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Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Posted December 27, 2011 at 12:28pm by iClarified
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Instrucciones sobre cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS del iOS 5.0.1 usando RedSn0w para Windows. La versión Mac de este tutorial está aquí.

Este procedimiento hará que se actualice su baseband arruinando potencialmente sus posibilidades para un desbloqueo. Por favor, siga el tutorial sobre cómo actualizar a iOS 5.0.1 usando un ipsw personalizado si necesita desbloquearlo.

Si desea realizar el jailbreak de una versión de firmware inferior, puede buscar el tutorial apropiado aquí.

Paso Uno
Cree una carpeta en su escritorio llamada Pwnage

Descargue la última versión de RedSn0w aquí y colóquela en la carpeta Pwnage. Del mismo modo, descargue el firmware 5.0.1 desde aquí y colóquelo en la carpeta Pwnage.

Extraiga el contenido del archivo zip RedSn0w haciendo doble clic en él.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso Dos: (Omita este paso si usted ya tiene el iOS 5.0.1 instalado)
Conecte su iPhone al ordenador y abra iTunes.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Seleccione su iPhone de la lista de dispositivos a la izquierda. Ahora, mantenga presionada la tecla Shift y haga clic en el botón Restaurar. Es preferible restaurar ya que así no se crea ningún espacio perdido en su iPhone.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Vaya a la carpeta Pwnage en el escritorio y seleccione el firmware ipsw 5.0.1. Haga clic en el botón Seleccionar para continuar.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Ahora iTunes actualizará su iPhone al nuevo firmware.

Paso Tres
Ejecute la aplicación redsn0w de la carpeta redsn0w que extrajo anteriormente.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

**Los usuarios de Windows 7 pueden intentar ejecutar redsn0w como administrador en compatibilidad con Windows Vista. Puede hacer esto haciendo clic derecho en el ejecutable y seleccionando Propiedades en el menú contextual.

Paso Cuatro
Una vez que RedSn0w se abre, haga clic en el botón de Extras.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Elija Select IPSW en el menú Extras.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Seleccione el firmware ipsw iOS 5.0.1 de la carpeta Pwnage en su escritorio y haga clic en Open.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Después de que Redsn0w le haya preguntado si usted tiene un modelo nuevo o un modelo antiguo del iPhone 3GS, haga clic en el botón Back.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Presione el botón Jailbreak para continuar.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso Cinco
Conecte su iPhone al ordenador y asegúrese de que está APAGADO, después haga clic en el botón Next.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso Seis
RedSn0w le guiará a través de los pasos para entrar en modo DFU. Puede encontrar más información sobre el modo DFU aquí.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Mantenga pulsado el botón Home y el botón Power durante 10 segundos.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Suelte el botón de Power y continue presionando el botón Home hasta que RedSn0w detecte el dispositivo.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso Siete
Ahora su iPhone se reiniciará.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso Ocho
RedSn0w preparará los datos del Jailbreak.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso Nueve
Seleccione Cydia de la lista de opciones y haga clic en Next.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso Diez
Su iPhone se reiniciará de nuevo y RedSn0w comenzará a cargar el nuevo disco de RAM y el Kernel.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

Paso Once
Una vez se ha completado esto, se le notificará que RedSn0w ha terminado. Cuando su iPhone termine de reiniciarse (5 minutos más o menos) tendrá el Jailbreak hecho con Cydia en el SpringBoard.
Cómo realizar el Jailbreak Untethered en su iPhone 3GS (Windows) [5.0.1]

