Como Jailbreak Tu iPhone 3G con OS 3.1 Usando PwnageTool (Mac)
Posted February 14, 2010 at 11:52pm by iClarified
Este tutorial te mostrara como jailbreak tu 3G iPhone creando un ipsw personalizado que automaticamente jailbreak el telefono, instalara aplicaciones, y adicionara tus propios logos de reinicio.
Para aprender como usar PwnageTool para desbloquear/jailbreak un 2G iPhone puedes usar el tutorial que esta aquí
Paso Uno Crea un folder llamado "Pwnage" en el escritorio. En el, necesitaras un par de cosas. PwnageTool 3.1, que la encontraras en aqui o aqui
Cuando descargues el archivo IPSW , es mejor hacerlo con Firefox ya que Safari suele extraerlo automáticamente!
Paso Dos Doble click para abrir la imagen PwnageTool 3.1 despues arrastra el icono PwnageTool a el folder Pwnage.
Despues desde el folder Pwnage da doble click para iniciar la aplicación PwnageTool .
Click Ok si presenta una advertencia.
Paso Tres Click para seleccionar Expert Mode en el menu superior
Paso Cuatro Click para seleccionar tu iPhone. Un check aparecera sobre la imagen del telefono.
Paso Cinco Click en el boton de la flecha azul para continuar. Seras direccionado a "Browse for IPSW" page. En mi computadora, automaticamente encontro el IPSW. Si PwnageTool no ubica automaticamente el archivo ipsw puedes dar un click Browse for IPSW....
Click para seleccionar el archivo IPSW encontrado, un check aparacera junto a el. Despues da un click en el boton de la flecha azul para continuar.
Paso Seis Despues seras direccionado hacia un menu con 7 opciones. Click para seleccionar General y despues da un click al boton de la flecha azul.
Los ajustes General te permitira decidir el tamaño de la particion. Check Activate the phone si no estas con un carrier oficial, despues da un click en el boton de la flecha azul.
NOTA*: Desmarcar Activate si tienes un iPhone legitimamente activado con un carrier oficial. NOTA*: Talvez debas aumentar ligeramente el tamaño de la particion root. My primer intento fallo al crear el IPSW hasta que aumente el tamaño a 695 MB.
Los ajustes Bootneuter estas inaccesiblespara el iPhone 3G. Click en el boton de la flecha azul.
Los ajustes Cydia te permiten crear paquetes personalizados asi no tienes que instalaros manualmente posteriormente.
Click para seleccionar la sejilla Download packages . Despues un click en el boton Refresh para mostrar los paquetes disponibles. Doble click en el paquete que deseas descargar y tener disponible en la sejilla Select Packages .
Marca las casillas de los que deseas y despues de un Click en el boton de la flecha azul.
El Custom Packages Settings menu muestra la lista de paquetes para tu IPSW personalizado. Por ahora deja los ajustes como estan. Click en el boton de la flecha azul para continuar.
El Custom Logos Settings menu te permite añadir tus propias imagenes como logos de reinicio. Click el boton Browse para seleccionar tu Boot logo y Recovery logo. Si deseas usar logos iClarified los puedes encontrar aqui: Boot Logo, Recovery Logo
Recuerda la regla : RGB o formato Grayscale con Alpha channel y dimensiones abajo 320x480...
Click en el boton de la flecha azul para continuar.
Paso Siete Ahora estas listo para iniciar el proceso de pwnage! Click el boton Build para seleccionarlo y luego en un en el boton de la flecha Blue para iniciar.
Paso Ocho Se te solicitara que guardes tu archivo .ipsw personalizado. Salvalo en tu floder Pwnage que creaste en el escritorio.
Tu IPSW esta ahora siendo construido. Porfavor permitelo hasta un maximo de 10 minutos.
Se te solicitara que ingreses tu clave de administrador. Has esto y despues da un click en el boton OK .
Cuando pida si tu iPhone ha sido Pwned antes, damos un click en No. Permite un restaurar mas a fondo.
Se te pedira que apagues el aparato. Asegurate que este conectado a el puerto USB.
Paso Nueve Preparate para seguir indicaciones. te pedira que presiones el boton home y el boton de power durante 10 segundos. Despues, debes soltar el boton power y mantener apretado el boton por 10 segundos para entrar en DFU.
Si fallas, te mostrara un mensaje. Click Yes. Desconecta el iPhone del USB. Apagalo, despues enciendelo. Conectalo de nuevo a el USB y apaga el iPhone cuando se te pida.
Cuando se haga correctamente, PwnageTool mostrara un mensaje diciendote que has entrado exitosamente en modo DFU. iTunes tambien se abrira.
Paso Diez En iTunes, presiona Alt/Option y despues click Restore.
Paso Once Navega al folder Pwnage en tu escritorio usando la venta de dialogo que aparece. Selecciona el IPSW personalizado que fue creado (iPhone1,2_3.1_7C144_Custom_Restore.ipsw) y da un click al boton Open .
Paso Doce iTunes ahora resturara el firmware en tu iPhone. Esto tambien puede tardar hasta 10 minutos.
Si asi lo deseas puedes restaurar desde un respaldo previo para mantener todos tus ajustes o iniciar tu iPhone desde 0.
