Apple Engineers Are Already Working to Strengthen iPhone Security
Posted February 25, 2016 at 3:38pm by iClarified
Apple engineers are already working to strengthen the security of the iPhone making unlock demands, such as the current one from the FBI, impossible, reports the NYTimes.
“For all of those people who want to have a voice but they’re afraid, we are standing up, and we are standing up for our customers because protecting them we view as our job,” Apple CEO TIm Cook said in a recent interview with ABC News.
The issue of strengthening security was first brought up last week, when reporters asked why Apple allowed firmware to be modified without requiring a password. Currently, the iPhone allows you to update system software without entering your password, making it easier for Apple to repair malfunctioning devices.
Independent experts have had conversations with Apple over the last week to discuss the vulnerability and how Apple might address the issue.
“There are probably 50 different ideas we have all sent to Apple,” said Jonathan Zdziarski, a security researcher.
One senior executive, speaking on the condition of anonymity, replied that it was safe to bet that security would continue to improve. Separately, a person close to the company, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity, confirmed this week that Apple engineers had begun work on a solution even before the San Bernardino attack. A company spokeswoman declined to comment on what she called rumors and speculation.
Usually, bug reports come in an email saying, ‘Dear Apple Security, we’ve discovered a flaw in your product,’ ” said Chris Soghoian, an analyst with the American Civil Liberties Union. “This bug report has come in the form of a court order.”
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