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Apple Releases iOS 6.0.2 for the iPhone 5 and iPad Mini

Apple Releases iOS 6.0.2 for the iPhone 5 and iPad Mini

Posted December 18, 2012 at 6:45pm by iClarified
Apple has just released iOS 6.0.2 for the iPhone 5 and iPad mini.

iOS 6.0.2 Software Update
This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:
• Fixes a bug that could impact Wi-Fi

For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222

You can find download links for the new firmware here:
Where to Download iPhone Firmware Files From
Where to Download iPad Firmware Files From

Note: We're having some difficulty getting Software Update on the iPhone to work so you may need to update via iTunes.

Apple Releases iOS 6.0.2 for the iPhone 5 and iPad Mini
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Comments (31)
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Jon - December 20, 2012 at 10:00pm
I do not live in fear of Firmware updates because I bought an IMEI unlock. Ive had an iPhone, jailbroken in order to be unlocked, since it first came out. For an Unlock, jailbreaking is no longer needed. I never did get into any of the Cydia apps, I was only there for the Unlock. I wonder how many people think they need an jailbreak, when all they want is an unlock?
Ron - December 20, 2012 at 10:17pm
I initially needed it for an unlock; but switched to AT
Ron - December 20, 2012 at 10:17pm
I initially needed it for an unlock; but switched to AT
Jon - December 20, 2012 at 11:12pm
same here, used an unlock so I could be on Tmobile, when I lived where ATT had no reception. Now I live where Tmobile has no reception, so I pay ATT about $50 more per month than I used to spend on Tmobile. But, Tmobile is deadly slow on iPhone data, ATT is MUCH faster.
Matt-nyc - December 20, 2012 at 6:55pm
Same shit don't fix anything for wi-fi
PunkoHead - December 19, 2012 at 11:20am
What are these fake developers? I am a developer and I'll be glad if JB comes out soon. Not rly because I'm going to get smaller funds, just because of the ideas these guys in dev-team give! Think about it.
phadke2008 - December 19, 2012 at 6:23am
Apple credibility itself going down by 6.0.2 There were never more than 1 minor update in previous IOS versions. Steve Jobs was only 1 in this world. Perfection is pretty difficult to replicate.
Wow - December 19, 2012 at 4:32am
It's really sad that some people can say that if a jailbreak doesn't come out, that they will consider getting a totally different phone. SERIOUSLY? Does it really matter that much that you won't be able to steal apps and games anymore? Everyone should know what to expect from iPhones by now, and if you know you're not getting certain tweaks out of the box then don't bother to begin with. Devs work hard for their apps and games to be out there and they should be compensated accordingly, how would you feel if someone was stealing something from you that you've put all your time, effort and money into?
Ron - December 19, 2012 at 6:15am
I've Jailbroken since the 1st iPhone (had to in order to use it with T-Mobile). I can count on one hand the number of apps I "pirated"--which was only on one OS version for about a month while I was in school. I ended up reinstalling my firmware, and purchasing the app that I liked. Other than the unlock, and a budget trial episode, I have always purchased my apps--either from the AppStore or from Cydia developers. New OS/iOS releases from Apple have consistently included "tweaks" as features--copy/paste, Notification Center, multi-tasking, etc. Quite honestly, the jailbreak community drives the feature set of the next iOS. What Apple should do is work out a different DRM method that isn't affected by access to the file system. Then we can minimize the pirating while still allowing power users the ability to customize their device. I still miss swipeselection, spotdict, iFile, BiteSMS and a couple of other tweaks that were immensely useful--again, I was jailbroken, and had no problem supporting developers that spent the time making something I found useful--Cydia or AppStore.
Mb - December 19, 2012 at 12:01pm
Jailbreak is not about cracked apps but about costumazation so maybe you should chill a bit .. I love iPhone and I had everyone since the first came out but iOS 6 add nothing new and without jailbreak is boring and limited.. I am thinking on getting htc on android if jailbreak don't come for ios6 .. I understand people that will leave iPhone on ios6
Jenya - December 19, 2012 at 2:20am
I am already waiting for my LG Nexus 4. Had enough waiting for JB. No wonder Apple shares dropping.
Nexus4 is a joke...
