Comment Jailbreaker votre iPhone 3GS avec RedSn0w (Mac) [4.3.1]
Posted May 6, 2011 at 2:15pm by iClarified
Voici la marche à suivre pour jailbreaker votre iPhone 3GS sous firmware 4.3.1 en utilisant RedSn0w pour Mac
Pour le Jailbreak d'une version précédente du firmware, vous pouvez trouver le tutoriel approprié ici.
Faites attention à ne pas mettre à jour vers le 4.3.1 si vous utilisez le désimlock puisqu'il n'en existe pas pour l'instant, à moins que vous choisissiez d'utiliser le baseband de l'iPad.
IMPORTANT POUR LES DESIMLOCKEURS Au cours de cette procédure vous aurez l'occasion de mettre à jour votre baseband (logiciel du modem) à la version 06.15. Si vous êtes actuellement sous 05.14, 05.15 ou plus, vous serez obligés d'utiliser cette méthode. Vous n'êtes pas obligé d'effectuer cette manipulation pour un Jailbreak simple (sans désimlock). Merci de lire les remarques suivantes très attentivement avant de vous lancer dans cette manipulation. Vous pouvez obtenir la version de votre baseband ici.
1. Il est impossible de revenir de la version 06.15 à une version antérieure, et impossible de cacher la version de votre baseband à Apple. Vous invaliderez donc votre garantie de manière vraiment évidente. 2.Si une future version du baseband est publiée avec des corrections fondamentales, vous n'aurez aucun moyen de l'obtenir si son numéro de séquence reste à 05.xx (de toute façon vous ne feriez pas cette mise jour si vous vouliez garder votre desimlock à la base !). 3. Si vous partez du firmware 4.2.1 avec le baseband 06.15 sur votre iPhone vous ne pourrez plus jamais mettre à jour vers un baseband d'usine (l'opération échouera). Vous devrez toujours restaurer vers des IPSWs craqués (de nouveau, si vous désimlockez vous devriez déjà faire ça à chaque fois). 4. Il a été rapporté que la version 06.15 peut désactiver votre GPS. La Dev-Team iPhone travaille actuellement sur une correction de ce bug.
Ne mettez pas à jour vers la 06.15 si vous n'en avez pas besoin ! Ne faites cette manipulation que si vous êtes bloqué à la 05.14 ou 05.15, et que vous assumez les risques présentés ci-dessus. Si votre baseband peut actuellement être craqué, et que vous avez une version antérieure du firmware utilisez PwnageTool pour mettre à jour vers la 4.3.1 sans modifier votre baseband.
Première Étape Créez un dossier sur votre Bureau nommé Pwnage
Téléchargez RedSn0w ici et placez-le dans le dossier Pwnage. De la même manière téléchargez la dernière version du firmware 4.3.1 avec le lien ci-dessous et placez-le dans le même dossier.
Double-cliquez sur l'archive zip de RedSn0w pour l'extraire.
Deuxième Etape Connectez votre iPhone à votre Mac et démarrez iTunes.
Sélectionnez votre iPhone dans la liste des appareils sur la gauche. Maintenez la touche Options enfoncée et cliquez sur le bouton Restaurer. Il est préférable de restaurer afin de ne pas utiliser inutilement de la place sur votre iPhone.
Naviguez vers votre dossier Pwnage et sélectionnez le firmware 4.3.1. Cliquez sur le bouton Choisir pour continuer.
Troisième Étape Une fois qu'iTunes a fini la mise à jour vers le firmware désiré, ouvrez le dossier Pwnage sur votre bureau et lancez l'application redsn0w depuis le dossier extrait précédemment.
Quatrième Étape Une fois RedSn0w ouvert, cliquez sur le bouton Browse.
Cinquième Etape Sélectionnez le firmware 4.3.1 placé dans le dossier Pwnage et cliquez sur Open. On vous demandera alors si votre appareil est modifié pour la première fois. Si il l'est cliquez sur Yes, sinon cliquez sur No.
Sixième Étape Une fois que le firmware a été vérifié cliquez sur le bouton Next pour continuer.
Septième Étape RedSn0w va alors prépare les données jailbreakées
Huitième Étape Depuis cette fenêtre vous pouvez choisir les options de jailbreak que vous désirez. Assurez vous que Cydia est bien sélectionné.
Le démarrage verbeux (Verbose Boot) affiche les informations détaillées de démarrage sur votre appareil et n'est généralement utile qu'aux développeurs et aux utilisateurs avancés.
Assurez vous que Cydia est bien sélectionné. Dans ce tutoriel nous sélectionneront également les logos personnalisés de démarrage et de récupération.
Quand vous sélectionnez chacun des logos une boîte de dialogue apparaitra pour vous demander de choisir l'image. Localiser l'image désirée et cliquez sur Open.
*Rappelez vous les règles pour le logo de boot : format RGB ou Grayscale avec canal Alpha et dimensions en dessous de 320x480. Si vous souhaitez utiliser les logos iClarified vous pouvez vous les procurer ici : Logo de Boot, Logo de Recovery
Si vous avez bien lu la mise en garde précédente et que vous souhaitez mettre à jour votre baseband vers la version 06.15 pour iPad cochez Install iPad Baseband. Clliquez sur Yes pour confirmer votre décision.
