Descompacte o arquivo zipado RedSn0w da pasta Pwnage em sua área de trabalho.
Segundo Passo: Conecte seu iPhone ao computador e carregue o programa iTunes.
Selecione o seu iPhone na lista de aparelhos à esquerda. Agora pressione e segure a tecla shift enquanto clica o botão Restore. Prefira a opção Restore pois ela evitará que você ocupe espaço desnecessário em seu iPhone.
Vá até sua área de trabalho, abra a pasta Pwnage e selecione o firmware ipsw . Clique o botão Open para continuar.
Terceiro Passo: Assim que o iTunes tiver terminado de atualizar seu iPhone para o firmware escolhido, execute o programa redsnw0w.exe na pasta Pwnage em sua área de trabalho.
Quarto Passo: Após abrir o programa RedSn0w clique no botão Browse
Quinto Passo: Selecione aquele firmware ipsw que foi baixado na pasta Pwnage em sua área de trabalho e clique Open
Sexto Passo: Aguarde a verificação do firmware e então clique no botão Next para continuar.
Sétimo Passo: Nesta janela você poderá selecionar as opções de desbloqueio que você quiser. If seu Iphone já tiver sido desbloqueado, marque a opção Already pwned.
Verbose boot mostrará informações detalhadas durante o carregamento inicial de seu iPhone e normalmente só é usada por desenvolvedores e usuários avançados.
Certifique-se de ter marcado as opções Cydia e Unlock . Nesta tela, você também poderá selecionar Custom boot logo e Custom recovery logo.
When you click to select each custom logo option a dialog window will appear asking you to select the image. Locate the image you would like to use then press the Open button.
*Remember the rules for boot logos are: RGB or Grayscale format with Alpha channel and dimension below 320x480. If you would like to use the iClarified ones they can be found here: Boot Logo, Recovery Logo
Click the Next button to continue
Oitavo Passo: We will know need to set the location of our bootloader files.
Click Browse and select the 3.9 bootloader file from the Pwnage folder on your desktop.
Click Browse and select the 4.6 bootloader file from the Pwnage folder on your desktop.
Click the Next button to continue.
Step Nine Please plug your iPhone into the computer and make sure its OFF then click the Next button
Step Ten RedSn0w will now guide you through the steps to get into DFU mode.
Hold down both the Home button and the Power button for 10 seconds.
Release the Power button and continue holding the Home button until RedSn0w detects the device.
Step Eleven Your iPhone will now reboot
Step Twelve RedSn0w will then begin uploading the new RAM Disk and Kernel.
Step Thirteen Once this is complete you will be notified that RedSn0w is done. Click the Finish button. After your iPhone reboots (5 minutes or so), it will run BootNeuter then be unlocked and jailbroken with Cydia on the SpringBoard.
*Como sempre, muito obrigado à Equipe do iPhone Dev por esta contribuição aos usuários.
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For those users that are planning to Jailbreak on OS 3.1.3 then I recommend adding this Cydia Source into Cydia after you jailbreak so you don't have to manually input all the Cydia Sources manually. This will automatically add all the best Cydia Sources and give you access to all the best Cydia Tweaks, Themes and Apps for FREE with just a push of a button. Follow the steps below.
1. Open Cydia
2. Tap Sources
3. Tap Edit
4. Tap Add
5. Type this url in the box (cydiasource,n e t) without the spaces and switch coma for a dot in the url.
6. Tap "Add Source"
7. Install the package labelled "All Sources".
This will give you all the best Cydia Sources to have access to all the best Tweaks, Apps and Themes for FREE.
Bonjour e0 tous.J'ai suivi le tuto pour jailbreaker mon ihpone 4S Ios 5.0.1. je n'ai plus l'icine greenpoison, mais l'icone Cydia qui ne fonctionne pas. Impossible de l'ouvrir. J'ai reinitialise9 mon ihpone en mettant bien nouvel ihpone , tout est supprime9 sauf Cydia qui est toujours pre9sent.. Je souterais savoir comment faire marcher cydia ( quand j'appuie dessus, la fenetre s'ouvre 1ms et se referme) ou sinon comment supprimer cydia et rejailbreaker mon ihpone e0 nouveau. Lorsque je relance le programme greenpoison, il me dit qu'il est de9ja jealbreaker.PS; j'ai pas l'onglet VPN dans les options, est-ce normal? (il apparaissait juste au dessus de wifi lorsque j'ai installer greenpoison)merci d'avance
i installed the software and followed instructions until I got to updating firmware. phone restarted in emergency code and says to insert valid sim with no pinlock o activate phone. my phone is locked to orange and i havent got an orange sim. I just get emergency calls message displayed in different languages. somebody please help me :'(
every instructions are correct except the things that mentioned in redsnow itself about how to enter DFU mode......its not that hard or just have to hold Home button and Power button in time until screen goes fuzzy
I did it all and it worked till I synchronized the apps from itunes. Now all the apps are working but there are no native icons such as calls, sms, camera, settings. There is no cydia also What should I do now??