Nexus4 is a joke... - December 19, 2012 at 3:58am
Well, buying the LG nexus4 is a bad option if you intend to subsribe a 4G LTE data plan... but go for it if you like. BTW, I'm an IOS developer and I'm glad that all the stealers can't jailbreak their devices anymore! I don't care about Apple shares going down, I do care about mine going up...
Me - December 19, 2012 at 4:28am
Stealers? Get your facts straight.
Jabaa - December 19, 2012 at 10:33am
Thats so funny!
jenya - December 19, 2012 at 3:19pm
I am not. I love devices when i can do anything i want and i dont care with LTE and so on. Honestly i have used cracked apps that been developed by guys like you and at the end we choose to stay loyal and pay for them if they worse. There are thousands apps that don't worse a penny. With JB we experiment and leave feedback to the developers or even giving ideas to develop decent tweaks. I think Apple stopped thinking over the design and it is boring to stay with piece of useless brick.
Proof ?
Proof ? - December 19, 2012 at 9:25pm
Well, developers simply know the figures such as the ratio of devices which are running paid apps or not. Not all of the developers are "ROVIO like" or any major DEV STUDIO and can not survive when 50% or more of their app is pirated. Anyway, only the concerned persons should feel guilty, for the others, thanks for rewarding our work. People can always say that they just want to customise they devices (BTW, jailbroken "TABLETS", in the US, will become illegal by law or already are (I'm european), which is unfair and therefore, I don't support this personally. But well, I'm not part of the american politics who have decided this. Anyway, as Apple will probably release devices twice a year and according to how time consuming and brain efforts a jailbreak will require, developers can now sleep well. No jailbreak means very secured devices, aren't you happy ? We are. ;-))))
Proof wanted ?
Proof wanted ? - December 19, 2012 at 9:38pm
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11609651/detect-if-ios-app-hacked Then, reporting figures don't make us happy. As said, the problem is going to be solved soon. Efforts to jailbreak a device will require more time and efforts from jailbreaker (even with "no personal life") than IOS version released time. CAT and MOUSE is almost over, hopefully. However, I bet that Apple will see sales collapse. Then, I'm curious to see how they will consider the developers. I mean, Apple is unhappy to know that devices are unsecured (so do we!), but is more than happy when someone buy a device because it can be jailbroken....
Matt-nyc - December 19, 2012 at 1:20am
No more jailbreK fuuck this i going to selling my iPhone 5
Ironfist - December 19, 2012 at 5:26am
Use the money for grammar lessons...
MUKAI - December 18, 2012 at 11:24pm
The death of jailbreak. Don't expect a jailbreak any time soon because it won't come. Just being truthful.
Timmy - December 18, 2012 at 10:00pm
The iOS Jailbreak scene is dead, forever. The peak of jailbreaking iOS has come and gone, unfortunately. If there is no jailbreak by the time the next iPhone comes out, i will seriously be taking a look at Android alternatives if any hardware vendor can come close to the quality and design of Apple's hardware.
Vlad - December 19, 2012 at 3:26am
There is actually a JB on the way if u don't know know anything then stay off of this site
Sam - December 18, 2012 at 9:29pm
Should I update if I have iPhone 5 if I want to wait for jailbreak?
64KB - December 18, 2012 at 9:51pm
I don't think if itmay make any issues as posted by @comex; "comex ‏@comex @MuscleNerd Nobody will ever release a jailbreak that doesn’t work on the current version
tzvifiller - December 18, 2012 at 7:05pm
Can they release an update for iPod touch 5?
tzvifiller - December 18, 2012 at 9:46pm
I was asking when
Ytrash - December 18, 2012 at 6:59pm
Should we update our iPhones with this update ? Is the Jaillbreak coming out ?my iPhone 4S sucks on 6.0.1 the wifi is horrible .. I have to constantly go to the settings choose wifi to connect .. It doesn't easily pick up like it used to on 5..1.1 like a damnass I updated that was stupid of me
Nazamb - December 18, 2012 at 7:11pm
This update is for iPhone 5 and iPad Mini ONLY. You can't update your 4s, yet.
Ytrash - December 18, 2012 at 8:31pm
Duh!! I just read that ..lol that was a stupid question then . It's only for iPhone 5! I see that now..thanks for clarifying that
64KB - December 18, 2012 at 9:54pm
If you have WiFi problems, the update deals with those.
64KB - December 18, 2012 at 9:57pm
Sorry, wrong answer, the update is only for iPhone 5 and iPad Mini
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