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Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Posted June 4, 2012 at 11:57am by iClarified
Estas son las instrucciones para realizar el jailbreak en el iPhone 4S con el firmware 5.1.1 usando RedSn0w para Windows. La version para Mac de este tutorial se encuentra aqui.

Por favor, tengan en cuenta que al actualizar el iPhone al iOS 5.1.1 mediante iTunes tambien actualizara su baseband, arruinando las oportunidades para un desbloqueo. Recuerden que una vez que se encuentren en el iOS 5.1.1, deberan salvar su SHSH Blobs siguiendo este tutorial.

Si deseas realizar el jailbreak en una version de firmware anterior, podras encontrar el tutorial apropiado aqui.

Paso Uno
Crear una carpeta en el escritorio que se llame Pwnage

Descargar la ultima version de RedSn0w de aqui y colocarla en la carpeta Pwnage. Al mismo tiempo, descargar el firmware 5.1.1 de aqui y colocarlo en la carpeta Pwnage. (Nota: no necesitas descargar el firmware 5.1.1 si ya tienes el iOS 5.1.1)

Extraer el archivo zip de RedSn0w haciendo doble click en el.
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Paso Dos: (Puedes saltartelo si ya tienes el iOS 5.1.1 instalado en tu equipo)
Conectar el iPhone a la computadora e iniciar iTunes.
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Seleccionar el iPhone de la lista de equipos de la izquierda. Ahora presione la tecla Shift y haga click en el boton Restaurar. Es preferible restaurar porque asi no desperdiciara ningun espacio en tu iPhone.
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Acceder a la carpeta Pwnage de tu Escritorio y seleccionar el firmware 5.1.1.ipsw. Hacer click en el boton Abrir para continuar.
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

iTunes ahora actualizara su iPhone al nuevo firmware.

Paso Tres
Ejecutar la aplicacion redsn0w del folder de redsn0w que se extrajo anteriormente. Puedes hacer esto haciendo click con el boton derecho sobre el icono ejecutable y seleccionando Ejecutar como Administrador en el menu.
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Paso Cuatro
Una vez que abra RedSn0w, hacer click en el boton de Jailbreak.
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Paso Cinco
El jailbreak Rocky Racoon ahora realizara tres pasos para completarse.

1. Preparando:
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

2. Procesando:
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

3. Terminando:
Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Paso Seis
Una vez que se complete, seras notificado por RedSn0w que ha finalizado. Cuando el iPhone termine de reiniciarse (aproximadamente 5 minutos) ya tendra el jailbreak y el Cydia en el SpringBoard.

Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

Como realizar el Jailbreak al iPhone 4S usando RedSn0w (Windows) [5.1.1]

*Como siempre, un gran agradecimiento a las comunidades iPhone Dev-Team. Chronic Dev-Team, y Geohot por su gran trabajo y su contribucion hacia la comunidad iPhone.
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Comments (27)
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harry - November 1, 2013 at 4:29am
jimboy79 - July 28, 2013 at 1:34pm
why does nobody reply to the questions on here?
pozmans - February 27, 2013 at 4:30pm
Is there a way of downgrading back to 5.0.1 (stock IOS of iPhone 4S) - Without blobs? I upgraded to 6.1.2 and its horrible!:(
irsheekhan - January 14, 2013 at 8:21am
so plz show in videos
irsheekhan - January 14, 2013 at 8:19am
Munir - January 10, 2013 at 7:16pm
Hi my friends I have iPhone 4S 6.0.1 I try for downgrade to 5.1.1 But there is a problem HSHS File is not save Please help me Thanks
rakeshgohel44 - December 19, 2012 at 5:23am
Have you all tried to unlock using redsnow or pwnage tools?
rakeshgohel44 - December 19, 2012 at 5:22am
hey guys..Recently, i've purchased iphone 4s. But don't know how to unlock.. Any one let me know how to unlock this.
Barack - December 4, 2012 at 3:35pm
Everyone, there's a difference between "jailbreaking" and "unlocking" a device. Do a little research before throwing the 'bullsh*t' flag, okay? Sometimes you can unlock after jailbreaking, but they're totally different processes.
tinkujadhav20 - November 26, 2012 at 3:04pm
Hi team, I have iphone 4s 5.1.1 version and wanted to unlock it. I have tried this process so many times with no go..! Initially, started with DFU mode then click restore and apply the 5.1.1 firmware then after few seconds got 3194 error which resolved by tiny umbrella method but later it thrown me up to error 1600 then 11 etc., if i look into this it says dont use tiny umberella. Please suggest.. I am getting round and round behind this. Atleast can some one let me know whether i can unlock my iphone 4s 5.1.1 ?
FREOOY - November 26, 2012 at 8:57pm
I can help You to Factory Unlock ur iPhone... permanent florever so u can always update to the lasted iOS without worries.. if interested text me at (347)630-2913
Tinku - November 27, 2012 at 11:20am
Thanks for the response. I am from india. so can you reply me.
FREOOY - November 27, 2012 at 3:50pm
Hey, Tinku can you let me know your email to talk about it?....
bruno - October 15, 2012 at 11:54am
bruno- its not working the phone is still sim-locked !!!
Girr - October 5, 2012 at 11:33am
How do i jailbreak my iphone 4S which isnt activated?
Billy - October 2, 2012 at 10:11pm
I cant get Cydia to open, if anyone has some tips please post here, I also cant restore it and re-jailbreaking it has the same issue. 4S iOS 5.1.1
dylan - June 19, 2012 at 9:24am
from error 200. below some finding from the other forum. - Use absinthe 2.0.4 and it will work fine - I had the same problem. turn off your iphone and put it in DFU mode than start redsnow, jailbrake and let it install. it worked for me. - From Apple support base: “Error 2000-2009 (2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, and so on) If you experience this issue on a Mac, disconnect third-party devices, hubs, spare cables, displays, reset the SMC, and then try to restore. If you are using a Windows computer, remove all USB devices and spare cables other than your keyboard, mouse, and the device, restart the computer, and try to restore. If that does not resolve the issue, try the USB issue-resolution steps and articles listed for Error 1604 above. If the issue persists, it may be related to conflicting security software.” Do that and also try to put the device into DFU mode before beginning next time. thats all i know n can help. i'm not sure whether it work or not. no harm trying. just hope it help anyone out there. cheers
FreeJuice100 - June 16, 2012 at 5:55pm
Lol this will be my first time Jailbreaking any type of apple device and every tutorial I read, everyone has the same answer, "error 2000". When people ask how to fix it, no one answers! Is their anyone living on earth today that's knows how to fix it? Lol it's rediculous
nico - June 8, 2012 at 2:10pm
same. error 2000
Biohazz - June 7, 2012 at 9:13pm
Same here. Error 2000. Can somebody plz respond to us.....
yv4dgn - June 7, 2012 at 3:35pm
Hi Everyone, I updated an iPhone 4G to 5.1.1 and did the Jailbreak using the last windows version of RedSn0w 0.9.12b1 but I got an error 2000 after that, I can't do the Jailbreak again, even using the windows version of absinthe 2.0.4. I do appreciate your very help in this regarding. Best Regards to everybody.
Leadfoot - June 5, 2012 at 9:30am
same thing here error 2000
Jose - June 5, 2012 at 4:07am
Also getting error 2000 during processing..
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