How to Re-Restore Your iPhone From iOS 5.x to iOS 5.x (Windows)
Posted October 14, 2012 at 11:45am by iClarified
These are instructions on how to re-restore your iPhone from iOS 5.x to iOS 5.x. This procedure will work for any A5+ device so long as you have the SHSH Blobs saved for the firmware you are currently on and the firmware you would like to restore to.
Important***: You DO NOT QUALIFY for iOS5-to-iOS5 restores if you got to your current 5.x via an OTA (Over-the-Air) update.
Step One Create a folder on your desktop called Pwnage
Download the latest version of RedSn0w from here and place it in the Pwnage folder. Likewise, download the firmware you would like to restore to and the firmware you are current on from here and place it/them in the Pwnage folder.
Extract the RedSn0w zip file to the Pwnage folder.
Step Two Right click or control-click the redsn0w application from the redsn0w folder we extracted earlier and choose Open from the popup menu that appears.
Step Three Click Extras from the main menu.
Step Four Click Even More from the Extras menu.
Step Five Click Restore from the Even More menu.
Step Six Click IPSW from the Restore menu, choose the IPSW you would like to restore to from the window that appears, and click Open.
Step Seven Redsn0w will prompt you to connect your device. Do so, then click the Ok button.
Step Eight If you need to point RedSn0w to another firmware ipsw it will ask you to do so. If you are re-restoring the same firmware version, RedSn0w will check Cydia to see if you have the correct blobs saved.
If RedSn0w is unable to find your blobs automatically you can try to click the Remote button to try again or you can click the Local button to search for blobs on your computer.
Step Nine RedSn0w will place your device into recovery mode.
You may be asked to acknowledge that this procedure will update your Baseband. Click Yes to continue or No to stop.
RedSn0w will now restore your iPhone.
Step Ten You'll be informed when your restore has completed successfully.
ANSWERS: If you need help with this tutorial please post a question in the comments or submit a question to the iClarified community using our Answers section.
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unable to fetch apticket from apple please help me please god bless you please help me this is my holiday and because of that wont a nice holiday i just have to sit until jailbreak for ios 6.1.3
hi, pls am having problems re-restorin frm 5.1.1 to same keeps telling me no refresh blobs found meanwhile I have 5.1.1 shsh blobs saved.pls help out tnks
now am stuck in a recovery loop
I'm on 5.0.1 without a SHSH blob and want to upgrade to 5.1.1 with a SHSH blob, is this possible with this method or do I absolutlely have to have the SHSH blob for 5.0.1
Help guyz, I am using iPhone 4s ios 5.1.1 Baseband Trek-3.0.04. 2days i crushed to safe mode, then i decided to do system restore with Redsnow 0.9.15b3, Failed to restore. it starts restoring while restoring. stages appear such as.... system image, checking file systems, flashing,....etc. I get error on updating Baseband stage..."Couldn't restore. couldnt obtain fresh baseband blobs. it's probably no longer being signed. Baseband Trek-3.0.04.Release.bbfw" I need to restore this ios 5.1.1 help
exit safe mode
ja danas kad mi se to pojavilo nisam kliknuo na restart nego na ok...i mob se restarta i više se ne može dignuti,samo stoji jabuka cijeli dan...pritisnem tipku power i home i držim ih zajedno i jabuka nestane ,pustim tipke i pojavi se jabuka i opeta isto...samo stoji...
onda sam ga spojio na itunes i sve je odradio kako treba...nisam radio na tvorničke postavke...ali sam ostao bez pola slika,bez pola sms-a i bez ijedne igre i aplikacije sam ostao,a još najgore mi je napravio update na IOS 6 a ja to nebih jer bih ga ponovno sada ako netko mi može reći postupak da vratim na IOS 5 a da ne izgubim slike i kontakte ako je moguće...
exit safe mode
am today when it occurred to me I clicked on the restart but ok ... and the mob reboots and can no longer boot up, the apple just sits all day ... I press the power button and the home and keep them together and apples disappear, let button and the display of apples and the same again ... just standing ... then I connect it to itunes and everything is done properly ... I worked at the factory settings ... but I've lost half the picture, with half a sms and without any games and apps I stayed, and worst still we made update to iOS 6 and I would not do it again because I would like to make a jailbreak
now .. so if anyone can tell me the procedure to get back to iOS 5 without losing my pictures and contacts if possible ... greeting
i've tried many times but none succeeded.... ipad 3 4G 5.1.1 stuck on boot logo and can go to recovery mode or DFU but it always says "RE restore failed!" and something about maybe i guessed the wrong ipsw.
im trying to re restore 5.1.1 to 5.1.1 and have the shsh blobs.
any help?
Hey i have a IPhone 3Gs with ios 4.1 jailbroken with cydia. Now i want to update to ios 5.x or 6.x.. Can i do it according to above process???
One more thing my iphone is from UK and m using it in India. My Modem Firmware is 06.15.00
Im not a Iphone techie but still want to upgrade it by any means without losing or creshing my Iphone...
Hello i have problem with rerestoring Ip4s that is JB and shsh blobs are saved on my computer and in cydia, when i bout my phone it has 5.1.1 that i Jb. Now when i want to rerestore i get this error. i tried to do re3restor on 3 comp all with win 7 x64, and 2 cables but same result every time. Is there hope or i have to wait jb for io6?
I am also having this exact problem, I even tried to use the same method on Mac bu no luck I am sure that my iPhone 4s is not on the OTA iOS 5.1.1. But I am still having this stupid error please help!
"You may be asked to acknowledge that this procedure will update your Baseband. Click Yes to continue or No to stop. "
i have an iphone 4s 5.1.1 2.0.10 baseband. if i re restore using this guide. do my baseband upgrade to the latest baseband like baseband of ios 6? or no change to the baseband just simple n clean restore???
yes it will upgrade your baseband to the latest one which right now is the one that comes with iOS 6 so if you are using ultrasn0w be careful, there are other options like paying for factory unlock your phone for a fee, and then you'll never have to worry about unlocking ever again.
I had successful restore my 4s to 5.1.1. But it ran into a problem that it won't able to download any apps from the installous.
Does any one had a same problem.
usually you have to first install a free App from the App store before you can use instalius, also you might get that problem if you added more then source before installing installious like insanelyi source likes to take over things so what I usually do is the first thing after jailbreaking I add source then I install installous 5 then I install hackulous security then I get out of Cydia and use installous also I think that it's that's takes over installous, if u open installous and touch home then FAQ create an account you'll read about other sources stilling from
I try to restore my jailbroken iphone 3GS with iOS 5.0.1 to stock iOS via iTunes, but every times i tried it was an error 3194, I'm so frustated.
And then i find this tutorial and I try, but when my iPhone was in DFU mode and the Redsn0w finished loading the system image, there is show a notification with header "Can't restore" and with body of notice "Found iPhone is DFU mode instead Recovery mode". I don't understand what is mean.
Please help me, I can't restore my iPhone to stock iOS.
I had a similar issue..look at how it was fixed on this blog site