* Como de costumbre, un gran agradecimiento para el iPhone Dev-Team, Chronic Dev-Team, pod2g, y Geohot por su ardua labor y su contribución a la comunidad iPhone.
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Comments (71)
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raffal0014 - September 21, 2014 at 11:00am
Dzięki wielkie :D
Geek4Iphone - April 13, 2012 at 7:20am
I followed the following steps, my iphone ran many scripts and rebooted for couple of times.. Then it went to recovery mode and it didnt come out of that..I googled for coming out of recovery mode. For this i need to connect my iphone to my laptop. But after the jailbreak program ran, the laptop stopped recognizing the iphone (I tried all the usb ports)..When I went and checked the Device manager, all the drivers are in yellow color (Warning symbol). I am not able to connect any device to my laptop. Please help!!!
Nandari - March 21, 2012 at 5:39pm
itune file down .. But. I lost my software
RudyJohnson - March 21, 2012 at 1:55am
All I can give is a BIG THUMBS UP to all of you at iClarified. The tutorial is clear and easy to follow. Thank you to the Development Team for making my life awesome. I am not sure how, but it just worked. So, I post my story in detail, and maybe someone can benefit from it. My wife traded in my dead 3GS (error 28) to Apple store with $149 for a NEW iPhone 3GS, 32G, QR203xxxxxx (January 2012, cleaned up from 'qr2030ga3ns' - refurbished?), ISO 5.0.1, baseband 05.16.05, bootloader 6.4_M3S2, Model MB718LL. She was told it is a brand new, locked 3GS iphone and can not use with another carrier, except AT&T. So, I run f0rcecast and it said it is not jailbreakable and need to upgrade to iPadBB to unlock. After searching, I found out the iphone 3GS after week 28, 2011 will not work with iPadBB, and BB 05.16.05 can not be unlocked by ultrasn0w. I was so disappointed, but thinking maybe I can just jailbreak it and use it as a Touch by following this tutorial. (Although there is another site claim to downgrade it to 4.1 unlock it - in Chinese, I think it is too much work, plus lots of risk.) I run redsn0w 0.9.10b6 just like this tutorial describes (check install Cydia & unlock), and it was jailbreak. Shut it down several times and it boot without a problem. Very very happy. So, I put my T-mobile pay-to-go SIM card and it works, without running untrasn0w or anything. Wow!!! not sure what has happened. But, it work. Thank you, Thank you. The only thing I have not done is to register my iphone with Apple. I also did not try it with my sim card before JB it, since I assumed it is locked. So, maybe this iphone is a factory unlocked phone? Maybe the new Toshiba chip can be unlocked with 05.16.05 BB on the old bootloader? I also use iFaith to grab my iphone's shsh blob, thinking it will come in handy in the future, will this help? Anyway, Thank you all again for the amazing work!!!
Jack - March 26, 2012 at 10:56am
If my memory serves me correctly, because you hadn't inserted a sim prior to JBing your device it was locked to any network. I believe that your phone is now locked to T-Mobile as it was the first sim you used.
Rudy Johnson
Rudy Johnson - March 27, 2012 at 7:23am
Now after using the iphone 3GS for 1 week or so, it shows NO SERVICE. Not sure if it is 3G related problem (saw "E"-"EDGE" all the time) and I am not on a prepay minute (no data) plan. However, I did use that iphone for about a week. Try everything (you name it - reset network, airplane mode, sim in/out...), but no luck, I guess the baseband is unlockable (05.16.05) and I just got lucky to use it for a week. :(
long - February 5, 2012 at 9:14am
Hi everyone!! I have just faced up with one big issue with ios 5.0.1. The problem is that my phone suddenly switch off once I unplug it. Has anyone ever encountered this problem? please kindly help me!! I look forward to your solution!! Thank in advance for your kindness
peter king
peter king - February 1, 2012 at 2:32pm
I have 3gs already unlocked and jailbroken :version 4.1, new boot loader,firmware 06.15.00.What advice to jailbreak to ios 5.0.1 and keep my unlock Thanks in anticipation.
