Samsung Announces New Galaxy Mega 6.3-Inch and 5.8-Inch Smartphones
Posted April 12, 2013 at 2:52pm by iClarified
Samsung today announced its new Galaxy Mega 6.3-inch and 5.8-inch smartphones.
The newest addition to the GALAXY family balances an optimal viewing experience on a 6.3-inch HD screen, yet is ultra-thin and portable enough to put into a pocket or hold in one hand. The GALAXY Mega offers a mix of popular smartphone and tablet features such as an effortless user experience, a split screen, multitasking between video and other apps and more.
Features: • 'Group Play': Enables easy content sharing for up to 8 devices on the same Wi-Fi network. • 'Samsung WatchON': Transforms into an IR remote controller for a richer TV experience. Connect the device to your home entertainment system, and it will provide program recommendations, schedules, and even remotely control your TV. • 'Samsung Link': Easily streams photos, videos, notes, or music to your television, tablet or computer. • 'S Translator': Say or text what you need translated into the GALAXY Mega, and it will provide instant translation, using text or voice translation on applications including email, and ChatON. • 'ChatON': Share what's on your screen with friends to stay more connected.
The GALAXY Mega also supports split screen capability for a variety of applications including email, messages, ‘MyFiles,’ ‘S Memo,’ ‘S Planner’, and more. With the popular ‘Air View’ feature, customers can preview information in emails, photos in Gallery, and speed dial contacts.
The device is equipped with an enhanced 8 megapixel rear-facing camera with a 1.9 megapixel front-facing camera. A Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 version featuring a 5.8-inch display is available to those who want more portability. Both GALAXY Mega 6.3 and 5.8 run on the latest Android 4.2 Jelly Bean experience, and feature Dual Core Processor, spacious internal storage along with up to 64GB of expandable memory.
The GALAXY Mega will be available globally beginning May from Europe and Russia. The product availability varies by market and will be rolled out gradually. No word on pricing yet.
Samsung has beaten Apple. APPLE is far behind. By the time apple releases iphone 6 with fingerprint SAMSUNG or HTC will have their new device within next 3-4 months
I guess some time soon Samsung is gonna make their tablets cell phone, and Samsun fans will buy tablets from now on then cell phones and make calls on their tablets then cell phones, Samsung just stop your production of those phones and make a tablet phone for your fans, seems they love tablets phones LOL
Guys guys relax, sit down and take a breather lol. Now there is only one way to settle this score. We get the Fandroids, Winfans, Applefans and Blackberry fans all together, and we redo the back Alley street fight from Anchorman. Remember the rules, NO TOUCHING OF THE HAIR OR FACE! Oh and no Tridents! Group winner gets to boast for an entire week!
what is a phone and what is a tablet and why is an ipod touch neither? when all are the same we can all have what we want. don't hate. enjoy what riches technology can bring. use what you want; leave what you don't want. I personally am looking forward to the iShirt.
I stand by what I said. Do you guys really have nothing better to do than attack people on the interweb? I know this is Samsung not apple but if its a successful line of product do you really not think others will follow including apple? What could be bad about that? Again, I know this is a Samsung product and not apple, by I'm not the one who posted the article; I simply responded to it. With more configurations of sizes and options available more people can get exactly what they think they think they want.
I understand it seems silly to some, but I actually like this trend and where this is headed. It simply means options. I don't get why some seem so offended, it's not like they are holding a gun to your head to buy one. They are blurring the boundary between devices and soon enough I hope I will be able to buy an ipod touch with unlimited data and not be forced to buy the phone service.
Leonidas 300 Spartan soldiers would be SO envious about these Galaxy electronic shields, which would easily block ANY Persian air and ground attack, while also functioning as communication devices!... THIS ... IS ... GALAXY MEGAAAAA!!!
ill bet you that Apple will follow and make bigger iPhones and I think that for a phone the 4 inch screen is the perfect size, in fact I even sold my iPhone 5 and went back to my 4S, maybe it's because I also got a new LTE iPad that goes where I go that makes me prefer the 4S but at the cell store where I work I handle many iPhone 5's and the difference is so small that its not worth it, also we fix broken screens and replacing a screen for an iPhone 4 or 4S is $60 and over $300 for replacing a bit bigger screen on the iPhone 5, conclusion is that the 5 is a waist of money! I'm really waiting for the 5S/6 because I have a feeling that Apple finally got the message.
In 2 months Samsung will release the next next big thing. The galaxy s5 with 5.5" screen. The galaxy s6 which will be released 2 months after the s5, or 4 months from now will have a 6.2" screen and have fingerprint technology.
By December of this year Samsung will be up to their galaxy s78567 line and it will have a 78" screen.
Hey guys, I hear scamsung is making an iwatch too. They are using flavour flav as the mascot... Cause it's actually a clock with a 37inch circular amoled screen! It even has a larger version called the Samsung Galaxy S9Granfather Clock. And don't even get me started on the Samsung Galaxy S78 church clock tower ! 30 foot screen! ..... I'll stick with class #AppleNation
ill answer that one, ok I'm totally an Apple Addict and pretty much got all Apple devices but the biggest mistake Apple ( Tim cook ) made was going to war against Samsung because now Apple are not getting the major parts for the iDevices from Samsung any more ( there is nobody better for parts then Samsung ), any way now instead of selling to Apple, Samsung are selling to the people and making way more money that way. I work part time at a cell shop and for one iPhone we sell 10 Galaxy's and just a year ago it was for each Galaxy 10 iPhones. so as much as I hate it I must admit that Samsung is doing something right and I really really hope that Apple are paying attention because the Apple name is their reputation but if they won't stop fighting and start inventing the Apple reputation won't save them for as long as they think!