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Warning: The iPhone 6 Could Bend In Your Pocket! [Photos]

Warning: The iPhone 6 Could Bend In Your Pocket! [Photos]

Posted September 23, 2014 at 5:41pm by iClarified
Just a few days after launch, a growing number of iPhone 6 owners are reporting that the new device has bent while in their pocket!

Hanzoh posted his experience with the new iPhone 6 Plus on the MacRumors forums:

Yesterday, I left at 10am with the iPhone in my left FRONT pocket of my suit pants. I drove 4 hours to a wedding, which also involved a lot of sitting during dinner etc but also 2-3 hours of dancing. I left at 2am and went to bed, driving home 4 hours back.

So in total, the 6 Plus was about 18 hours in my pocket while sitting mostly. As I lay it on the coffee table and sat down on the couch to relax from the drive (yes, sitting again ), I saw the reflection of the window in the iPhones slightly distorted.

Warning: The iPhone 6 Could Bend In Your Pocket! [Photos]

DevinPitcher, another member, posted:

My friends did the same thing. Put it in his front pocket and it was like this when he took it out after getting in the car.

Warning: The iPhone 6 Could Bend In Your Pocket! [Photos]

PD13 even noted that his easily bent while in a case:

Just found this thread and wanted to share my experience so far.. less than 12 hours after having my phone, lightly bumped into someone with my phone in my pocket. This is was the after effects were. The glass didn't crack, but the LCD did. Apple is replacing it for me, thankfully.

Issues with the iPhone bending in pockets is not new, after all it is made from aluminum. However, considering the much larger size of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, users will need to be far more careful. In some cases, Apple is reportedly replacing bent devices; however, others are being charged hundreds of dollars.

Let us know if you've already bent your iPhone 6. Did Apple replace it?

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A new video confirms that it is possible to bend an iPhone 6 Plus with your bare hands. While having the device in your pocket shouldn't place such pressure on the phone, it does appear that a combination of tight pants and prolonged pressure could cause your iPhone to bend.