BeeVee - February 1, 2012 at 8:12am
Any luck on jailbreaking and unlocking my iPhone 3GS on firmware 5.0.1 with baseband 5.16.02 at this moment?
hiteshmadhok - January 29, 2012 at 2:40pm
Hi, I tried all the steps given to jailbreak ios 5.0.1, baseband 6.15.00. Now i am getting No service. I have tried to reinstall ultrasn0w, mobile substrate, still nogo. Please help.
Miguell - April 8, 2012 at 8:10am
Hello. Run redsn0w again and select Install Cydia, Install iPad baseband, Deactivate. Read carefully WARNING about iPad baseband!!!!! And make decision what to do. I tried on my iPhone 3GS with 06.15.00 firmware modem- works fine :)
hiteshmadhok - January 29, 2012 at 2:39pm
Hi, I tried all the steps given to jailbreak ios 5.0.1. Now i am getting No service. I have tried to reinstall ultrasn0w, mobile substrate, still nogo. Please help.
Miguell - April 4, 2012 at 8:07pm
Hello. You have to activate your iPhone using ORYGINAL SIM card. I`ve got the same. Make big mess in my iPhone and now I have`t got possibility to make a calls. Sad :(
Blog Commenting Service
Blog Commenting Service - April 9, 2012 at 9:13am
There are certainly a couple more details to take into consideration, but thank you for sharing this information.
Miguell - April 9, 2012 at 10:48am
Hi. Ha - Mission completed. :) iPhone jailbreaked and unlocked . All what you have to do is make a TICK next to Install iPad baseband in redsn0w (read carefully WARNING) now I can use Cydia, Installious and make a call.
iphone3gs5.O.1 - January 25, 2012 at 9:46pm
Hello! i hope it will help you: use redsn0w_win_0.9.10b1 ,and go to "extras" go to "select ISPW" use the "iPhone2,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore " you've used to upgrade ur iphone 3gs then go back ,go to jailbreak then cross "install cydia" and "install ipad baseband"... install ultrasn0w 1.2.5(
j0rc - January 27, 2012 at 5:07am
Same thing I did for iPhone3GS 5.0.1 with baseband modem firmware of 6.15.00 Successfully jailbreak and unlock using "" + ""iPhone2,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore" + ultrasn0w 1.2.5 Just be sure before you start jailbreak and unlock you do the ff which i did after several attempts: 1. Removed SIM Card 2. Turn of 3G and Cellular Data from "Settings>Network" 3. Be sure when Jailbreaking part tick on "install iPad baseband" ( which takes a lot of time so BE PATIENCE) 4. After successful jailbreak be sure not to select location service option and then install ultrasn0w (which is already in the "CYDIA>SOURCES>Cydia/Telesphoreo) utilities. 5. After successful install of ultrasn0w the OS should reboot then you can now see that the network signal will immediately turn to "Searching..." to "No Service" then insert you SIM card then that it.
long - February 5, 2012 at 3:15am
hi guy!! I already followed ur instruction. The fact is that after I jailbreak again, I really see my network service, but it happen just a while and then it turn to "searching" again!! do u still have more solution for this issue? thz in advance for ur kindness.
gaurav - January 23, 2012 at 9:06am
i too am stuck with searching, why does dec-team doesn't reply, so many are stuck after JB for 5.0.1, i feel theres some issue with unlocking. earlier i performed tethered JB for 5.0.1, a week ago, but this untethered has not getting solved.please share, if anyone has any clue of getting out of this. (i did it on 3gs, 4.2.1, 6.15 to 5.0.1)
iphone3gs5.O.1 - January 24, 2012 at 10:44pm
Hello! i hope it will help you: use redsn0w_win_0.9.10b1 ,and go to "extras" go to "select ISPW" use the "iPhone2,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore " you've used to upgrade ur iphone 3gs then go back ,go to jailbreak then cross "install cydia" and "install ipad baseband"... install ultrasn0w 1.2.5(
Jimmy - January 18, 2012 at 9:49am
I followed everything in the tutorial. And then it says, " Exploiting with limera1n"....stops there,.. What happened?
Youtube Converter
Youtube Converter - January 11, 2012 at 12:15am
Brilliant walkthrough/guide, it is the most simple guide i have found so far and it works perfectly! I have tried and failed at jail breaking my phone many times, now its finally done :) thanks alot.
