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Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Posted February 5, 2011 at 9:10pm by iClarified
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Det här är instruktionerna för att Jailbreaka iPhone 3GS och iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n för Windows. Greenpois0n fungerar bara till iOS 4.1 firmware. Använd Limera1n om du vill jailbreaka iOS 4.0, iOS 4.0.1, iOS 4.0.2.

Kom ihåg: Uppdatera inte till iOS 4.1 om du behöver upplåsning. Ultrasn0w använder sig inte av det basebandet ännu. Enda undantaget är IPhone 4. Du kan uppdatera iOS 4.1 utan att uppdatera baseband genom följande länk Här

Steg 1

Öppna din webläsare och mata in: http://www.greenpois0n.com. Klicka på Windows länken på nedre delen av sidan. Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 2
När du blir tillfrågad spara till skrivbordet.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 3
Dubbelklicka på fillen gp_win_rc2.zip du laddat ned. Packa upp filen greenpois0n.exe till skrivbordet. Dubbelklicka på greenpois0n.exe från skrivbordet för att starta programmet.Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 4
Stäng av din IPhone och klicka seden på Prepare to Jailbreak (DFU) knappen
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 5
Du kommer nu att bli anvisad att sätta telefonen i DFU-läge. Du kan få hjälp med detta här.

Du kommer bli anvisad att hålla ned låsknappen i 2 sekunder.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Fortsätt att hålla ned låsknappen samtidigt som hemknappen i 10 sekunder.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Släpp Lås-knappen; fortsätt att hålla in hem-knappen i 15 sekunder.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 6
När din IPone hamnat i DFU-läge kan du klicka Jailbreak knappen
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 7
Greenpois0n kommer nu att jailbreaka din telefon.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 8
Klicka Quit knappen när programmet har slutfört arbetet.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Du kommer att se rullande text på din telefon.

Steg 9
Efter att telefonen startat om kommer du upptäcka en ny ikon Loader på skärmen. Klicka på den för att köra den.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 10
Klicka på Cydia sedan Install Cydia knappen som dyker upp.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows) Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 11
När Cydia installerats kommer du att få frågan att plocka bort Loader från telefonen. Klicka Remove och sedan hem-knappen. Iphone kommer att starta om automatiskt.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows) Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

Steg 12
När IPhone startat om kan du köra Cydia. Gör alla nödvändiga uppdateringar och följ sedan våran Unlock guide om det finns möjlighet för din telefon.
Hur du Jailbreakar din iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 med Greenpois0n (Windows)