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Warning: The iPhone 6 Could Bend In Your Pocket! [Photos]
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Comments (92)
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Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs - September 26, 2014 at 6:58pm
I would have died seeing this! What the hell is my Company doing!
gamerscul9870 - September 26, 2014 at 7:21pm
what hell are you assuming. This is nothing but a joke. Our previous generation iPhone was slightly thicker and didn't bend easily. My friend did so many things with one in his pocket yet not a bent spot.
Tkyo - September 26, 2014 at 3:39am
Please!!! It is pretty clear on the video that the guy is outing a lot of pressure on it and his thumbs are pressing the corner and the weakest part of the frame. In that condition it is obvious the phone will bend. Try the same with other phones and let's see if any will pass the test. The video on this article says everything.
rudyduarte - September 25, 2014 at 4:07pm
easy for resolve this problem. buy a plastic cover.
AppleFanBoy - September 25, 2014 at 2:05pm
Apple needs to fire their current QA employees and hire a new team. This is unacceptable and this is coming from a Apple fanboy.
gamerscul9870 - September 25, 2014 at 3:21pm
Or acquire.
Jack black
Jack black - September 25, 2014 at 4:28am
Lmfao this didn't happen with my plastic note 3 lmfao again
gamerscul9870 - September 25, 2014 at 10:49am
and this didn't happen with my aluminum 6 HARHARHAR. Not joking.
Techno - October 4, 2014 at 8:22am
Your note 3 three is worth 100 -135 bucks on eBay and my 5s is worth over 5 bills... Harharhar
Basso - September 24, 2014 at 10:59am
Everyone is forgetting the real problem here. The phone bends very easily just from the forces with hands. So stop trying to defend Apple otherwise you'll be the one who ends up getting your new iPhone bent while trying to put phone case on.(some cases require certain amount of forces by hand to put on. And likely will bend your phone some day)
jaystuxes - September 24, 2014 at 10:55am
If its bent so easily, can't you bend it back? lol
justabrake - September 24, 2014 at 12:59pm
Apple has a special tool to straighten it out for free ! Apple will also fix the crack in the metal no charge !
iTimiCook - September 24, 2014 at 10:08am
Dear iSheeps, I am so happy that you guys noticed this "Bend" feature now. We kept intentionally this as surprise for our iSheeps. The whole idea behind this feature was these 1) Our iSheeps can have panorama view and you can take "Panorama" pictures without moving your phone and without help of any third party software. 2) We wanted to compete with LG and Motorola curved Phones 3) This was our answer to new LG, Samsung Curved display LCD Screen 4) We wanted surprise Samsung that we could have side display in our phones without actually having side display to trash their new side display phone 5) and the last but not the least, we wanted to sell more replacement screen (remember, we have given you screen replacement prices along with our new phone launch). I am sure you guys might have noticed that there was some article says that our phone cost about 200$ to 250$ to build but we sell at 750$ minimum, it means we make a lot of money. more money means more innovations like this and you guys will be tested as usual. Soon we will be launching a new iDevice which will have "S" as addition in the name, we promise you that there will be a new features that you will be able to bend back and forth. I sincerely believe that you iSheeps are happy with our new feature and let me thank you all for being blind and bought our new device for very high price and spending your valued time in Queue. We Owe you. Regards, Tim Crook.
Number33 - September 25, 2014 at 1:35pm
The plural of sheep is sheep.
Ren - September 24, 2014 at 6:35am
Your sitting it wrong!! Just get a Titanium case 1cm thick and wrap it around with 10 layers of ducttape. problem solve!
Vueapp - September 24, 2014 at 4:11am
Ok some 3rd party needs to come out with a thin metal case that can reinforce the device at the same level as the camera. I'm glad I skip every other generation. 6s should be all fixed.
Mike Power
Mike Power - September 24, 2014 at 4:06am
Not to worry iSheeps Apple had made an announcement and said that it could easily be a fix with an update to iOS 8.0.2. We won't be bent agian, I promise You my iSheeps, yours truly Tim Crooks.
Mike Power
Mike Power - September 24, 2014 at 3:57am
Not sure if you want to hide your shiny new iPhone's newfangled design in a bulky case? Maybe you should -- apparently, it's quite pliable. iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users on Twitter seem to be finding small, but noticeable bends just south of the handsets' volume controls. Front-pocket storage is all it takes to give the handset a gentle slope, according to some users, but it can be bent other ways too. Back pockets and malicious YouTube users (video from Unbox Therapy after the break) can both bend the device to their will. Update: Just for kicks, the same guy tried the same thing with a Galaxy Note 3, and while its plastic frame gave some squeaking under the pressure, it showed only slight warping after two attempts. There's the difference in materials to account for, but of course we're not surprised -- we've seen how Samsung tests its large phones under pressure. Some say that extra-tight jeans are to blame, but it's really an issue of building materials -- the iPhone 6 and 6+ feature an aluminum chassis spread over a wider area than any previous iPhone. Aluminum is a naturally soft metal; with enough pressure and leverage, it's going to bend, and some owners reported similar issues with the iPhone 5. Metallurgy aside, though, it's still a potential drawback for Apple users thinking of upgrading.
Mike Power
Mike Power - September 24, 2014 at 3:51am
Mike Power
Mike Power - September 24, 2014 at 3:06am
Damn!!! Maybe I should pitch my song Bent to Mr. Tim. A perfect Match made in Heaven. imagine The Commercial. and I don't even own an iPhone.
gamerscul9870 - September 24, 2014 at 3:08am
no, pinch to me, my long lost love to you. Good for my big booty to bend for. Now that's the commercial honey, mwuaaahhh!
Mike Power
Mike Power - September 24, 2014 at 2:55am
in Reality is a new hidden Feature innovation. Apple try to copy The LG Flex, but failed miserably and did not have the guts to call it The New iBend. But look at it this way, now you can take pictures around the corners.
abukaff - September 24, 2014 at 2:58am
Hahaha hilarious !
iDood - September 24, 2014 at 2:51am
If Steve Jobs were to be alive today he would say "Don't sit on it".
ae1eece - September 24, 2014 at 2:36am
I'm glad my plastic Galaxy Note 3 won't do that
Constipated Harry
Constipated Harry - September 24, 2014 at 2:40am
Good One. lol Apple products cost a lot and they are not that great. Tim cook is not able to run apple like Steve and its a sad fact of life. Steve Jobs was1 in a billion Trillion.
Rahul - September 24, 2014 at 1:32am
For such a huge device like the iPhone 6 plus front or back pant pockets are not good. It's either coat or shirts or hand.
Usher - September 24, 2014 at 1:10am
gamerscul9870 - September 24, 2014 at 1:24am
Or just get an otter box. I have my 5s in my pocket yet no matter what I do it doesn't bend a bit. I noticed several people with a 6 though and not once they said about bending it.
neuralstatic - September 24, 2014 at 12:42am
who where they grinding on? i can put something in my pocket and then step on it and damage it too. but something normally in a pocket will not bend.
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