Kaloyan Kolev
Kaloyan Kolev - January 9, 2012 at 3:02am
Everithing fine - custom IPSW, saved old BR, used redsn0w.. but findmyiphone on icloud does not work - why?
Kadu.g3 - January 8, 2012 at 3:15am
Good night friends have an iphone 3g 5.0.1 ios more redsn0w dfu mode does not recognize the page and try again redo it several times I can not make the jailbreak in any way, please help me, I have entered in as admin does not redsn0w recognizes the dfu mode ...
tenchix - January 6, 2012 at 4:20pm
not work with (error and hang up applicacation) but with work perfectly !!!
cooldeep - January 4, 2012 at 10:21am
Friends, Need help with JB my 3gs. I have no clue about this whole JB process. I would like to go through the instructions and JB. But first I need some suggestions if my phone can be JBed.Here are my phone details. 3gs Version 5.0.1(9a405) Serial Num. 851270xxxxx and Modem firmware 5.16.05. Any suggestion would be appreciated. thnx
Sandy - December 31, 2011 at 11:15am
Hei All I've updated my iPhone 3gs using redsn0w_win_0.9.10b3. everything went fine but i'm unable to get the signal. the firmware is 06.15.00. tried a couple of troubleshooting steps but couldn't get any solution. Can anyone please help me.
Mike - January 4, 2012 at 5:59am
I unlocked my iPhone this way. Hopefully this will help: [ I own a 3gs recently untethered 5.0.1 new bootrom iPhone with the iPad baseband... say that five times fast.]. Firstly, I restored my firmware with a custom ipsw stitched with shsh blobs using redsn0w 0.9.10b3 Secondly, I jailbroke the iPhone after checking the boxes "install cydia", and "install ipad baseband"(don't check this if you already have a viable baseband...obviously), Next uh ly, I installed Ultrasn0w 1.2.5 in cydia. Finally, I rebooted my iphone and inserted the sim card. After about thirty seconds, the beautiful letters of t-mobile came into the service area. And there was much rejoicing.Cheers.
Sandeep - December 30, 2011 at 9:20am
Hi All I'm using iPhone 3gs. I've upgraded from ios 4.1 to ios 5.0.1. Everything went fine but the sim is not working. I mean the it says no service. I've restored it, turned on/off data roaming and 3G (it works in some cases), hasn't worked at all. I've tried alternate sims but same error. Can anyone help me. I'm stuck..
Mike - January 4, 2012 at 6:01am
I unlocked my iPhone this way. Hopefully this will help: (I own a 3gs recently untethered 5.0.1 new bootrom iPhone with the iPad baseband). Firstly, I restored my firmware with a custom ipsw stitched with shsh blobs using redsn0w 0.9.10b3 Secondly, I jailbroke the iPhone after checking the boxes "install cydia", and "install ipad baseband"(don't check this if you already have a viable baseband...obviously), Next uh ly, I installed Ultrasn0w 1.2.5 in cydia. Finally, I rebooted my iphone and inserted the sim card. After about thirty seconds, the beautiful letters of t-mobile came into the service area. And there was much rejoicing.Cheers.
Jimena R
Jimena R - December 30, 2011 at 12:38am
Hi, I have an activation problem, it says "Your iPhone could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting your iPhone to iTunes to activate it, or try again in a couple of minutes. If this problem persists, contact Apple Support at" I'm at the step when I have to say if my iPhone 3Gs has the newer or older model, but I can't get through to settings to check that out because I can not activate it. What can I do, just try until it activates? Can I unplug it? Wout it ruin the process and the iPhone if I unplug it? And I don't know if it is coincidence or what but my iPhone is not detecting my SIM card and I opened iTunes and it doesn't detect the iPhone neither, it only says I should unplug it and insert a SIM card. Please help me! Thanks!
Jimena R
Jimena R - December 30, 2011 at 11:38am
Finally I could activate my iPhone 3GS but I still have the problem with the SIM card, it is not detecting it. I've already read in some forums about this problem with the 3GS, it seems that happens quite often. I need some help, please!
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