Bagaimana cara Jailbreak iPhone 4 Anda Menggunakan RedSn0w (Windows) [4.3.1]
Posted May 6, 2011 at 12:59pm by iClarified
Ini adalah petunjuk tentang cara untuk jailbreak iPhone 4 di firmware 4.3.1 menggunakan RedSn0w untuk Windows. Versi Mac dari tutorial ini berada di sini .
Pastikan untuk tidak update IOS ke 4.3.1 jika Anda memerlukan UNLOCK OPERATOR karena saat ini belum tersedia!
Langkah Pertama Buat folder pada desktop Anda disebut Pwnage
Download RedSn0w dari sini dan simpan dalam folder Pwnage. Demikian juga, download 4.3.1 firmware terbaru dari link di bawah dan tempatkan di folder yang sama.
Langkah Kedua Hubungkan iPhone ke komputer dan jalankan program iTunes.
Pilih iPhone Anda dari daftar perangkat yang di sebelah kiri. Sekarang tahan tombol Shift dan klik tombol Restore . Disarankan Restore karena tidak akan menimbulkan ruang kosong (memory) pada iPhone anda.
Arahkan ke folder Pwnage di desktop Anda dan pilih ipsw firmware 4.3.1. Klik Pilih untuk melanjutkan.
Langkah Ketiga Setelah iTunes selesai meng-update iPhone ke firmware yang diinginkan buka folder Pwnage di desktop Anda dan jalankan aplikasi Redsn0w dari folder Redsn0w yang kita ekstrak sebelumnya.
Langkah Keempat Setelah RedSn0w terbuka klik Tombol Browse
Langkah Kelima Pilih firmware ipsw 4.3.1 dalam folder Pwnage yang berada di desktop kita kemudian klik Open .
Langkah Keenam Setelah firmware telah diverifikasi klik Next untuk melanjutkan.
Langkah Ketujuh RedSn0w sekarang akan menyiapkan data jailbreak
Langkah Kedelapan Dari jendela ini Anda dapat memilih pilihan jailbreak Anda inginkan.
Pastikan Cydia dipilih dan klik tombol Next untuk melanjutkan.
Langkah Kesembilan Silahkan pasang iPhone ke komputer dan pastikan OFF lalu klik Tombol Next
Langkah Kesepuluh RedSn0w sekarang akan memandu Anda melalui langkah-langkah untuk masuk ke mode DFU. Anda dapat menemukan bantuan lebih lanjut dengan sini
Tahan tombol Home dan tombol Power selama 10 detik.
Lepaskan tombol Power dan terus menahan tombol Home sampai RedSn0w mendeteksi perangkat.
Langkah Kesebelas IPhone Anda akan reboot sekarang
Langkah Keduabelas RedSn0w akan mulai mengupload RAM Disk baru dan Kernel.
Langkah Ketigabelas Setelah ini selesai Anda akan diberitahu bahwa RedSn0w sudah dilakukan. Klik tombol Finish . Ketika iPhone anda selesai reboot (5 menit atau lebih) akan Jailbroken dengan Cydia di SpringBoard.
* Seperti biasa banyak terima kasih kepada iPhone Dev-Team dan I0n1c atas kerja keras dan kontribusinya terhadap masyarakat iPhone. ** Pengguna Windows 7 mungkin bisa mencoba menjalankan modus eksekusi Redsn0w sebagai administrator dalam modus kompatibilitas Windows Vista jika Anda mengalami kesulitan.
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At the beginning of the article it says do not update firmware to 4.3.3.
I checked my iphone 4 and I got firmware 4.3.3 already.
My baseband version is 04.10.01
Does it change anything on the procedure?
Some iPhone 4 users have reported that they are facing iTunes Error 3194. This error usually occurs while restoring or updating the jailbroken iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad to the newer firmware.
I downloaded windows 4.3.3 firmware but for some reason there is no iPhone3,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.IPSW file like you show in your text or utube explanation. There is a directory with full of files but none of them has the IPSW extention. The restore file is is quicktimepreferences link. So resn0w cannot find the IPSW file because it dosn't exist. Can you tell me how to find the iPhone3,1_4.3.3_8J2_Restore.IPSW file?
Thanks very much for your help
I got caught out by this too. If you downloaded using Internet Explorer trying downloading again using Firefox or Chrome. IE always seems to screw up the file extensions so it doesn't appear right. I tink there's a workaround if you only have IE but using Firefox is by far the easiest solution.
I want to jailbreak my Iphone4 , firmware 4.1, to the latest 4.3.3. I'ts jailbreaked and full of apps from Cydia. What do i need to do not to loose all my apps with the firmware upgrade? Do i need to upgrade the firmware in iTunes and then Jailbreak it or it doesn't need to update first? Cheers from Portugal :)
Just JB to 4.3.3, I haven't done a JB since 1st gen iphone, so i just have a quick quesstion. Everything is good so far, everything works and what not, but all my data is gone, music, contacts etc, is it safe to restore the data from a backup i have moments before i started the JB? It won't brick my phone will it?
i'm currently on 04.10.01.. can i jailbreak without having to upgrade my baseband? i'm worried i have to unlocked it after upgrade the baseband. anyone can advise?
Even "Carrier Reset fix" do not work to solve the problem. Seems to be an Jailbreak error.
Also tried it with redsnow rc16. Any answers ???
(IPhone 4 BB 04.10.01 / IOS 4.3.3)
Find the answer :
1. reboot in DFU mode
2. after reeboot activate mobile with itunes und wait for network signal
(if you jailbreak with redsnow before activation than the problem with no network occurs)
3. Backup your files from itunes to phone
4. jailbreak
Well tried to jail break with 4.3.2, all went well expect after rebooting the phone is stuck saying
error mounting rootfs - read only, it says giving up after trying for 6000ms. Any one encountered this. I have already tried run as admin / compatibility modes.
Need help from you guys !!!
"Step Two ... hold down Shift and click the Restore button... Navigate to the Pwnage folder on your desktop and select the 4.3.3 firmware ipsw. Click the Choose button to continue."
That would update the BASEBAND, thus leaving the iPhone 4 unlockeable (for those who have an old baseband). How comes this is not mentioned?