Apple's Developer Center has been down for over a day and the company has now posted a notice that memberships due to expire during this down time have been extended.
We'll be back soon.
We apologize that maintenance is taking longer than expected. If your program membership was set to expire during this period, it has been extended and your app will remain on the App Store. If you have any other concerns about your account, please contact us.
Dude, it's called jailbreak for a reason, we don't use the words like hacks, weak brain. When we jailbreak an Iphone, we change what we want with Iphone, hacks mean use something to take control another device from computer from cords, anything. Now you've learned it, amen.
You are a funny guy.If you need to find a password,all you need is the technology or program to brute force all possible number or letter(or both) combinations until you get the password.Jailbreaking a device is exploiting the root code and installing Cydia.You don't "jailbreak" a password.
You are a nerd, but what I was actually saying was you jailbreak the phone to loosen the password to access the data. Do you think you could be the new jobs, you could be Mr.unlockmydevice jobs.
This is what you mean by hacking? First off the topic here doesn't have that word listed, second, why didn't you say so, third, what I mean by jailbreak is break into passwords and account or change idevices effects.
What is arrogant about an apology that maintenance is taking longer than expected?
Try working at the "sharp end" of maintenance sometime and you'll know that shit happens.