Apple udgiver iOS 4.1 betaen til udviklere [Updatering x2]
Posted July 15, 2010 at 3:43am by iClarified
Apple har nu sagt til udviklere at de kan nu hente iOS SDK og iOS 4.1 beta fra iPhone udvikler centeret.
Programmer lavet med iOS SDK 4.1 beta er kun lavet til at blive testet paa maskiner der koerer iOS 4.1. Husk at laese XCode 3.2.4 Readme og iOS SDK 4.1 beta udgivelses noten foer du installere og downloader de nye ting.
SDK bygnings nummeret er 10M2304 og firmware bygnings nummeret er 8B5080c.
Vi haaber paa at denne opdatering fixer signale paa iPhone 4.
Changes: ● Signal baren ser ud til at vaere lavet og er stoerre. ● Ny Baseband (02.07.01) ● Game Center er tilbage med et nyt look (se screenshot) ● Camera og Flash knappen repositionere i landscape mode (se screenshot) ● Du kan nu putte favoritter som stemme eller FaceTime. ● Skrive tjek kan nu blive sluttet fra i Indstillinger ● FaceTime og Game Center Foraeldre kontrollering ● Fuld Bluetooth AVRCP stoette.
I know what it says in the article about the changes that will be made but does anyone know if they will also be fixing the problems with the virtual keyboard? Since ios 4 came out the number of typos has increased and the keyboard does not respond as well as in ios 3. So I was just wondering if anyone knew because I really hope it gets fixed.
Wrong. Get your facts straight. Baseband means unlock. New baseband means unlock may need to be reworked only if they closed the hole in the previous.
Jailbreak has nothing to do with baseband
where did you read a couple days? and why would it be in a couple days even though 4.1 isn't out in a couple days, they can still make changes, this is just a beta
Comex's new jailbreak will likely be released for 4.0.1 which is released tomorrow. 4.1 which will probly hit in September, will be a whole new ballgame. I'm not holding my breath for geohot on that one.