Jak na Jailbreak tveho 2G iPod Touch (pres Windows)
Posted March 11, 2009 at 2:06pm by iClarified
Nize jsou instrukce jak na jailbreak tveho 2G iPod Touch pouzitim Windows a Voltage aplikace.
Krok první Vytvoř na ploe sloku Pwnage a stáhni si do této sloky Voltage aplikace. - Voltage
Krok druhý Dvojtým klikem staený archiv rozbal v této sloce. Poznámka*: Zřejmě bude potřebovat nainstalovaný WinRAR.
Krok třetí Otevři si adresář Voltage a spusť Voltage - Jailbreaker.exe
Krok čtvrtý Po sputění Voltage aplikace uvidí tři nezbytné podmínky pro aplikování jailbreaku..
Klikni na Begin Download pro staení firmware ipsw pro Ipod Touch.
Klikni na Save aby se ti uloil k tobě na disk.
Pokud se system zeptá, kam chce uloit, ulo do sloky Voltage.
Krok pátý Pokud pouívá Visty,musí udělat níe uvedené kroky. Pokud má WinXP, můe přejít k estému kroku.
Poklepej na sloku Install_Files ve sloce Voltage.
Klikni pravým tlačítkem myi na souborlib-win32-filter-bin- a z nabídky vyber Vlastnosti.
Klikni na kartu Kompatibilita.
Zakrtni volbu Spustit program v reimu kompatibility:. Vyberte Windows XP (Service Pack 2) a potvrďte OK.
Krok estý Klikni na Begin Install čím spustí instalaci LibUSB.
Pokračuj dle pokynů v instalaci LibUSB.
Krok sedmý Klikni na Begin Install čím spustí instalaci C++.
Pokračuj dle pokynů v instalaci C++.
Po instalaci obou součástí klikni na Next Step v pravém dolním rohu aplikace Voltage.
Krok osmý Klikni na talčítko Select a vyber IPSW soubor, který jsi předtím stáhnul.
Jdi do sloky Voltage a vvyber iPod touch 2.2.1 firmware soubor a klikni na Open.
Step Nine Nyní si vytvoříme vlastní ipsw. Klikni na Make IPSW.
Objeví se cmd okno, kde je vidět progres.Samo se opět zavře, a bude build hotový.
Poté klikni na Next Step tlačítko.
Krok desátý Z adresáře Voltage otevři sloku JB_Files.
Pravým tlačítkem klikni na Custom_Restore.ipsw a vyber Přejmenovat.
Přidej .zip příponu a klikní na Ano pokud systém ádá potvrzení změny.
Pravým tlačítkem klikni na Custom_Restore.ipsw.zip a vyber Otevřít čím.
Vyber WinRar ze seznamu a klikni na OK. Poznámka*: asi bude potřebovat mít nainstalovaný WinRAR :).
Po otevření archivu otevři sloku Firmware..
..sloku all_flash..
..sloku all_flash.n72ap.production.
Pak si stáhni opatchovaný LLB (LLB.n72ap.RELEASE.img3) z tohoto odkazu a přetáhni staený soubor do okna WinRARu.
Otevře se okno s nastavením,kde stačí dát OK.
WinRar poté provede update archivu.
Zavři WinRar a jdi zpět do sloky JB_Files.
Přejmenuj sobor Custom_Restore.ipsw.zip..
.. zpět na původní název Custom_Restore.ipsw.
Krok jedenáctý Tak a zpátky do Voltage.. Nyní je třeba přepnout iPod do DFU módu. Připoj iPod k PC, a poté dr současně obě tlačítka. Po asi 10 sekundách pusť tlačítko power,ale HOME tlačítko dr jetě dalích cca 10 sekund..
Pro ujitění se, e je iPod v DFU modu klikni v aplikaci na Check DFU Mode.
Pokud je ve ok klikni na Next Step.
Krok dvanáctý Nyní je mono opatchovat zařízení. Klikni na Patch Device.
Krok třináctý Po opatchování je čas na restore naeho firmware přes iTunes.
Po zapnutí iTunes detekuje iPod v recovery módu. Klikni na OK.
Dr Shift Shift a klikni na tlačítko Restore.
Otevře se okno, kde vybere umístění naeho Custom_Restore.ipsw souboru ze sloky Voltage/JB_Files a klikne na Open.
Krok čtrnáctý Poté, co je firmware obnoven, má hotový jailbreak :)
jn-joy Velký dík patří CalebMingle za vytvoření Voltage.
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I have a brand new touch that I want to jailbreak.
