Comment 'Jailbreak' Votre iPhone Avec QuickPwn (Mac) [Pour la mise à jour 2.2]
Posted January 30, 2009 at 11:57am by iClarified
Voici les instructions pour 'jailbreak' votre iPhone avec QuickPwn. Ces instructions ont été mises à jour la dernière (2.2) version du logiciel iPhone. Avant de commencer, assurez vous d'avoir restauré à la mise à jour 2.2 en cliquant sur le bouton Restaurer dans iTunes.
Note: Vous pouvez utiliser ce tutoriel comme première étape au déverrouillage de l'iPhone 2G. Complétez simplement ce tutoriel pour 'jailbreak' puis installez BootNeuter dans Cydia pour compléter le déverrouillage.
Étape Un Créez un dossier sur votre bureau et nommez le Pwnage.
Étape Deux Téléchargez QuickPwn 2.2 ici et placez le dans le dossier Pwnage. Téléchargez également la dernière mise à jour logicielle 2.2 à partir des liens ci-dessous et placez la dans le même dossier.
Étape Trois Double cliquez afin d'ouvrir l'image disque de QuickPwn [QuickPwn_22.dmg]. Glissez l'icône de QuickPwn dans le dossier Pwnage sur le bureau.
Étape Quatre Double cliquez pour démarrer QuickPwn à partir du dossier Pwnage.
Étape Cinq Cliquez sur OK afin d'accepter la notice de droit de copie.
Étape Six Branchez votre iPhone à l'ordinateur une fois demandé puis cliquez sur le bouton OK.
Étape Sept QuickPwn va maintenant détecter l'appareil branché!
Étape Huit QuickPwn va maintenant rechercher la dernière mise à jour logicielle pour cet appareil.
Étape Neuf Le programme vous demandera si vous voulez remplacer les logos de démarrage et de récupération. Cliquez sur Yes ou No pour continuer.
Étape Dix QuickPwn va maintenant écrire votre IPSW personnalisé.
Étape Onze Le programme vous demandera d'entrer votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe adminitratif.
Étape Douze QuickPwn va maintenant mettre votre iPhone en mode DFU. D'abord, éteignez l'appareil.
Ensuite, vous serez demandés d'appuyer en même temps sur les boutons Home et Power pendant 10 secondes.
Enfin, vous devez relâcher le bouton Power et continuer à appuyer le bouton Home pendant 10 autres secondes.
Étape Treize QuickPwn va maintenant transférer les données vers votre iPhone automatiquement.
Étape Quatorze Vous serez ensuite informé que QuickPwn est en train de modifier votre iPhone. La procédure va durer quelque temps et inclut le redémarrage de votre iPhone. Ne faites rien tant que la procédure n'est pas terminée!
Étape Quinze Une fois que votre iPhone aura redémarré, il sera 'jailbreaké' et aura Cydia et Installer sur le Springboard!
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You could certainly see your pstereixe within the paintings you write. The sector hopes for even more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. Always follow your heart.
I'm on the last step, where I have to wait for the reboot after it's all done.
I've been waiting, and waaaaiting,.... still waiting. So really, how long do I need to wait for the phone to restart? Guesstimate? 2 hours, 3, 4?
So I just got a new MacBook 10.5.7 OS X. I have an unlocked iphone but I want to Jailbreak it. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO?? All of these threads are confusing. Please help guys.
Hi, Im currently using an iphone 2G v1.1.2 and im using the Turbo Sim too. Will this tutorial be suitable for me to directly jailbreak my iphone to v2.2.1? Do i have to remove the turbo sim + Sim card first b4 jailbreaking? Im using Mac 10.4.11. Any help will be greatly appreciated :)
(im kinda of an IT noob here) THANKS! :)))
There is no problem at all if you running it on MAC 10.5.5 Now if you running it on MAC 10.5.6 you got to fix USB port for iTune on DFU mode again, even you did it before, this time just re-install 315.4 pkg, then it is working OK. To find out how to fix USB port look down here:
Fixing DFU mode on 10.5.6
As noted previously OS X 10.5.6 introduced a bug that affected the use of DFU mode. with some Macs. There have been previously published hacks and techniques to fix this, but here is another method that can be used to temporarily restore DFU functionality in order to use QuickPwn or PwnageTool.
You will need an account with ADC (Apple Developer Connection) this is free and takes a few minutes to sign up, you should read the terms and conditions carefully and you should only sign up if you are thinking of developing applications in the future -
Download the disk image IOUSBFamily-315.4-log.dmg for Mac OS X 10.5.5 Build 9F33 (yes, that is a 5 in 10.5.5 - this is a developer debug package of the USB kernel extension).
Unplug non-vital USB equipment, such as external DVD writers, USB scanners, USB mass storage devices, at the most leave a Keyboard and Mouse connected.
Install IOUSBFamily-315.4.1.pkg from within the disk image
Reboot your system!
