Druhý krok Pripojte svoj iPhone k počítaču a spustite iTunes.
Vyberte svoj iPhone zo zoznamu zariadení v ľavom stĺpci. Teraz pridržte stlačený kláves Option a kliknite na tlačítko Restore. Restore je preferované pretože nevytvorí nevyužiteľný priestor v pamäti iPhone.
Vojdite do zložky Pwnage na ploche a vyberte súbor ipsw s firmware. Kliknite na tlačítko Open.
Tretí krok Keď iTunes ukončí update Vášho iPhone na vybraný firmware, otvorte zložku Pwnage na ploche a spustite aplikáciu redsn0w zo zložky redsn0w, ktorý ste predtým extraktovali.
Štvrtý krok Keď sa otvorí RedSn0w, kliknite na Browse.
Piaty krok Vyberte ipsw súbor s firmware, ktorý máte umiestnený v zložke Pwnage na ploche a kliknite Open
Šiesty bod Ked bude overený firmware kliknite na tlačítko Next.
Siedmy krok Z tohto okna vyberte voľby pre jailbreak, ktoré potrebujete. Pokiaľ máte iPhone už pawnutý zaškrtnite voľbu Already pwned.
Pri bootovaní obrazovka zobrazí rozsiahle informácie a sú užitočné len pre vývojárov.
Uistite sa, že máte zaškrtnutú voľbu Cydia a Unlock. V tomto návode si ukážeme aj použitie Custom boot logo a Custom recovery logo.
Keď kliknete na voľbu custom logo, dialógom prejdete výber vašich vlastných obrázkov štartovacej obrazovky. Nájdite obrázok a potom kliknite na Open.
*Zapamätajte si pravidlá pre boot obrázky: RGB alebo Grayscale formát s Alpha kanálom a rozmermi najviac 320x480. Pokiaľ chcete, použite naše iclarified obrázky: Boot Logo, Recovery Logo
Kliknite na tlačítko Next
Osmy krok Budete potrebovať umiestnenie súborov s bootloadermi.
Kliknite na Browse a vyberte súbor 3.9 s bootloaderom zo zložky Pwnage.
Kliknite na Browse a vyberte súbor 4.6 s bootloaderom zo zložky Pwnage.
Kliknite na tlačítko Next.
Deviaty krok Pripojte Váš iPhone ku počítaču a uistite sa, že je vypnutý a kliknite na Next
Desiaty krok RedSn0w Vás prevedie krokmi k nastaveniu DFU módu Vášho iPhone. Môžete si prečítať viac o DFU móde.
Pridržte naraz obidve tlačítka telefónu Home a Power na desať sekúnd.
Uvoľnite tlačítko Power ale stále držte tlačítko Home pokiaľ RedSn0w nedetekuje zariadenie.
Jedenásty krok Váš telefón sa teraz reštartuje
Dvanásty krok RedSn0w začne uploadovať nový RAM disk a Kernel.
Trinásty krok O ukončení RedSn0w bude informovať. Kliknite na tlačítko Finish button.
Keď sa skončí reboot iPhone (niečo viac ako 5 minút), naštartuje sa v ňom BootNeuter a telefón sa odblokuje. Nakoniec uvidíte Springboard vrátane aplikácie Cydia.
*Veľká vďaka iPhone Dev-Teamu za ich ťažkú prácu a ich príspevok celej iPhone komunite.
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For those users that are planning to Jailbreak on OS 3.1.3, then I recommend adding this Cydia Source into Cydia after you jailbreak so you don't have to manually input all the Cydia Sources manually. This will automatically add all the best Cydia Sources and give you access to all the best Cydia Tweaks, Themes and Apps for FREE with just a push of a button. Follow the steps below.
1. Open Cydia
2. Tap Sources
3. Tap Edit
4. Tap Add
5. Type this url in the box (cydiasource,n e t) without the spaces and switch coma for a dot in the url.
6. Tap "Add Source"
7. Install the package labelled "All Sources".
This will give you all the best Cydia Sources to have access to all the best Tweaks, Apps and Themes for FREE.
I need help..
I wanted to unlock my Iphone 2G which has 3.1.3 version.
With recent itunes 11, I cannt do it. however also the itunes 8 /9 /10 it blocking and asking me to download latest version to follow backup n restore option.
Do we have any other way out..
Please help
I was able to complete all the steps and could see some updates on the iphone. I have left it conenct and now the screen is blank. Do i need to switch on the iPhone or wait till it re-Boots itself.
The tutorial and the links iClarified giving here are NOT MACTHING!