I understand that blackra1n will only work on those which were made before week 40, ie the serial number has 4th and 5th digits of 39 or less.
Jailbreaking with blackra1n on models with serials 40 or above (mine is 48) will require the unit to be tethered and blackra1n run every time it is turned on. This is simply not worth the hassle!
So firstly, does anyone know if the voltage software will jailbreak without the tethering issue, and secondly, if id does can someone point me in the direction of a working download link?
Cheers, F1
The voltage download doesn't work and I can't find any working alternatives.
Can someone who has it, and the custom firmware post a working download link, or if not send me them? I'd be extremely grateful.
Link for voltage download (copy + paste link)
Link for firmware downloads (copy + paste link)
good luck!
I'm having a lot of trouble installing the libUSB. Done everything it told me to do and even tried it the Vista way. (I'm windows 7). Also, when i get to "Make IPSW" I click it, it does the black window thing then closes 3 seconds later. I try to click next step but it says "Custom IPSW not found" any help? D:
I got stuck at step 13. Error 1601 appeared after restoring it with "custom restore". I 've been doing da same thing in that instruction. What did I missed?
This guide is getting old now. OS 3.0 is out and that is something you should upgrade to. there are jail breaking tutorials over the internet for that and they are way easier. I have used this method, it works but the new jailbreaks called red snow is way easier. Google it.
Ola, eu realizei os passos até colocar em DFU, só que não consegui e desliguei o computador... no outro dia quando liguei estava lendo pra caramba, travando sabe... apaguei os arquivos que reconheci da instalação, mas o computador continua lendo, Vc sabe me dizer o faço para voltar ao normal???? Help-me, please
Ola, eu realizei os passos até colocar em DFU, só que não consegui e desliguei o computador... no outro dia quando liguei estava lendo pra caramba, travando sabe...
apaguei os arquivos que reconheci da instalação, mas o computador continua lendo,
Vc sabe me dizer o faço para voltar ao normal????
Help-me, please
I completed the tethered jailbreak and my ipod is working fine already. but when i turned it off it does not want to turn on again. is this a normal behavior? do i have to repeat the process again?
I tried the instructions on the web page and the device would not re boot at the end of the process. Then the Itouch just died and displayed Unknown USB device. Eventually, I got the thing back to life and restored the original firmware 2.2.1 Can someone 'clarify' if the llb.img patched file that is downloaded should replace and overwrite the existing llb.img file in the firmware/all_flash folder? Coz the downloaded patch llb file has a [1] in the file name......if someone from iclarified can 'clarify, it will be much appreciated :-)
Hi, I did manage to restore the original firmware on the ipod and it works as normal. Considering I've only just purchased it I'm reluctant to try jailbreaking the itouch for fear of being unable to restore at all.....
I managed to recover from the 'USD Device unrecognised' message through going into device manager on the laptop and removing the USB entry and trying again, somehow I managed to get the laptop to recognise the itouch and load up itunes once I had removed the USB device in 'Device Manager'.
Since then, I'm off the idea of jail breaking for now until I'm bored of the itouch.
Hey man ye i got the same problem with my itouch 2g with the usb not recodnised after doing the whole pwnage thing. and because i am not a computer tech can u explain to me in simple steps how you got ur itouch to be recodnised again? that would b really awesome.
Worked Great!!!!! At first I got the "ERROR1604". All you have to do is get your ipod in DFU Mode, patch it, then restore it in itunes with the restore_firmware.ipsw. Once that is done, let it boot up. Then put it in DFU mode again and patch it again. Then go back into itunes and restore the ipod with the custom_restore.ipsw. Thankyou
in step 7 i cant seem to find the firmware under voltage "iPod2,1_2.2.1_5H11a_Restore" the icon of a white box with a note sign where will i beble to download that?
I had error 1604. If you have the sam one then you can try to jailbreak again from the start or downgrade iTunes to 8.1.1. (You will lost library and backup of your iPod)
(Uninstall iTunes and then install iTunes 8.1.1. (http://www.oldapps.com/itunes.php)
I hope it will help.
Yeah so when I go to rename the Custom_Restore.ipsw (to add the .zip), the file extension doesn't show up, so what ends up happening is Custom_Restore.zip.ipsw... which will not open with winrar. No matter what i do it always slaps .ipsw on the end of it.... Anyone have any ideas? would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I had same problem, but then i figuered it out. I am using Windows 7 RC so it's problably diffrent way.
1. Open Windows Explorer ( just a single map, like Pwnage )or documents...)
2. Organize -> Folder and search options -> View
3. Uncheck Hide extensions for known file types