Bagaimana cara Jailbreak iPhone 3GS dengan RedSn0w (Mac) iOS 5.0
Posted October 13, 2011 at 4:21am by iClarified
Langkah-langkah berikut untuk melakukan jailbreak iPhone 3GS firmware iOS 5.0 dengan RedSn0w bagi pengguna Mac
Langkah ini akan mengakibatkan baseband upgrade/update, yang mungkin menghilangkan kesempatan Anda untuk melakukan Unlock. Silahkan tunggu sampai kami mem-posting tutorial tentang cara melakukan update ke iOS 5 dengan manggunakan custom ipsw. Jailbreak ini juga masih tethered untuk semua device kecuali iPhone 3GS dengan bootrom lama, yang berarti Anda perlu menguhubungkan device ke PC setiap kali melakukan reboot. Terakhir, ada baiknya Anda menyimpan SHSH Blobs dengan mengikuti tutorial berikut ini sebelum ke langkah berikutnya.
Jika Anda ingin melakukan jailbreak untuk firmware sebelumnya, Anda dapat menemukan tutorialnya di sini.
Langkah 1 Buat Folder di Desktop dengan nama Pwnage
Download Redsn0w 0.9.9b5 dari sini dan tempatkan di Folder Pwnage. Dan juga, download firmware 5.0 dari sini dan tempatkan di folder Pwnage. (Note: Anda tidak perlu men-download firmware 5.0 jika sudah menggunakannya.(iOS 5.0))
Extract Redsn0w dengan cara double click.
Langkah 2: (Jika sudah menggunakan iOS 5, langkah ini dapat diabaikan) Sambungkan iPhone anda ke PC dan jalankan iTunes.
Pilih iPhone Anda dari list di sebelah kiri. Kemudian tekan dan tahan Option dan klik tombol Restore. Restore disarankan karena tidak akan membuang space di iPhone Anda.
Telusurin Pwnage folder di desktop dan pilih file ipsw firmware 5.0. Klik tombol Choose untuk melanjutkan.
iTunes sekarang akan melakukan update firmware pada iPhone Anda.
Langkah 3 Jalankan RedSn0w dari folder RedSn0w hasil extract sebelumnya.
Langkah 4 Ketika muncul, klik tombol Jailbreak.
langkah 5 Sambungkan iPhone Anda ke PC dan pastikan dalam posisi OFF dan klik tombol Next
Langkah 6 RedSn0w akan menuntun Anda pada langkah-langkah untuk masuk ke Mode DFU. Anda dapat menemukan bantuan mengenai Mode DFU di sini
Tekan dan Tahan kedua tombol Home dan Power selama 10 detik.
Lepaskan tombol Power dan tetap menahan tombol Home sampai RedSn0w mengenali iPhone Anda.
Langkah 7 Iphone Anda sekarang akan di reboot.
Langkah 8 RedSn0w akan melakukan Jailbreak
Langkah 9 Pilih Cydia dari list opsi dan klik Next
Langkah 10 iPhone Anda akan di Reboot lagi dan RedSn0w akan mulai meng-upload RAM Disk dan Kernel yang baru.
Langkah 11 RedSn0w akan memberikan notifikasi ketika proses ini selesai. Ketika iPhone Anda selesai di Reboot (5 menitan), maka akan berada dalam kondisi sudah di Jailbrake dengan terdapat Cydia di Springboard.
BOOT TETHERED Ketika iPhone Anda dalam kondisi Jailbroken, Anda perlu menjalankan ulang RedSn0w untuk melakukan Boot Tethered.
Langkah 1 Dari menu utama RedSn0w klik Extras
Langkah 2 Pilih just boot dari menu Extras.
* Seperti biasa terima kasih banget buat iPhone Dev-Team dan Geohot untuk kerja keras dan kontribusinya untuk komunitas iPhone. Sesuatu Banget :)
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My 3gs is bricked after doing this... cant get out of reboot cycle... restore gives error 1601... redsnow justboot hangs at waiting to reboot....
Any worthwhile suggestions?
I tried to jailbreak to unlock my sim card.
I have a 3gs old bothom, 5.0.
I CANT jailbreak'it!!!!!
Each time the same issue with all the versions of jailbreaks (5, 6 and now 7): "report failed" after the manipulation dfu.
I don't know what to do... HELP!! ;)
you need to downgrade then to 4.1 (apple still signs the code signature for this version when saving shsh) or whatever version you know for sure you have shsh for. then you can jailbreak and flash the BB to 6.15 if needed. I will make a video of how to do this later today of how to downgrade using shsh w/6.15 installed (if you already have that installed). but really all you have to do is enter pwned dfu, restore with a stock ipsw (unless you have preserved BB then use ipsw with preserved BB), if 6.15 is installed you will get 1015, kick out of recovery with recboot.
I've got a 3GS w/5.13.04 BB on it. Just redsnowed to iOS5 with the preserved BB IPWS . Followed the tutorial steps, but now i'm unable to get Cydia (the app is not on it) so I can unlock it. Suggestions?
Restore again we/custom 5.0 and jailbreak without specifyiong .ipsw, I found that can actually tether an untetherable device. After that just do the ifile mod for mms and your iophone will be fully working (ifile mms mod is for 6.15 BB, gevey users and factory unlocked users 5.3.4 oree higher, works with 4.x and 5.x)
sometimes this happens and you need to specify the ipsw, but this may also tether your jailbreak for some odd reason. I had to do this to tether boot my iphone 4 a few times because I got the same error, but now I don't need to specify the ipsw anymore, all I have to do is "just boot" tethered
I'm running jailbroken and unlocked 5.0 on a 3gs, and everything is running great, though find my iphone doesn't seem to be able to locate my iphone (though location services works fine in every other app). Anyone else having this issue?
The android community is all about helping and making the newst firmware available to your phone no matter what the manufacturer says/wants. The iphone community is exactly the other way. Tethered jalibreak? Mac only? Come on. Do you how many people have macs? You guys insult (or obeys) steve jobs' smartness. By the way i'm selling my iphone 4. Just bought a galaxy s II. Thanks dev team for making my choice way easier. Hope you break (again).
sorry to hear that, it must suck to have to use such a limited device. the only modification available for you is to root it to make it do only what other android devices do, but no actual mods (with an exception to astro). and so what if the dev team releases mac only software? they release the windows version usually within days and tehered isnt really that bad either (im using my iphone 4 factory unlocked 5.0 tethered), its not the worst thing in the world. But I still keep my two 3gs 32gb as backup incase I dont want to use tethered 5.0.
But I guess if your ok with horrible oversize and zoomed in display and limited options then I guess thats what works for you
Yes it is untethered for old bootrom 3gs but when it runs out of battery restarts fine plugin it to the power cord but it starts with a yellow screen instead of the battery icon. Anyone else having this issue? Or do i have to jailbreak again? (i was in 4.3.3 jailbreak before updating)
confirmed: two 3gs 32gb 5.0 05.13.04 and 06.15.00 untethered works great and no issues at all. (still, however, prefer to use my factory unlocked iphone 4 5.0 tethered though).