These are instructions on how to restore your iPhone unlock ticket obtained using the SAM unlock method.
If you've unlocked with SAM but haven't backed up your unlock ticket, you should do so immediately by following this tutorial. To follow these instructions you will need to have the unlock ticket and iFile installed. You can get iFile from Cydia.
Step One Insert your previously unlocked SIM card and make sure SAM is disabled in SAMPrefs.
Step Two Email yourself the zip archive created when you backed up your unlock ticket. Open the email on your iPhone and tap to open the attachment. When prompted to select an application to open the attachment with choose iFile.
Step Three When iFile opens it will ask you to choose between Zip Viewer and Unarchiver. Choose Unarchiver and tap the Done button when it's completed extracting.
Step Four Tap the Edit button at the top right of the screen and select the Lockdown folder that was just extracted.
Step Five Press the Clipboard button at the bottom right and choose Copy/Link from the popup menu. Then press the Done button at the top right of the screen.
Step Six Use the back button at the top left of the screen to navigate to the /var/root/Library folder. Press the Edit button at the top right of the screen and select the Lockdown folder.
Step Seven Tap the Trash icon at the bottom of the screen and choose Move File to Trash from the menu that appears.
Step Eight Tap the Clipboard icon at the bottom right of the screen and choose Paste from the menu that appears.
Step Nine Press the Done button at the top right of the screen then reboot your device.
Step Ten Once your iPhone has been restarted it will pick up the network for the unlocked SIM card.
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I need help with the following:
iphone 4 (hacktivated): backed up, restored to a hacktivated Sn0wbreeze 5.0.1 , injected backed up tickets using SAMprefs, using your method, then revert lockdownd to stock. everything works perfect (push and everyth) except HUGE BATTERY DRAIN (10 hours battery maxxx) and HEAT on the upper right corner.
I m 100% sure it has something to do with certs, just don't know how to fix it.
thanks for the help
Hi, I think I've solved the problem. I just recently updated and untethered iOS 5.1.1 today. I had the same problem as you cause my carrier didn't show after i restored the unlock ticket using this method. But since you restored the ticket with this method, try this. If you have SAM installed on your iPhone, keep it disabled. Go to utilities and tap 'Revert Lockdownd to Stock'. Your carrier should be appear after. Mines did, so maybe your can too.
Hi! I unlocked via SAM it worked and backed up my unlock ticket. Then I had to restore iOS and when restore my SAM ticket as in this guide get "no service". If I turn airplane mode on and off I get a "SIM Failure" message and "Invalid SIM" on the top. Anyone know how to fix this?? Thanks!
hi i have a iphone for and i updated to baseband 4.12.01 and its now locked im also updated to firmware 5.1.1 can some1 help me please? is their an unlock for me?
actually i didn't update or not do any thing... I unlocked it with sam method on 23rd april, it work well, i also backup activation ticket with Redsnow. but on monday morning when i wake-up i saw No service on my status bar... after that i respring it more time, remove the sim, tried to restore the ticket but didn't success, so I restart the phone and that's end for me... after that my iphone didn't unlock...
when i get up today in morning i saw my iphone 4 was locked again... I had unlock using sam but now the phone was not unlock again by using sam... how can use the unlock Ticket to unlock it again.... pls help me out...
Chirag Shah
i have iphone 4 with ios 5.1 and 4.12.01 baseband. ia have successfully unlocked my iphone using sam and i already saved the ticket, my question is since the jailbreak of my iphone is tethered, will i lose the unlocked when i reboot my iphone?
i was wondering the same thing, since a friend asked me for my ticket to use it with his 3gs, same carrier, i thought it was imposible but now i think it may work
What I understood is that the unlock ticket has the information of the SIM used for the unlock. Im wondering if i move both the unlock ticket and the SIM to a different iphone, will it work.
My iPhone 4 was working perfectly after doing the unlocking process and when I saved my ticket and follow this instructions now I have "NO SERVICE" anyone knows how to fix this. now I'm without service....PLEASE HELP!!!
I had the same 'No Service' before this article was posted. Try several times, though it did work well immediately for me on my first attempt.
Read the instructions carefully and copy paste the link correctly into the file location in iFile.
Once you have followed through from Step One - Step Nine correctly, and restart/reboot your iPhone once again - you will receive the unofficial carrier's SIM card signal.
*If you hadn't the 'working' unlock ticket, this restoration wouldn't work*
If it still doesn't work, try fiddling with your SAM - enabling it after you had done the above restoration; you may get lucky!
It works superbly well and easy! Thank you so much!!
A question - for this saved ticket for the ONLY SIM - if i change the carrier from the current one to another but keeping the SIM number the same - will it affect my successful unlock earlier?
thanks! btw - facing problems with facetime, imessage or any push notifications. Tried the "Clear Push Utility" in SAM and connected it to itunes. no luck..any advice or help for this?
Do I need to unlock with SAM before I can save my unlock ticket? I downloaded the latest redsn0w and I think I saved my unlock ticket, I definately saved something, however I could be wrong as I didn't use SAM to unlock.
I have iPhone 4 on 4.3.3 and saved the ticket. When I update to a higher iOS version, can I still use the ticket?
I thought yes, because it is independent from iOS and baseband version. Can someone confirm?
I can confirm as I have iPhone 4 on 4.3.3 baseband 4.10.01, SAM'd it Apr 23 and saved ticket. redsn0w'd to 5.1 tethered without touching the baseband. Works 100% with saved ticket on May 15, many days after Apple closed it down.