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如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

Posted April 3, 2011 at 12:48pm by iClarified
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这个教程将给您演示如何在 Windows 下使用 TinyUmbrella 来升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 而无须改变基带版本。

目前,针对老版本的基带比如 1.59.00 和 FW 4.3.1 还有一个问题。除非 ultrasn0w 升级,否则您将只能看到一个信号条。

请注意: 本教程仅仅适用于 iPhone 4!

在此下载 TinyUmbrella here 并且确保您已经下载了 iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.1 您可以点击 这里下载.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

双击您下载的 TinyUmbrella.exe 可执行文件.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

如果 Windows 防火墙出现阻拦提示框,勾选两个复选框并点击 允许访问.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

确保您的设备连接到电脑上,并且 Umbrella 已经检测到了设备类型和它的固件版本。
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

**如果你还没有保存您的 iOS 4.3.1 SHSH blobs 请点击 Save SHSH. 确保他们成功的保存后再继续操作。
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

点击 Start TSS Server 并且确认没有错误提示。
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

当 TSS Server "running" 成功, umbrella 会终止 iTunes 的运行. 保持 TinyUmbrella 运行状态。您可在 Log 选项卡下检查 TSS server 是否正在运行.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

如果出现错误提示,请不要继续。如果 TSS server 不能被启动,那么还原将无法工作!

双击此图标启动 iTune.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

按下 Shift 键并且点击 Restore
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

在弹出的窗口选择 iPhone 4.3.1 固件并点击 打开.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

点击 Restore/还原 开始还原您的设备。
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

iTunes 会出现1013错误提示. 这正是我们想要的, 那么基带此时将不会被升级 :) 点击 Ok并退出 iTunes.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

假如您收到 16XX 错误代码提示,那么尝试进入 DFU 并转到第五步。
假如还原没有提示 1013 错误,就是您的基带已经被升级。有可能是您没有使 TSS server 运行或者您没有使用 TinyUmbrella 升级或者你的设备不是 iphone 4。

开启 DFU 模式:同时按住按住顶部的电源键和下面的圆形复位键十秒钟,然后松开电源键,继续按住圆形复位键五秒钟。点击此处查看 DFU 模式帮助.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

当前 TinyUmbrella 下的 Fix Recovery 工作不正常。 请下载 独立的针对 4.3.1的 .exe 文件。解压缩文件并双击fixrecovery43.exe。 该程序会打开命令行模式,并且开始进行处理工作。在此期间,您将会在您的 iPhone 4 屏幕上看到滚动的文本提示.
如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

您的 iPhone 现在就是基于 1.59.00 基带的 4.3.1 版本! (这就意味着现在您可以根据 这个教程解锁)

如何不改变基带升级您的 iphone 4 至 4.3.1 (Windows 版)