Cliquez sur le bouton Next pour continuer
Neuvième Étape Connectez votre iPhone à votre ordinateur en vous assurant qu'il est bien ÉTEINT puis cliquez sur le bouton Next
Dixième Étape RedSn0w va alors vous guider dans les étapes pour passer en mode DFU. Vous pouvez trouver plus d'aide sur le mode DFU ici
Enfoncez le bouton Home et le bouton Power pendant 10 secondes.
Relâchez le bouton Power en gardant le bouton Home enfoncé jusqu'à ce que RedSn0w détecte l'appareil.
Onzième Étape Votre iPhone va alors redémarrer
Douzième Étape RedSn0w va alors commencer à charger la nouvelle partition RAM et le noyau.
Treizième Étape Une fois que l'opération est effectuée vous serez informé que RedSn0w a terminé. Cliquez sur le boutonFinish. Quand votre iPhone a fini de redémarrer (environ 5 minutes) il sera jailbreaké et Cydia apparaitra dans le SpringBoard.
*Comme toujours un grand merci à la Dev-Team iPhone et I0n1c pour leur dur labeur et le grande contribution à la communauté iPhone.
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In step 2, iTunes is telling me that my iPhone "could not be restored because the firmware file is not compatible." My phone isn't activated, so I can't figure out how to even find out what firmware it has. I restored it two days ago through iTunes, which probably means I've got the most recent version, which could be bad news bears for me?
Apple and Palm are selling a artpfolm. They want all users of there devices to get updates to drive the artpfolm forward. I'm been saying this very same thing on several posts awhile back. Companies, namely HTC are only interested in selling phones. They rather you just buy a new phone if your old one has bugs. Google should FORCE device makers using android compulsory updates. The old G1 should get android 2.1. Microsoft with WM7 should control 100% of the software that goes on the phones, similar to the model that google is doing with the nexus one.
Not quite a year ago, I switched from HTC's iwodnw based phones. My last 3 phones have been imported into the US and I loved them. I did the usual hacking of the ROM's and made it the way I wanted it. I bad-mouthed iphones all day long.Then, I bought one on a whim. Now almost a year later, I have bought 5 different iphones for members of my family. Though I agree somewhat with the closed-minded business practices of Apple, it's tough to beat the ease and usefulness of the iphone. The apps and software design IMO is superior to any iwodnw's based phone for daily use.And now with the new 4.0 OS coming out, it will be the cat's meow I can't wait. And if that were not enough, the possibility that the new 4G may have a removable battery seals the deal. I've always complained about the iphone's battery usage, I thought it was ridiculous. By noon, my battery was dead and I was charging again. After having to replace my iphone 3Gs because I broke it, I received a new one with the 3.1.3 OS. Funny thing now, since I can't jailbreak it like my old one, my battery life goes from 6:30am to 7-8pm before I have to charge it. At first I thought it was the fact that the new phone comes with a new battery but I had recently replaced my battery in my old iphone.Apparently, jailbreaking uses more battery than I thought.An interesting sidenote, when my iphone broke and I had to wait till Monday to replace it, I fired up my trusty HTC and what a disappointment, it was so awkward and non-refined, I ended up using my iphone though I only had a speaker phone to work.Guess I do love my iphone.
I have my iPhone on FW 4.3.2 & I am using Mac to unlock. In step 2, after I browse the "iPhone2,1_4.3.2_8H7_Restore.ipsw" file, it prompts me "iTunes will erase and restore your iPhone to iOS 4.3.2 and will verify the restore with Apple." If I click restore, it says "The iPhone could not be restored. This device isn't eligible for the requested build."
Any idea how I can get away with this error ?
Same thing happened to me, it's because an Apple server was blocked in my Hosts file. Go to this folder: /private/etc/
Locate the "hosts" file and open it up. See if there is a line that looks like this...
If so, remove the "#" at the beginning and save the file. You may need to adjust permissions before you can save. After I did this, iTunes allowed the custom firmware to load. Good luck!
I have a 3GS (newer) and I followed all the steps installing only cydia, but then after the "waiting for reboot" phase the phone's screen goes white and redsn0w says "unexpected error". Any idea ?
count me as having the same problem. I found some info somewhere that indicated that somebody had luck by doing a full restore then re-running redsn0w, so I tried that. didn't work. would love a solution...
may try on a PC. I've been doing all this on a macbook 2006.
i tried to jailbreak iphone 3gs using redsnow 9.6rc14 but the jailbreak fails. only ipad baseband is upgraded. its a 3gs with serial xxx49 so i selected YES when prompted to have a fixed bootroom. what did i do wrong?
i updated to stock apple 4.3.2 firmware before jailbreak. from 4.3 to 4.3.2. everytime i do the jailbreak again, there is a crash error in the iphone screen and when the iphone reboots CYDIA cant be found anywhere in the home screen.