Paso Trece UNa vez que la restauracion sea completada tu iPhone reiniciara y notaras que Cydia esta presente en el SpringBoard!
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Many thanks for the precise tutorial. Worked flawlessly for me and I have android successfully working on my iPhone 3g which has 3.1.3. However, I am unable to get data working in android. Can someone help please? Should I setup an APN manually?
I've one this process with ease with my iPhone 2G. I'm now trying doing the same with my iPhone 3G. All is fine apart from the DFU mode. I have tried times and times again, leaving it a little less than 10 sec, leaving a little more than 10 sec, right on the dot on 10 sec... Not having any luck.
I have tuned the device off, disconnected, turn back on again, wait, and connect again between each time.
Anybody can help?
I get PwnageTool_3.1.5.dmg.5344262.TPB.torrent instead of PwnageTool_3.1.5.dmg and when I double click it it asks me to choose an application to open it. And I'm stucked. I tried to rename the folder by deleting it's last part but it's not working. Please help !!!!
I did the JB on a 3G with a custom restore file on 4.2.1 on a BB 6.15.00. Worked flawlessly BUT when i wanted to unlock Cydia crashed. I can not unlock without Cydia!!!! What should i do? can somebody help me ? Thanks in advance
Hi .. Followed the instructions prslieecy and I successfully Jail Break and updates IOS to 4.3.3 [ custom firmware ]Now strangely the legit sim stop working ans when I ve used ultrasnow it stays in searching and then display no signalAt present it is at 4.3.3 /05.14.02 help required as I cannot use my phone with its legit simI have repeated the process three four time also rest network setting , rebooting nothing works
I bought an unlocked phone in Hong Kong. At that point it was 3.1.3, I made the fatal mistake of trying to upgrade it to OS4. Now all I get is the emergency restore icon. I followed the steps with pwnagetool but I get a 1600 error when i try to restore it. Is there something Im doing wrong? I noticed that the pwnagetool doesnt have a 3G so I picked the 3G(S) one, is that correct? Will this process even help me with my problem?
Please advise. Thank you!
hello everybody, i have an iphone 3gs FW 3.1.3 and it is stuck on the emergency screen message!!!!!! Can pwnage tool 3.1.5 Activate it ??? Or there is no way yet to hactivate iphone 3gs on 3.1.3 ?? thanks in advance
i did the jailbreak according tp the tutorial but am stuck now at not having a network. i did twice once with the activate your phone option checked and once without.
Can anyone help me with the unlocking part... Funny thing thing is prior to this round i have never had the problem of unlocking the phone because it is a unlocked phone when it was purchased...
Please help
on jb iphone i had no wifi signal... I upgraded to 3.1.3 with itunes :( and it's dead now! I can turn it on but cannot activate it event with an ATT card (phone not bought here in US)... I tried the pwnage steps but it stops at where it says connects w USB and nothing happens... please help... m
OK Sorry if this a rookie question but I need some help. I downloaded the pwnage tools but it asks what to open it with. WHat do I do, it does not show the disk image (mac) so I am not sure hot to open this file. The restore file i downloaded seems to be recognized, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
It's the third time that I try to jailbreak my iPhone 3G 3.1.3 with Pwnage Tool 3.1.5.
I am following iClarified manuel indications and everything is going just as well as indicate till the iPhone reboot.
Then I am only able to use it as an iPod ! The reception signal became flat, and I can't make or receive call anymore, same with messages.
General information indicate there is no operator.
The same simCard still working with an other cellphone.
I am using an indonesian operator ProXL.
What going wrong ?
Is your carrier authorized by Apple??... remember that this tutorial is only for jailbreak... If you don't have any signal or carrier recognized maybe it's because you haven't installed the software unlock.....
Follow the unlock tutorials
My phone is unlock. At least I believe it, it's why the guy from the shop where I bought it told me.
I bought it in Italy and use it in Indonesia with a different provider.
What strange anyway is that UNLOCK tutorial says "Before you can follow these instructions you must have a jailbroken iPhone" !!!!
How could many people and I, have an unlock iPhone not Jailbroken then !
dude ur talking about activation, your iphone is activated and jailbroken but not unlocked
to unlock it go to cydia>search>ultrasn0w...and install it :)
Its gonna unlock ur iphone to any baseband
I'm having the same problem and thanks for the response Ahmad. I didn't install any of the cydia files the first time. Which ones do I install to do this? I don't have cydia on my phone right now.
iphone 3g
every time i try to run pwnage tool, i get to the browse for ipsw, select the 'iPhone1,2_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw' file and get a "wrong firmware bundle selected" message
what am i doing wrong?
I keep getting the message "wrong firmware bundle selected" I have and iphone 3G it's running 3.1.3 and i'm using iPhone1,2_3.1.3_7E18_Restore.ipsw to jailbreak. but i keep getting that messege. I see that some people have said to use the custom version, but i don't understand that and i don't know where to get that. please help.
You are probably doing what I did, which was to choose the image on the left of 'iPhone' rather than 'iPhone 3Gs'. I know that you have a 3G, but the 3GS covers both.
Every thing ok but when installing firmware with iTune, I get an error (2600 or similar), do I need to use a particular version of iTunes? (got 9.0.3) or is there any possibility that the bootloaders I get on the net are corrupted (the one on the tutorial is not available from here) Thanks.