** 感谢 semaphore 提供!
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Comments (65)
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smile - November 13, 2012 at 3:15am
how with bb 02.10.04
JC - October 14, 2011 at 6:20pm
Hi. I would like to know if this procedure works to upgrade an iphone 4 from IOS 4.3.5 to IOS 5??? Thanks... JC
433JB - July 8, 2011 at 2:32pm
Hi, I have upgraded to 4.3.3 using this tutorial, everything worked as given. However, after using FixRecovery43.exe, I am not able to get out of emergency screen. Can any one tell me how to get out of emergency screen? Thanks,
JF Gauthier
JF Gauthier - June 3, 2011 at 11:20am
Does this also apply to update to 4.3.3, I can see in tinyumbrella that my SHSH is saved for 4.3.3, my guess would be to say it is safe to do so. But I may be wrong.
youngplay - May 20, 2011 at 1:44am
I can confirm that this works also on 4.3.3
Khoi Ky Pham
Khoi Ky Pham - May 22, 2011 at 11:49am
how did u get it to work with 4.3.1? Can you give us step by step what you did and where you get the files? Thanks
as_usual150 - May 9, 2011 at 1:29am
Is this method work for all future ios versions????
mikaljan - May 4, 2011 at 1:30pm
I can confirm that this works with ios 4.3.2 also, make sure you are running tiny umbrella in the back ground and have TSS server running!! The steps for upgrading to 4.3.2 without upgrading the baseband is the same as 4.3.1.
rolly - May 3, 2011 at 9:32am
Worked for me after trying loads of other sugestons...thanks!!
iPhoneDonate - April 28, 2011 at 2:15pm The campaign to give money: who unlocked the iPhone 4 by software??
Trickdaddy - April 22, 2011 at 1:19pm
it seem like 4.3.2 is out but I like to keep my baseband so I am updating it to 4.3.1, the problem is that I am getting 16XX error which then I went back to step 5 but it like a loop getting the same 16xx error. I have TSS server running, and I try using Tinyumbrella 4.3 and 4.32 same problem. I also have try ignoring the error 16xx and ran the fix Recovery but I end up at the restore screen in Itune. I got this working before on another iphone. Anybody know what I am doing wrong?
RBrasil - May 24, 2011 at 5:37pm
I get the same loop. Let me know if you got an answer for this problem yet.
mrhernandez - June 2, 2011 at 8:11pm
im having this same issue, were you able to fix it ?
drgsrao - April 21, 2011 at 12:00am
I tried to update my Iphone 4 from 4.2.1 to 4.3.2 using the TU latest version.theTSserver is not running evenif you start with administrator.Please let me know How to do this.I am desparate as my phone is not resored completely and I do not have home page apple logo with Itunes is showing up Please let me know how to resore at this point to 432 without resoring BB thank you
dimpet - April 11, 2011 at 10:41pm
followed the instructions here, and successfully updated my iphone 4 to 4.3.1without the change to baseband 01.59.00. But how do I jailbreak next? I don't have Mac, but running redsnow will update the baseband again as far as I understand. Without JB, I can't run ultrasnow. HOW TO JAILBREAK?
blue2005 - April 11, 2011 at 3:23pm
I upgraded iPhone4 4.0.1 to 4.3.1 (preserving BB 1.59.00) using TinyUmbrella 4.30.05 + FixRecovery43. It worked without probelms....only now my phone i stuck in "Emergency Call" mode......HELP!!! What ca I do?
Dp - April 12, 2011 at 1:16am
Download snowbreeze and create a custom ISPw with Cydia and unlock screen
ywu1012 - April 10, 2011 at 8:44pm
I followed the instructions here, and successfully updated my iphone 4 to 4.3.1without the change to baseband 01.59.00. But how do I jailbreak next? I don't have Mac, but running redsnow will update the baseband again as far as I understand. Without JB, I can't run ultrasnow. Please help!
thyago231 - April 10, 2011 at 8:48pm
No! Redsn0w will not update ur baseband!!!! Go ahead and Jailbreak and install Ultrasn0w, it fixed the bars not showing right...
ywu1012 - April 10, 2011 at 9:46pm
Good! But do you have to run Tiny Umbrella again while Jailbreaking with Redsn0w? Thanks!
thebrij - April 9, 2011 at 1:22am
hey i hav actualy updated ma phone bymistake and it ll so me the baseband 3.10 and 4.2.1 os so is it possible to preserve it back to 1.59 pls help me fast ...>!!!
mo3tasem - April 7, 2011 at 4:51pm
i need way to unlock iphone after update without official sim
thyago231 - April 5, 2011 at 10:59am
It Worked updating from 4.1 to 4.3.1 but only one bar showing... but voice/data seem to be fine... does anyone know how to fix the bar issue?
hebs - April 5, 2011 at 4:10pm
Ive just found this.... trying now. it was Tiny Umbrella stopping the Apple 4.3.1 update getting signed and seemed to stop the Baseband being updated. To fix the problem go into TinyUmbrella and in the Advanced preferences, unchecked "set hosts to Cydia on exit" and then restored by iPhone. Restore didn't force me into recovery and now I have full bars.
ashdas - June 3, 2011 at 6:43pm
what was the BB after the update ?
beks6 - April 4, 2011 at 7:54am
the same problem, just one bar after update 2G/3G doesnt matter. but calling is working
Help - April 4, 2011 at 3:03am
I also have 1 bars after this tutorial... Please Help
Saumil Bhavsar
Saumil Bhavsar - April 27, 2011 at 5:48am
Use Ultrasn0w fixer from Cydia
Fancyvpp - April 3, 2011 at 10:29pm
i updated using restore option but i am not getting any signal bars. i did a google search and other people are having same problems. i restored back to 4.2.1.
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