I am now stuck with a locked iPhone. Upgraded to 3.1.3 from the given link but stuck on step 4. Its 'Unrecognized IPSW' with Redsnow 0.9.4.
D*mn iClarified!
Hey Alex, I ran into the same issue on step 4. So what I did is download the iPhone1,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw file and used that instead and it worked. You can get it from the link below. After I used that file I continued following the steps and it worked fine. Hope it works for you too.
Salut j'ai un gros proble8me au niveau du Jailbreak je tiens a sgnaile9 que ce n'est pas mon premier Jailbreak, si quelqun pouvez m'aider. DOONC, j'ai te9le9charge9 absinthe sous W7 tout marche juste au moment que je branche mon iphone (J'ai enleve9 TOUT les MDP) il l'reconnais mais il m'envoie un MSG d'erreur du genre : the attached device has a backup password set.You need to disable the backup password in itunes before you can continue Start itunes, remove the backup password and this program again EUHOK. Dooonc, je sais pas quoi faire y'a rien n'a faire j'ai tous essayer car j'ai vu que bcp pose9 la question, je suis sur l'Itunes de ma me8re fin c'est son pc ce sont ses music mais j'me suis de9connecte9 de son compte, mon pc est dead, je peut pas faire une restauration sinon j'perd toute mes musique AIDEZ MOI SVPPPPPPPPPPPPPP !!!!!
I solved this problem.
The link given in the download list at the top is: - 3.1.3 (2G): iPhone1,1_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw
When you download this, it is "iPhone1,1_3.1.3_7E18"
But, when you come to step 4, the current IPSW is not that version. Instead, it is: iphone1, 1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw
Google that, or download from here: http://mytopfiles.com/other/file/iPhone1,1_3-1-2_7D11_Restore/343202.htm
Then in step 4, choose this file, not the first one you downloaded and used to back up your phone.
The rest of the steps will work just fine.
Got it... Thanks!!!
I did it on 2 different iPhone2G devices, and both are working perfectly.
Just make sure you use the file "iphone1, 1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw" as user "m" earlier pointed out.
Good luck!
It just doesn´t work! Redsn0w says "unable to recognize specified IPSW", I followed all instructions, had 3.1.2 and was trying to put 3.1.3 - the tutorial seems wrong, for my disapointment!..... didn´t do anything wrong.. any1?
Run redsn0w 0.9.4 and click on browse. Point it to the iPhone OS 3.1.2 firmware you just copied to your desktop. Make sure your iPhone or iPod Touch is already updated to OS 3.1.3
Total confutation....what is the tutorial is going for...
U put there to download 3.1.3 7E18 but U select 3.1.2 7D11 (also in windows tutorial) but U download is not the firmware.
The other thing is not going for DFU mode.
Is it down grade to 3.1.2 or just unlock.
Pleas clear this.
I apologize in advance if this is a repost, but I have not been able to find a solution to my "unique" problem. I purchased a USED iPhone 2G from a coworker and I was successfully able to jailbreak (blackrain) and unlock (bootneuter) the phone to use an AT&T gophone SIM card. The OS seems way slower (to be expected, I guess) than my 2nd Gen 32GB iPod Touch. I should say that I am a Sprint customer, using a Treo Pro and I only wanted to get the iPhone because of the camera, bluetooth, and built-in earphone and transmitter. I was using Vonage Mobile (free unlimited domestic calls in the US--I have actually tethered it to the Treo Pro and gotten decent call quality at times!) for the iTouch and discovered that in order to activate the iPhone version, there was a test call that needed to go through, hence the goPhone SIM and the unlocking process.
Back to my problem. I have been unable to sync the device to iTunes and download my songs to the iPhone. It wants me to restore the phone and says that an iPhone (with my coworker's phone number) has already been synced to this computer. The reason I say my issue MAY be unique, is because most of the posters with unlocked iPhones seem to have "legit" AT&T iPhone accounts which is what I suspect may be my issue. My last resort, of course, is to restore the phone back to factory state, but I really don't want to lose my programs and such. I do have Pandora and Slacker, so I can listen to music most of the time, but I don't want to be restricted to wi-fi, since Edge is not really a practical option. ($20 for 100mb, and it is a pain to configure without a T-Mobile SIM card).
So, again, what I really want is to sync my jailbroken, unlocked iPhone 2G to iTunes.
Any suggestions?
iPhone is now 3.1.3 without unlock solution. Is it nevertheless possible to upgrade in 3.1.2 and jailbreak and unlock in this version ? using which tutorial ?
manythanks for help
iPhone 2G - V3.0.1