***Ett stort tack går till alla som gör Jailbreak möjligt.
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Comments (203)
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martin thomson
martin thomson - October 1, 2013 at 4:17pm
dont try this i bricked my iphone yesterday & ive JB same device about 4 times previously. pissed off now & fone's in shop
Me - February 17, 2013 at 4:14pm
This crap does not work! I have tried the DFU crap about 30 times, never works!!!!!
amino - November 6, 2012 at 6:11am
yesterday i updated my 3gs from 4.2.1 to 6 but its not active and message me could not active ur iphone wat should i do guys??
Troy Stevens Jr
Troy Stevens Jr - October 15, 2012 at 4:13pm
I'm going to attempt this today on a iPhone 3gs that was on 4.2.1 I did a restore all settings and content not knowing what it was.gonna do. So I'm going to download gp_win_rc6.1.zip and hopefully that will fix my slide for emergency call only with usb/iTunes background. Ill repost if it works as stated
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Rui - June 18, 2011 at 11:07am
I want to jailbreak my Iphone4 , firmware 4.1, to the latest 4.3.3. I'ts jailbreaked and full of apps from Cydia. What do i need to do not to loose all my apps with the firmware upgrade? Do i need to upgrade the firmware in iTunes and then Jailbreak it or it doesn't need to update first? Cheers from Portugal :)
Kush - May 19, 2011 at 5:41am
Using 3gs on firmware 3.1.3 and Baseband 5.12 (New bootrom) JB by spirit n Unlocked by Ultrasnow. I wish to upgrade to 4.x os. Can someone please tell me 1)Will i lose all data and apps 2) will I have to upgrade from I tunes then JB it? (Just like a New Restore) 3) Can i Use pwnage tool or some other to upgrade n JB at the same time 4) Which SW to use for JB and Unlock and which os to select 4.0, or 4.1 or 4.2 or 4.3(I will need an Unlock) 5)Will firmware upgrade also change BB version?
Phil - May 11, 2011 at 4:43pm
Will this work with Verizon iPhone 4 with Modem Firmware 1.0.05 ? I have the version 4.2.6 (8E200). itunes would like me to update to 4.2.8, and im not sure if i should b/c im still not sure if i should jailbreak or not.
Red - April 7, 2011 at 4:16pm
I had to try the program twice but it worked exactly as shown the 2nd time round Thanks alot for the great run through :)
Opflex - March 25, 2011 at 2:44pm
Will this jailbreak work on an Iphone 3g.... it's not an "S" If not, can anyone point me in the direction of an untethered jailbreak for a 3g that is currently on 4.2.1 Thanks in advance.
Zaved Bhatti
Zaved Bhatti - March 23, 2011 at 10:30pm
Hi, Can anyone tell me how to unlock iphone 4 4.2.1 with firmware 3.10.1. I have already jailbroken it. Please help. Thanks.
Ben - April 18, 2011 at 10:35pm
Try using Sn0wbreeze. Really easy to use. A few headers: When it saves the new firmware (it creates a new firmware that you're supposed to restore to and it has Cydia on it), you need to locate it and open iTunes. Hold Shift and click Restore on iTunes. Rest is self explanatory.
Cássio - March 15, 2011 at 2:22pm
Hi Dear. We need also some positive feedbacks. Anyone, please post your positives experiences. Best Reagrds
Cássio - March 16, 2011 at 11:48am
JB done using Greenpois0n RC6.1 succesfuly IPhone 4 4.2.1 03.10.01 oficially unlocked. Tks/
lonelykk - March 19, 2011 at 2:39pm
Dear Cassio, At the outset first, Hats off to hardworking developers who makes such things possible .... Jailbreak works perfectly fine on using Green Poison RC6 but this update process fails to preserve baseband to firmware 1.59 (iOs 4.2) in iphone 4 and updates to 2.10.04 which makes iphone 4 unlockable as of now .... And also no activation procedure exists to activate or hacktivate apple iphone 4 .... Would u like to throw light on how to go about from here iphone 4 iOs 4.2 (2.10.04) ?? Wat to do next ?? Shall we Wait for iOS 4.3 to get jailbreak and unlocked or wait for 4.2 (2.10.04) unlock ??? Once again thanx for atleast making jailbreaking successful for iphone 4 iOs 4.2 ...
Ben - March 11, 2011 at 2:06am
Guys, I found out the main problem: When I'm entering DFU mode, this happens: -hold power for 2 seconds -turning on -hold home button for 5 seconds -completely shuts down -need restore Any ideas welcome.
kamak_kvp - April 1, 2011 at 1:44am
i have also facing this problem i have restored my iphone 3gs on 4.2.1 but my iphone gone in DFU mode and no greenpois0n and no limera1n nothing is working on it. did apple stop restoring 4.2.1 and responding for this firmware anymore
aznmvp - March 10, 2011 at 6:07pm
Does anyone have any issue with Facetime? I jb and unlock my preserved baseband on my IP4 going smoothly, but it's appear facetime not activating.
Vytaras - March 8, 2011 at 2:39am
Hello, I need help, I have iphone 3GS running the old 3.0.1 iOS and there is and old 04.26.08 baseband. Could anyone be so kind and tell me what is the safest way to jailbreak and UNLOCK(as my iphone is from USA and I live in other country)? And ofcourse is there an untehered jailbreak?
Karen - March 8, 2011 at 1:10am
hihi, i been trying to jailbreak my iphone 4 (ios 4.2.1) but keep failing using this GreenPoison (RC6).. may i knw what is the problem for jailbreak on my hp?
zmoe - March 5, 2011 at 10:28am
I tried this and was able to get into DFU but every time i go through the jailbreaking part it tells me it failed...any help please? running 3g version 4.2.1 (8c148)
Ben - March 11, 2011 at 2:07am
I can't get past the DFU. It blinks off.
faisalvhora - March 5, 2011 at 12:50am
i like apel
Edward Honey
Edward Honey - March 4, 2011 at 9:20pm
Just use sn0wbreeze to make a custom ipsw that will give you an unlock, upgraded baseband and 4.2.1 all in one and jailbroken. has worked for 6 iphones for me and friends so far with a 100% success rate.
azizi - March 3, 2011 at 5:58am
can this jailbreak mc model of ipod touch 2g 3g 4g?
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