Well "The iPhone could not be restored. This device isn't eligible for the requested build" thats itunes message and i do not want to be on the 5.16.02 and im @ 5.15.
So with the risks i won't ipad baseband update so how do i get around this itunes error??
Hi Pugalenthi!The file I linked in the end of this post is allcatuy a plain zip file so you can unzip it and see the source code and other relevant resources. In order to modify this to work on your iPhone 3g, you would need to unzip the file and check the hardware IDs of iPhone 3g from the properties (see the picture in the beginning of the post). Then you would need to replace the iPhone 4 hardware IDs listed in the code (in some file in the root of the unzipped folder) with the ones for iPhone 3g. Finally, you would need to zip the source codes back into a similar package you downloaded (don't change the filename) and proceed with the instructions on how to install the package to your system. Ideally you would not need any special tools to make the change. However, the tutorials and tools can be found from Device Experience Development Kit that is available . It's not a 10-minute job to use those tools, tho.
I redid everything, reinstalled stock 4.3.2 from Apple, then did Redsnow again, now its OK, had to reinstall Cydia once also after initial run of Cydia. All this with the
Now its all good :)
I am currently running iOS 4.2.1 on an iPhone 3GS and iTunes 10.2.1.
When following the steps in this guide, Step 2 instructs the reader to perform a restore in iTunes, selecting the downloaded ipsw file. After I select the ipsw file (iPhone2,1_4.3.1_8G4_Restore.ipsw), I get the following message "iTunes will erase and restore your phone to iOS 4.3.1and will verify the restore with Apple". I click on the Restore button, and I am getting the following message "The iPhone could not be restored. This device isn't eligible for the requested build"
Anyone know what I am doing wrong here? Did I download the wrong ipsw file?
Sorry forgot to mention that my iPhone 3GS is already jailbroken at iOS 4.2.1. Do I upgrade using the Download from Apple to 4.3.1 then jailbreak it again using the steps in the guide? I thought updating your phone using the download from Apple would not allow you to jailbreak your phone again. Thanks in advance.
I had to update my 3GS to 4.3.1 using itunes a week ago due to a problem I ran into. So a few days ago I used these steps to jailbreak. I had to try it a few times because I rushed it the first time. Once I did each step properly it worked like a charm.
I forgot to add that my 3GS was jailbroken before I updated to 4.3.1. I didn't have a problem jailbreaking again. I have heard the same about not being able to jailbreak again but I believe that only applies to the former jailbreak software. As in if you updated to 4.3.1 before they developed the jailbreak for the 4.3.1 software, the. You wouldn't be able to jailbreak until the released the new jailbreak version. Make sense?
Thanks Amanda, that does make sense, though I tried updating my iPhone 3GS from 4.2.1 (jailbroken) to 4.3.1 in iTunes with Apple update (iTunes -> Check for Updates) and I am still getting the same message. Thoughts?
Hmmm, I remember I having this problem the second time I tried this jailbreak. However, I can seem to remember how I got it to work. The only thing I can think that I did differently was that when I let it update on iTunes I stopped it directly after the update and did not let it resync to the previous settings (i.e. Adding photos and apps that you had backed up) basically when I did the above steps my iPhone was "naked" or in the original settings as it was when it came out of the box.
I just had this problem and I was restoring my 3GS from jailbroken 4.3.1 using 4.3.3 and I received the same error in itunes. I had previously used diskaid to move files and I used iFile to delete the diskaid directory. Once I did this the restore went smoothly. Hope that helps! Also I was on Windows 7
I have the same issue. It won't even let me restore the phone. It's a new refurbed iPhone 3GS. I can't get a restore even in DFU mode. I've tried the ipsw's for both 4.3.3 and 4.3.1 (I know I don't have SHSH's saved so this shouldn't work) both for 3GS. I have not yet tried tricking itunes to ask cydia for the SHSH's for 4.3.3 since I backed them up with tiny umbrella already. I'm asking Apple why I can't even restore my phone normally. Any suggestions?
iPhone 3GS
old bootrom
iOS 4.3.1
Mac - iTunes 10.2.2
So if you are currently at 4.3.3 through iTunes (not using the custom ipsw from iClarified) you can use the iTunes/Apple ipsw in Redsnow (although unlockers should use a custom ipsw I believe. I am just jailbreaking). To find this iTunes ipsw for 4.3.3 (on a Mac) go to Home>Library>iTunes>iPhone2,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.ipsw and select that file in Redsnow.
I simply redid the whole process of resetting and the actual jailbreak. The first time when I was holding the power button waiting to release it skipped the entire 3 step to enter the mode to jailbreak. So then when I started over I made sure I did every step and it worked. I must have rushed it. Hope that helps. If it doesn't work for you feel free to ask more specific questions.
3GS with 3,4,5 digits of s/n as 035.
I said my phone was a new one (I figure 0 == 2010) and went thru steps. At step where I hold the power button down the phone boots and connects straight away. I don't get to the steps where I have to hold down the home button and then let go the power button. Then it's followed immediately by an 'unexpected error'
I have same problem, although chose no. First time round it got through that section and then had an error during the break. After that I get the crash you descrbe