retour dans iTunes, vous pouvez a présent cliquer le bouton Restorer sur le message d'avertissement pour continuer.
Etape Six Pendant que la restauration en mode DFU progresse, regardez le dossier Pwnage ouvert dans le Finder. Vous pouvez remarquer que deux fichiers sont apparus: iBEC.n88ap.RELEASE.dfu et iBSS.n88ap.RELEASE.dfu
Etape Sept Une fois que les deux fichiers son apparus, retournez dans la fenêtre de Terminal et pressez les touches Control+c pour stopper le script actuellement lancé.
Etape Huit Une fois que la restauration en mode DFU est complète, iTunes va vous demander de restaurer comme un nouvel iPhone ou depuis une Sauvegarde. Pour garder vos préférences sélectionnez Restaurer depuis la sauvegarde de: puis cliquez sur le bouton Continuer pour terminer la restauration.
Etape Neuf Voilà. Nous avons sauvegardez l'iBEC et l'iBSS. Vous pouvez les déplacer vers un endroit sécurisé pour etre utiliser pour le futur jailbreak de votre iPhone 3GS.
***Merci a c0ns0le d'avoir posté le script pour plus de facilités pour ceux qui ne sont pas rapide avec le copier/coller.
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hmm, i think it would be great big hint for everyone, that this move isn't possible anymore, since apple only let us restore with 3.1, right?!!!!!!!
or can we extract the ibec/ibss from a custom made 3.1 made with pwnage 313?
i love the guides from iclarified, but it's much to unclearly with all the non actual guides......
I have just followed the steps but i don't get these 2 files. Anyway when the extracting is finished it appears an alert massage which says restoration cannot be completed. I've got iphone 3gs which had been unlocked and jailbroken before i accidentely updated it to 3.1. I use itunes 9 on snow leopard 10.6.1. Beside this if i try to generate these files using purplera1n , nothing again ... it appears a massage "something went wrong..."
Does anyone have any suggestions why is that?
Thanks. It worked perfectly with my 3Gs on 3.0.1 directly. iClarified is my Number ONE, always :sharp and clean instructions . Thanks a lot to all TEAM !
Thanks a lot pal, I didn't even know that the DFU mode existed, that's why I couldn't get the IBSS file right away (was doing it in Recovery mode...). Very nice tutorial, keep the good work! =)
I could only retrieve the ibec file and couldn't get the ibss file using the terminal script. Running the script as root fixed the problem and I got both files straight away (don't forget to replace the ~ with a path to your home directory)
Thanks, this really helps, i did it several times but never quite get the ibss file... i was pulling my hair until I saw your post.. did it as root and replaced the ~ with /Users//Desktop/Pwnage works....
My 3GS phone recently died, and I have had to replace it. When I tried to DFU to get the iBEC and iBSS files, using a Mac running itunes 8.2.1 and the terminal script method, I succeeded in getting the files but when the phone tried to authorise with Apple's activation servers it failed with the message "Unsupported Carrier/SIM" etc. I have (had!) a legitimately purchased and activated account, and I have now tried this procedure with several replacement phones.
Each of these phones was obtained from the Apple Store, and was successfully activated with my SIM, in the store. Each time I got it home and tried to DFU it to get the iBEC and iBSS files off it, it was totally bricked at the end of the restore process because iTunes refuses to re-activate it.
The same result, every time.
The phone restores, and when it does, it won't recognise the legitimate SIM card, or indeed any iPhone SIM card.
DFU-ing and restoring it again doesn't help. It won't re-activate. Period! Even after a factory reset.
I have tried going back to iTunes 8.2 instead of 8.2.1, with a fresh phone from the Apple Store, which WAS activated in-store successfully (as were each of them - I've tried 5 replacements now!) and got the same result.
Can anyone shed any light on WTF is going on??
I've followed the instructions provided, all worked well as far as the files are concerned, however I only got one file; iBEC.n88ap.RELEASE.dfu. Should I redo the process or something else I can do to get the iBESS file?
Also this only captures the iBEC and iBSS files, it doesn't actually unlock the phone right? Do I still need to use ultrasn0w or whichever one to unlock the phone using MacBook Pro? Thanks
Guys, just tried to capture the required files using the terminal method. I followed the instructions, the phone was in DFU mode (black screen) and monitored the pawnage folder, the files did not appear at all??? I'm using a powerbook 1.5GHz, running Tiger with iTunes 8.2. I'm not a terminal guru, but i notice on the tutorial, after the command has been entered, the top bar of the terminal windows displays -CP-, but when I paste the command into terminal and hit enter, it says -SLEEP- Does this seem right??
A response will be much appreciated :)
The downloaded firmware update 'iPhone2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw' shows up as a folder when unzipped, rather than as a device update package. So, in iTunes I can't select the whole package after Option-Restore. Has anyone encountered this, or what should I do differently?
Forget it. I found it under the Jailbreak:
Likno1uvevacen wrote at 2009-07-09 11:31:26
In safari click Safari preferences then general tab. UNCHECK open safe files after downloading. Then REDOWNLOAD THE IPSW FILE. DO NOT UNZIP IT! Change the extension on file from .zip to ipsw. It will ask you for confirmation tell it yes. Then you should be all set.
Found my problem thanks to Spliff on xsellize's irc channel - I had been running a beta 3.0 on my old 3G - so my iTunes was a beta - reinstalled a normal itunes and it worked like a charm1
Can this be done a purplera1n jailbroken phone? I've got a bunch of apps. If I follow this tut and get the files, and I restore from backup, will it restore my apps when synced?
I figured the same after a bit of googling for the answer, but no one's outright said it. Funny thing is every demo of the process I watched on Youtube, the user running the demo didn't have the Finder/Explorer window set to show file sizes, or it was hidden off screen.
Anyways, the script runs great and did just what it was supposed to. Only hassle for me was the very long time it took to resync 32gb of songs and stuff back after the restore. A low price to pay to be able to re-jailbreak in the future, though.
I figured the same after a bit of googling for the answer, but no one's outright said it. Would be nice if iClarified clarified that in the how-to.
Funny thing is every demo of the process I watched on Youtube, the user running the demo didn't have the Finder/Explorer window set to show file sizes, or it was hidden off screen.
Anyways, the script runs great and did just what it was supposed to. Only hassle for me was the very long time it took to resync 32gb of songs and stuff back after the restore. A low price to pay to be able to re-jailbreak in the future, though.
It obviously makes things easier for the user. One place keeps track of all your purchases and helps you easily find an app for whatever u need to do...
Doesn't give me the option to choose a file.
"Are you sure you want to restore the iPhone "iPhone" to its factory settings? All of your media and other data will be erased, and the newest version of the iPhone software will be installed.
Then there is a Cancel and a Restore and Update button
What am I doing wrong?
Heeey i have the same problem i dont have idea whats wrong!!! because itunes wants to update the iphone and i think this is not good because maybe update to firmware 3.1 ...