Como (h)activar o teu iPhone pelo Subscriber Artificial Module (SAM)
Posted December 5, 2010 at 4:02am by iClarified
Aqui estão as instruções em como (h)activar o teu iPhone através do Subscriber Artifical Module (SAM) by sbingner
O Módulo de Subscrição Artifical (Subscriber Artifical Module - SAM), "engana" o iPhone e o iTunes, criando tickets legitimos de activação, mesmo tendo desbloqueado através do ultrasn0w. Isto significa que vais poder usufruir das vantagens das aplicações Push e a vida da bateria irá aumentar substancialmente.
Terás de fazer jailbreak normalmente, antes de executares estes passos.
Passo 1 Pressiona o ícone do Cydia a partir do teu SpringBoard.
Passo 2 Seleciona o separador Manage no rodapé do ecrã.
Passo 3 Pressiona o grande botão Sources.
Passo 4 Pressiona o botão Edit no canto superior direito do ecrã.
Passo 5 Pressiona o botão Add que surge no canto superior esquerdo do ecrã.
Passo 6 Escreve e pressiona Add Source.
Passo 7 Pressiona o grande botão Return to Cydia.
Passo 8 Selecciona na lista de fontes (Sources), a recém introduzida Binger.
Passo 9 Selecciona o pacote SAM que surge na lista de pacotes (Packages).
Passo 10 Pressiona Install no canto superior direito do ecrã.
Passo 11 Pressiona Continue Queuing para começar a instalação.
Passo 12 Pressiona o botão repo no canto superior esquerdo do ecrã.
Passo 13 Escolhe o pacote SAMPrefs que surge na lista.
Passo 14 Pressiona Install no canto superior direito do ecrã.
Passo 15 Pressiona agora o botão Confirm para começar a instalação.
Passo 16 Quando a instalação terminar, pressiona o botão Restart SpringBoard que surge em baixo.
Passo 17 Pressiona Settings/Definições no Springboard do teu iPhone.
Passo 18 Pressiona SAM .
Passo 19 Selecciona Revert Lockdownd to Stock
Passo 20 Deverás receber uma mensagem de confirmação. Pressiona Ok.
Passo 21 Pressiona De-Activate iPhone.
Passo 22 Abre o iTunes para que o teu equipamento inicie o processo de activação. Se o iTunes mostrar Invalid SIM ou SIM Inválido, terás de seleccionar manualmente a Rede Móvel apropriada através de um dos métodos para além do Automático e escolher um SIMID.
Passo 23 No SAM deverá surgir WildcardActivated por baixo de Activation State.
It wont let me add this source it says. Did not Find repository. The indicated repository could not be found. This could be because you are trying to add a legacy Installer repository ( these are not supported). Also, this interface is only capable of working with exact repository URLs. HELP!
IT's working for iphone4 canada(roges) gevey sim.version 5.0.1(9A405) modem firmware 04.12.01. but now my is not working to gevey also.pls help me soon as.
I did as instructed. (I didn't even need to select a manual carrier -- iTunes immediately activated it as soon as I plugged in the iPhone.)
The SAM Settings showed "Wildcard Activated".
I rebooted, reinstalled boxcar, sent out a test email.
But push notifications still don't work.
I have an iPhone 3GS running 4.3.1 with baseband 04.26.08, jailbreaked with PwnageTool and unlocked with ultrasn0w.
I have an iphone 3gs v 4.0 (8A293) BB 05.13.04 it was jailbroken using I also have the battery drain issue after it was unlocked using ultrasnow. Do I just search for SAM in Cydia and install it on my phone? Or do I have to re-jailbreak and unlock my phone again? Thanks.
I followed every single step and still can't get things to work. My iphone is a croation tmobile one and even if a pick that carrier it still wont activate. Does anyone have an idea why?
Hi, I followed all 32 steps on this post with a 3G on the TMobile network. Everything worked until the final step, the phone never activated. Now, when I plug the phone into iTunes it's not seen unless in DFU mode. If I try to 'alt' select my saved IPSW file, iTunes gives me error messages 1600, 1604, 0r 1610. I'm working on a Mac, so the option to use IREB is not available to me as far as I know. I would really appreciate some help!
Hey all. Thanks for the tutorial.
I did as said, and everything in the iPhone is working perfectly, more battery, push applications and so on. The unlock keeps working as before SAM, but iTunes still does not recognize my SIM. I tried with bundle name, and country and carrier, but itunes stays stuck in the non-compatible sim,
Any help? please?
already have my ipgone 3G iOS 4.1 activated using a custom firmware, unfortunately experience the quick battery drain issue and that is why i decided to apply BINGNER solution. Followed the steps showed from here, unfortunately now my phone carrier detection is very intermittent due to frequent searching state. already tried to set it in manual mode but still have the same result.
Hey there!
I'm trying to hacktivate my iphone 3gs 4.2.1 but my network doesn't permit to do it... Itunes says that my iphone should be damaged because it cannot be activated...
While we are grateful for this in theory, the execution is dreadful.
The app has been updated three times in 24 hours and for me, while I have activated my phone in iTunes by selecting a different carrier in SAMPrefs, I still get told in applications that Notifications are turned off, even though I have them turned on.
The developer's page is less than useful so we are the blind leading the blind.
A lesson here that these things are released when the developer has them working, not when they are ready for millions of users worldwide.
Agreed.... i still don't know if is it possible to do this or how can i do this on an iPhone 2G (on the website it says that is possible on any phone +3.0 fw)
My iPhone is f/w 4.0.1 jailedbreak from can I install SAM and run redsnow to de-activate it? Or do I have to jailbreak it again this time using redsnow once I installed SAM?
Ok, right now I'm on f/w 4.0.1 jailbeak from and I'm going to update to f/w 4.1 then jailbreak using limerain. Do I need to install SAM first before I update to 4.1? Oh, my phone is a 3Gs and is from AT&T but they're not my carrier just to let you know. Please advice!
You can update to iOS 4.1 and you need to install SAM AFTER the restore....
If you use LimeRa1n to jailbreak your iDevice you need to be activated first.
Use redsn0w (Mac / PC) or PwnageTool (Mac) since you are indeed hacktivated. LimeRa1n doesn't support hacktivation so if you try to restore to a stock iOS you will get stuck in the activation screen.
Did you saved your SHSH blobs using Cydia or TinyUmbrella???
And what about this??
# Option #3: my custom stockify program - works on any phone 3.0+ (same as #1)
1. With SAM and SAMPrefs installed; install openssh and secure shell into your phone. Run "stockify" and it will revert your lockdownd to a stock lockdownd
2. Reboot your phone
Grabbed my unlocked iPhone 4 with my AT&T GoPhone SIM in it, installed SAM and SAMPrefs via Cydia.
Opened redsn0w 0.9.6b6, opened 4.1 firmware, and saw no "Deactivate"
LOST MY SERVICE WITH SAM INTALLED....removed SAM, now I have service, but still bad battery life.
Can't get push notifications to work :/ tried to do it again but now it won't activate with itunes. Also try this, WARNING - NSFW: go this url somewhat of an inside joke?
Realy would like to know: I have an factory unlocked iPhone (belgium). I have jailbroken it and all seams to be working perfectly well. I suppose 'Push' is working. Do I need SAM?