Perform necessary DFU activity with QuickPwn or PwnageTool.
Download the disk image IOUSBFamily-327.4.0-log.dmg for Mac OS X 10.5.6 Build 9G55
Intall IOUSBFamily-327.4.0.pkg from within the disk image
Reboot your system!
Reattach your USB peripherals.
i have a newly restored iphone to 2.2.1 after the pwnage tool screwed everything up (my phone had no signal after restart whatsoever)..
so phone is clean.. trying to do a jailbreak with quickpwn.. 3x now.. it says successful but no cydia or installer after restarting..
this is not my first time to jailbreak..
When I tried 2 open quickpwn a sign popped up and it said that I dnt hve the correct version of the .net framework. Any suggestions? Email me at
I can't get Quickpwn to stop running on my computer and on top of that my phone doesn't turn on or even connect to itunes so i an restore. please help me this is driving me crazy!!!
Having the same issue the phone wont turn on anymore... Some how i knew this would happen, if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know.
just press the home and power switch for about 10 seconds, and then the power switch only. Mine switched on again, nothing changed...
but i do not get the quickpwn installed either. guess it has to do with OS version..?
on MacBook Pro, OS 10.5.6, itunes 8, iphone 3G 8G
followed instructions EXACTLY
EXCEPT, i used a powered USB hub just in case....
any question please ask..i got my iphone yesterday, and it literally took me 7 mntues from start to finish...
i have an i phone 3g 16gb and i updated it to the new version and firmware 2.30 and now i am unable to unlcok it.
Do you have any advise or do you know of a way to unlock it?
I tried following the steps in the tutorial but no luck.
Please help if you can in any way,
Thanks, i can be reached at
hi, got the iPhone 2.2.1, a macBook pro 15' running os 10.5.6.
i've read i needed to install 'IOUSBFamily-315.4.1.pkg ' from the apple developer site in the latest iPhone sdk; which of course i cannot find it anywhere.
(apparently without this program, i wont be able to get into DFU Mode) prior unstalling quickPwn.
pleas help!
in advance, thank you,
I also have macbook pro but i m not able to jailbreak my iphone. I have v2.2.1. I try it three time. I stop working from thirteen step. plz help me i want to jail break my iphone.
Hi Jens I have a macbook 10.5.6 unable to jailbreak phone, tried downloading the file to make version 10.5.5 far too complicated for me couldn't get it to work at all, need a simpler way to do it, any suggestions would be greatful
dear hi
i made all the steps to the step 12 but before the ( Step Thirteen
QuickPwn will now automatically begin sending information to your iPhone.)
the QuikPwn take along time to start my iphone 3g & i tune give me a massage saying that itune couldn't open my iphone
my itune is Version 8 and my phone is on the same version
what i have to do ??????
pleas help
The new OSX 10.5.6 update im sure you both have downloaded included a measure by apple to prevent OSX from recognizing your iPhone while in DFU mode, which explains the problem we're having. There is a patch to fix this floating around but the reviews have been mixed and many have reported their mouse/USB ports/keyboard no longer working after installing the patch.
it worked perfectly the first time, although two days later i lost all music and itunes apps stop working, but after a quick restore from my backup it works flawlessly! But why would it do that?
Tried 10 times and still no luck.
Although last step says ihaz. Success. don't do anything. I wait wait wait wait wait... you get the point.
Itunes keep sating we detected ipnone in recovery mode you need to restore.
Now what?
Do something or still nothing?
When I download "2.2.1 (2G): iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H1_Restore.ipsw" for the 2G and put it in the Pwnage folder, it doesn't look like the cube on the site screen shots. It is a zip file... is that normal???
had to abandon this build. See all my issues above. All your phone favorites will be gone, and the "end call" button will be GONE BABY GONE.
How to end a phone call with this build ? I surely dont know, I had to restart the phone. Thats a bit awkward and not what a paid to experience with my expensive primo iphone.
Wow - after checking out install:
1. phone favorites are gone
2. Phone button ( green ) missing letters c-a-l-l
3. make a test call - can't get to screen which has red end call button
This is a problem ! I'm afraid to call anyone - how would I end the call
4. cyberduck or terminal or fugu all refuse to connect from my MBP laptop running 10.5.6
tony iPhone - using credentials root / dottie. I can however ping the device....
5. figuring out the Installer 4.0 interface was difficult as it only seems to find search results occasionally - and the install button is only found if those search results do appear
This has to be considered poor interface design !
6. this tutorial changed my system font to look worse then before - no mention of how to change it back !
installed fine but this tute should include all the instructions for getting the iPhone ready for action - so please consider including install of bsd subsystem, open ssh, and terminal.
so far - I havent got bsd to work because the installer 4.0 app doesnt seem to show the "install" button per the tutorial. where is it ? my phone is connected to my home wifi network fine.